NGR Season 31 Episode 7: Party Music Tonight. Let’s Have Some Fun!!

Arvin Niknia – Borracho
DJ Spooky – Arctic Rhythms Dubstep Mix
Elvis Kong – Step It

White Light – Bassbears Mix
Hardcoaler ft Julie Hall of Norway – Dream On
BlackLight – Come Party With Me (Cowboy Mix)

DJ Shadowmind – Golden Hit Vibes
Mr Vatslav – Limitless
Kingstux – Tetris Trance

Bacalao – El Contesto
Gagulam – Swan Lake Remix
King Felix – Touching Basses

Edmmer – Little Sprinter
Dubnotic – It Was Meant to Be
Roy Gray (AKA RGcool52) – I Can tell the Party’s Over

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Hello. There it is Thursday night and I thought I'd come see what show for you this evening. I'm gonna play some party music. We're doing an hour-long show tonight and I've been kind of in the mood to do some different shows with different types of music, so that's what we're gonna do. Dance and party music tonight and uh. See how it goes. So I hope you're having a good evening. It's been a very long day over here. I have been on the move, working, and running around since 7:00 AM this morning. So far, none stop. But I'm keeping it going. So yeah, hang out with me and have a good time. I'm gonna start off the show with some music by Arvin, Nick Diaz, Song Borracho. Yeah, like. Hey guys, welcome back. Umm, going out there, there was lag. Lag with Come Party with Me Coldplay mix. That's the artwork on tonight's show. Before that, you heard Dream On by a Hard Coaler, Three Strings. Julie Hall of Norway White Light. Elvis song was the song Stupid and DJ Spooky with Arctic rhythm Dubstep. Mix a text. I'm gonna go ahead and do some music for you by DJ Shadow Mine. This is Golden hit by. Can you feel like what's on touching bases? Before that you heard one like dreaming. Aguila. Buy Bacalao and Tetris Trans Viking stuff. And some new type this club with the Limitless. I got just a few minutes left in the life, so this evening thank you guys for tuning in. Thank you, girls Radio tonight. I hope you have a wonderful night and a great rest of your weekend. Umm. I've got a lot going on this weekend and unless anything changes, I probably won't be back to do a show for a few days. Umm, but. Random stuff here and there, so. I'll see you on the website and on the fan site as well. Let's see. I had it. I had a few more songs I want to play. I'm trying to decide which one to do next. Oh, let's see. Let's do something. Uh, Edu. I haven't heard that in a while. OK. The song Little Sprinter.

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