NGR Season 31 Episode 6: Hey Everybody, How Are You Tonight?


  1. The Hong Kong Dollars – Loser
  2. The Fearse Kreatures – Black Metal Rose
  3. Brian Starling – It’s Got to Be About Love
  4. Voice Eclectics – Poem Affirmation (Dubstep Remix)
  5. Temperance Lancecouncil – My Restraining Order (Won’t Do)

Roy Gray (AKA RGcool52) – I Can tell the Party’s Over
Audio Space Unit – Down
Here Lies Eternal – Dark Side of Me

Mike Michalak Band – Sometime
Algren – End of the World
Overman – Move On

BigD2021 @bigd2021
MASTALOCK @mastalock
Corey Crowley @vampman87
Joe76 @joe76
NGR Grooveline Pajama Party

Akoben ft Speckinging & Gulsah Brett – Be Happy
Kyle Young – I Love the Way @thekyleyoung
904 Dad Life – Let’s Quit Talking

The Baron – Put it In Motion
Pleashhyyy – Wanna Chill @pleashhyyy
Will B prod by Zone Beats – All Night

M-Ritz – Diamonds Are Forever
Vee Boi Baby – Really On
J Juice – Lingo @jjuice

Bacalao – El Contesto
Momot Music – It’s A Trap

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How's it going tonight? Happy hump day. It's Wednesday. How's it going? It's good over here. It's been a long, busy day in the long busy week. Plenty more of that to come. But I do have some great music for you on the way this evening, so I hope you're excited. I sure am. I've got some songs that we haven't heard in the. A little bit that hit the NGR trending list tonight, so that's super awesome. Up first this evening is the song by the Hong Kong Dollars. This is Loser at #1. Up next at #2 this evening on the NGR trending list. This is the Fierce creatures with their songs Black Metal Rose. That was #3 tonight on the NPR trending list. Brian Starling with the song is Got To Be About Love. And up next at #4 we have voice Eclectic. This is their song, Long Affirmation in dubstep remix. Welcome back one more song So in the NGR pressing let's you can help your favorite bands make it onto the top of the show by heading on over to the website, checking out their son pages, commenting on them, and sharing them with your friends on social media. So some pages with the most used at the end of the week make it onto the top of the show #5 Tonight is Temperance Lance Council. This is the song My Restraining Order Won't Do. Alright guys, it messed up for the NGR trending list about tonight. I hope you enjoyed that. Up next, I got a new phone for you. Buy a new musician here on the air with us this week. This is Roy Gray, also known as Archie Cool 52, which is his song I can tell the parties over. The dark side of me and I am putting together tonight's playlist and along the way I'm thinking, you know, I'm looking at a lot of these. Damn, there's quite a few of them that I happen to put on the list tonight are. From Chicago, which is where ***** ***** Radio is based out of the Chicago land area. And I was just wondering to myself if I were to go through and I don't, I don't think I have all of them here on on the list or you know, on the playlist tonight or you know in the studio some stuff. But I I probably I could dig up a few bucks but I was just curious like if I were to go through and Nick is so out of touch the Chicago area bands just to do like a special episode. I was wondering how long of the show I could get out of that. That's the first time I've really thought about that just happened to be because I was checking. These these songs that I've been on there, it's donned on me that they're all local. Umm, not all of them. They're only like a few tonight so far. That's the first one, I think. Through no you know what I think uh number two on in here training the fierce creatures I believe they were based out of. As well, because they were doing a film along with that that was part of the soundtrack, but they were, I believe, out of Chicago as well. I haven't spoken to them in a while, but. And then your life internal out of Chicago. Is there a couple of these bands I have friends in? Let's see. And then up next I'm going to do. The next few songs are actually Chicago area bands as well. This is one of them and I'm going to go ahead and get this one going for you. This is the month Nicolette Van with the song sometimes. That was Overman with the song Move on Kindle Fire that you heard End of the World by Algren. Alright guys, time for the fans. Out out. Big town out and left. Lots of love to you. 768-6914 BigD2021 and Kevin Song, Best of Luck, Cory Crowley, No 76, NGR, Grooveline Pajama Party and Colton Merrill. Thank you guys so very much. You are the best. I appreciate you being a part of making girls radio with me and I'm so glad to have you. I will keep the. Fun stuff coming over on the fan page, so stay tuned for that. I'm going to keep the music going along. Up next, I'm gonna go ahead and do some actual Ben featuring Specking and Bolsa Brett. This is the song Be Happy. It was 904 deadlines with Let's quit Talking And before that was Kyle Young with his son. I must away up next I'm going to do some music for you by the Baron. This is the Sun. Put it in. Motion. There was will be introduced by itself with the son all night and before they even heard Wanna Chill by slushy. All right guys, I've got about 15 minutes left in tonight so and I'd like to thank you for tuning in and listening to Naked Girls Radio. You can find this show in just a little bit. Where podcast can be listened to you. Make sure to subscribe so you know when new shows come out. And we'll be doing another live radio show tomorrow evening as well, so stay tuned for that. But thanks again. I hope you have a wonderful rest of your night. I've got a few more songs for you. Up next, I'm going to do some music by Ameritz and this song is called Diamonds Are Forever.

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