NGR Season 30 Episode 2: Afternoon Delight! New Music to Brighten Your Day
- The Usual Mistakes – Pieces
- Broken Neon – Pissin My Life Away @maxbenson
- Bacalao – El Contesto
- Convulsic – Love Space
- Kevin Lee & The Kings – Wind it Up
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New Music:
Banner Johnson – The Road is Callin’
Ray McGinnis – Gas Giants
Avi – Tears In the Moonlight
The Prowlers – Hearts on Fire
Aparajit – Realise You Are An Angel
Artur Bayramgalin – You Make Me Fly
Unservant – Emily
Kyle Young – Tremors @thekyleyoung
NAD – Sweet Loving
Brian Starling- It’s Got to be About Love
Ric Tangherlini – Wanting You
Fan Shout Out:
Joe76 @joe76
NGR Grooveline Pajama Party @mastalock
Pennan Brae – Wont You Spend the Night With Me
Sono Vero – End of Forever
Krestwood – Falling in the Worst Way
Sinister Fate – Frankenstien Valentine
New Nobility – Galactic Love
Mike Michalak Band – Coffee
Hey guys, how's it going? Happy Monday and I know the title says afternoon delight. We will be going into the afternoon here. It is morning now though, and it's been a while since I've done a morning show. I am not usually a morning person, but I just. Had to share some new music with you. I will have that coming up in just a little bit, but first I'm going to kick off the show with NGR trending the top five most popular songs of the week as decided by you over on all you got to do to. Musicians make it onto the top of the show is head on over to the website, find their song page, comment on them and share them with your friends on social media. Those song pages with the most views at the end of the week make it onto the top of the show. #1 today is by the usual mistakes. This is the song. Pieces.
Number two on the NGR trending list is broken neon with their song pissin my life away.
That was bacalao with El Contesto and Umm, let's see, before that was of course this in my life away by broken neon and umm. I have another one coming up for you on the way on the NGR trending list, I'd like to give a shout out to Big D 2021. He's a member of the website and he's listening along. So, shout out and lots of love to you. Happy Valentine's Day and I'm going to be playing. Umm, more love songs. I had played a whole lot of them the last couple of episodes. I have a few more left for you that I haven't gotten a chance to play yet, but I will do that up next on NGR trending. I'm going to go ahead and do the next one. This is love space by convulsic.
All right, #5 is Kevin Lee and the kings. This is the song wind it up.
Whether you're in a relationship or looking to fall in love, don't you wish there was a manual to help you figure it all out, Doctor Love has created a collection of 12 e-books that will help you navigate everything romance, from first dates to marriage. Visit Valentine's to get the whole collect. And 99 you don't have to do this alone. Go to Valentine's and make this. It's something that will last forever. Don't miss out. Go to Valentine's love com now. Alright. Hey guys, do me a favor, go check out Valentine is I hope you're having a great day, and I hope you are ready for a wonderful Valentine's Day. Umm. I appreciate Valentine is for being a part of the. So very much for being here with us. And uh, yeah, go check it out. Valentine is A lot of new music up next coming for you. I'm going to do one that is a brand-new first-time musician here on the show as well as a brand-new song. This is Banner Johnson with the song the road is Callin.
And that was new music by the prowlers. The song is called Hearts on fire. Before that, you heard tears in the moonlight by Avi. And then there was Ray McGinnis with his song gas giants. Next, I've got another song for you, and I've got love songs on the way, whether good or bad. But here we go. This is Aparajit with realize you are an Angel.
That was Unservant with the song Emily. And before that you heard Artur Bayramgalin with the song you make me fly up next, I'm going to go ahead and do some Kyle Young for you. This is his song Tremors.
Was Ric Tangherlini with the song wanting you? He was a member of our old social networking website. I was just thinking I should go look him up and invite him to the new one. He was super cool. And then before that was Brian Starling with it to be about love and NAD with the song. Sweet loving. Up next, I've got the fan shout out. They've shout out and lots and lots of love to Kevin and Chong Joe 76 Rod and NGR Grooveline pajama party. You guys are the absolute best. Thank you so much for being a part of naked girls radio with me. If you'd like to join in on the fan fun, head on over to our page. At only fans, that. Less naked girls radio up next. I'm going to go ahead and do some pen and Bray for you. This is his song. Won't you spend the night with me?
That was sinister fate with Frankenstein Valentine. Before that you heard falling in the worst way by Crestwood and end of forever by Sono Vero. I've got a few minutes left in the show today. Thank you so much for tuning in and listening to Naked Girls Radio. Once again, you can help out your favorite musicians. Make it onto the top of the show for next time by heading on over to NPR finding them. And commenting on them, sharing them with your friends on social media. You'll help them out that way. And those song pages with the most views at the end of the week make it on to the top of the show. I will be back with another show tomorrow. This show will be available shortly on Anywhere Podcast can we listen to. Make sure to subscribe from your favorite podcast provider so that you know when our next shows get uploaded. All right, if you want to know ahead of time when shows are going to be coming, go over to blog, talk radio and look for Naked Girls Radio and new grooving rhythms and subscribe. Over there, follow the channel and uh, you will get e-mail notifications every time a new show is scheduled. All right guys, I'm going to go ahead and play a couple more songs and I hope you have a fabulous day. This is new nobility with their song galactic love.
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Main Central Deposit Bank with 1150519 gems
Jessica Edwards with 564558 gems
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MASTALOCK with 9603 gems
Lita Von Doom with 6529 gems
Joe76 with 2472 gems
Tc with 1311 gems
mistressraynes with 1275 gems
Taylor Mountain Official with 828 gems
Corey Crowley with 721 gems
BigD2021 with 708 gems
thekyleyoung with 503 gems
Mike Preston with 423 gems
Angel Chrysalis with 398 gems
EK with 317 gems
CynthiaTexasPromoter with 253 gems
You may know me as Jessica or maybe as Nurse Filomena. I’ve played several different characters on television, and I’ve also been in a movie and a few music videos. How ever you know me I want to welcome you to and thank you for showing your support by joining me on the website!
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I just got finished adding a full transcript for this episode. It’s done automatically so it isn’t perfect but it’s a good start. I would like to be able to do this for all of the radio shows because it will really help bring more people to the website. Text is such an important part of being indexed in the search engines. If you don’t have text on your website, it is very hard for people to find it usually.