NGR Season 32 Episode 1: Memorial Day Weekend – Remembering Ones We Have Lost

EnjoyDjDay – This Whurled
¥GhoStBoi¥ – GoOd mOrNiNg
BlackLight – Welcome to the Party
Brian Scott Elmer – Timeless
Frontline – Follow
Audio Space Unit – Down
The Goodieboyz – Hold it Down
Menace 2 Sobrieity – Chemical Imbalance
Raging Bull – It’s Not Always Black and White
So O Pro Poppinsnaps – Readybreak
J Juice – Lingo @jjuice
The Baron – Put it in Motion
The Grit, Growth & Gratitude Podcast
Corey Crowley @vampman87
Bigd2021 @bigd2021
Joe76 @joe76
NGR Grooveline Pajama Party
Jerry Impini – American Billionaire Loner
Craig Pro – So Nice
Ditchwater – This Pain
MC Tempo – No Condemnation
Fallen1 – Fly Again
Mack George – The Pine
Lita Von Doom @litavondoom
Mastalock @mastalock
BigD20201 @bigd2021
Yami @baylara
Mistress Rayness @mistressraynes
M-Ritz – Diamonds Are Forever
Lyon Brave – Schizo
DON YC – Let’s Dance
Temperace Lancecouncil – My Restraining Order Won’t Do
Akoben ft Speckinging & Gulsah Brett – Be Happy
Sono Vero – End of Forever
Hi there guys, Happy holiday weekend is Memorial Day weekend here in the USA and I'm gonna be playing lots of new music for you to enjoy your weekend, so I hope you are ready for it. And uh, I hope you're gonna have an amazing weekend. It is beautiful weather here right now today, and hopefully it will be for the next couple of days. I haven't really looked into the forecast. I'm going to be doing some traveling. Umm, and I know lots of other people too. Well so wherever you end up going, whether you stay home or are out and about, be safe and enjoy. Alright guys, I've got some brand new first time music to kick off the show tonight. This is a brand new first time musician and. Uh, they are called Enjoy the Day Day. This song is called This World. That was a black light with the sun. Welcome to the party. And before that you heard Good Morning by Ghost Boy. Up next I've got another brand new first time musician first time. So I'm here on the air with us. This is Brian Scott Elmer with the song Timeless. That was Audio Space Unit, which the song Down and before that you Heard, followed by Frontline. I've got another brand new first time you visit. First time Trump here for you. This is the goodie boys with Pull it down. Sorry, lost my microphone there for a second. Welcome back guys. One second. Alright, we're good to go. That was Raging Bull with the song. It's not always black and white, as before that you heard something to sobriety. Chemical imbalance. So guess what? I have another new song. Brand new. First time you listen here on the air, so let's check it out. This is so old pro topic. Step with ready brake drums. Love ibex 3. The song you just heard was by the Baron that was put it in motion, and before that was Lingo by J. And guess what? It's time for the fan. Shout out. Big shout out. And lots and lots of love too. Corey Crowley, Casey One Big D 2021, Kevin Chung Show 76, and NGR Grooveline Pajama Party. You guys are awesome. Thank you so very much for being a part of Naked Girl Radio and showing your love. Time again. I appreciate you more than you could ever know. And I do it all for you. So thank you, thank you, thank you. Alright guys, I've got more new music for you. This episode is just so full of new song. And I hope you're enjoying it so far. Up next, I've got one by Gary MTV, this is American Billionaire *****. That was 15 by dishwater. And before that you heard Craig Grow with the song. So nice. Up next, I've got more new music for you. This is MC Tempo with the song. No condemnation. That was Neck, George, with the song The Pine. And before that, you heard. Uh, let's see. Fallen one with fly again. And I'd like to give a shout out to the recent website members. Hey, what's up guys? I see you out there. Thank you so much for visiting the website. You've got Lita Von Doom, Mastalock, BigD2021, Yami and this just ran us. Hello there and thank you. You're visiting and come back and post cool stuff and hang out with us. Comments on your favorite fun pages help out your favorite musician said. Look your favorite bands and get those favorite songs on to the top of the show. Up next, I'm going to go ahead and do some music by Amrit. So this is Diamonds are forever. Plus, the Becca is We've got a few minutes left in this evening show. Thank you for hanging out and listening, and this will be available anywhere podcast can be listened to. Make sure to subscribe or follow Making Girls Radio and New Groove and Rhythm so that you can be updated. New shows are ready for you to listen to. You Alright, up next I'm gonna go ahead and. You have to buy temperance plans, Council. This is the song my Restraining order won't do.
Thank you to the website members that contributed to this episode!
Website Member Ranks:
- # 1Main Central Deposit Bank1149592 Gems
- # 2Jessica Edwards553101 Gems
- # 3Lita Von Doom18669 Gems
- # 4MASTALOCK9751 Gems
- # 5Joe762477 Gems
- # 6Tc1362 Gems
- # 7mistressraynes1275 Gems
- # 8Taylor Mountain Official828 Gems
- # 9BigD2021723 Gems
- # 10Corey Crowley721 Gems
- # 11thekyleyoung503 Gems
- # 12Mike Preston423 Gems
- # 13Angel Chrysalis398 Gems
- # 14EK317 Gems
- # 15CynthiaTexasPromoter253 Gems
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- # 24J.Juice87 Gems
- # 25.66 Gems
Main Central Deposit Bank with 1149592 gems
Jessica Edwards with 553101 gems
Assistant Director
Lita Von Doom with 18669 gems
MASTALOCK with 9751 gems
Joe76 with 2477 gems
Tc with 1362 gems
mistressraynes with 1275 gems
Taylor Mountain Official with 828 gems
BigD2021 with 723 gems
Corey Crowley with 721 gems
thekyleyoung with 503 gems
Mike Preston with 423 gems
Angel Chrysalis with 398 gems
EK with 317 gems
CynthiaTexasPromoter with 253 gems

You may know me as Jessica or maybe as Nurse Filomena. I’ve played several different characters on television, and I’ve also been in a movie and a few music videos. How ever you know me I want to welcome you to and thank you for showing your support by joining me on the website!
* Guaranteed Radio Airplay
The music on this show is so good! I hope you guys love it!! Please comment and let me know what you think!
Great music! I have an ancestral altar set up for the 3 family members of mine that fought in WW2. Remembering Charles H. Boose, Harold Valkowski, and Stephen Ferenczi <3
That is very cool!
I’ve listened to this radio show quite a few times over the holiday weekend.
Up to 51 shares and 51 views for this radio show. Thank you to everyone that shares NGR with their friends!