New Groovin Rhythms Merch Now Available

Get your New Groovin Rhythms merchandise here!
Click here to order your NGR New Groovin Rhythms Tee Shirt today!

Also be sure to order your New Groovin Rhythms coffee mugs!

You may know me as Jessica or maybe as Nurse Filomena. I’ve played several different characters on television, and I’ve also been in a movie and a few music videos. How ever you know me I want to welcome you to and thank you for showing your support by joining me on the website!
* Guaranteed Radio Airplay
As you can see I have both of these items and they are very nice quality.
Now need some New Groovin Rhythms sweater and hoodies for the winter time.
I will need to add some more info for those soon. Maybe I’ll have time to work on it later today otherwise I will get to it this week. I will be around! I need to get some NGR winter gear for myself!
Yes hoodies would be awesome as would hats i love a good hat