NGR Season 32 Episode 13: Friday Night Fun Times and Hot New Songs!
- Vintage Black – Lucifers Yoga
- Voice Eclectics – Poem Affirmation (Dubstep Remix)
- Temperance Lancecouncil – My Restraing Order (Won’t Do)
- Substance B – About Making Music in a Hostile Area
- Kevin Lee & The Kings – Wind it Up
True Crime Story Magazine
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Kulhed & mataMAXa feat. Aida Rojas – No Hay Dolor
Alexis Solano ft Chad Addison & Kyle Young – Mamacita @thekyleyoung
Arvin Niknia – Borracho
Kathrine Jackie (KJ) – Ride Em Out
Common Celestials – Busy
Zoody – One More Shot
Pazzo – In the Clouds
Apricity – The Fear
Krestwood – Falling in the Worst Way
Mastalock @mastalock
BigD2021 @bigd2021
Lita Von Doom @litavondoom
Joe76 @joe76
Hey guys, thank you for tuning in and listening. Welcome, welcome. I've got a great show for you, lots of new music. And I'm gonna kick off the show with the NGR trending the top five most popular songs of the week as decided by you over on Started The first song for the evening is Vintage Black. This is the song Lucifer's Yoga. #2 on this week's show is Voice Eclectics. This is their song poem Affirmation Dubstep Remix. That was Temperance Lands Council with the song My Restraining Order Won't Do at #3, Up at #4. Next, I've got substance B with the song about making music in a hostile area. I've got one more to go this evening. In the trending list, #5 is Kevin Lee and the Kings. This is their song Wind It Up. OK, guys, that wraps it up for NGR Trending, the top five most popular songs of the week as decided by you over on if you would. Ever been to make it onto the top of the show? Head on over to the website, find their song page, comment on them, and share them with your friends on social media. Those sub-pages with the most views make it onto the top of the show. Alright, I'd like to invite you to and visit our new sponsor, True Crime Story Charter program going to help launch their business and if you're a fan of true crime, please go help them out. You can find the link to their Kickstarter program, their website, and their Facebook in the description of the radio show, so please do visit them. Send them a few dollars for their campaign if you can. And make their dreams a reality of getting their business up and running and off the ground. They've got all kinds of things they're doing just beside, besides the true crime, they're helping people that are victims of domestic violence. So go check that out, it's really good cause and I will play a little clip about them to give you a little bit more information. I've got some new music coming up for you next. All right, here we go. As promised, here's some new music for you. This is Katherine, Jackie and the song is called Ride Them Out. It's the artwork for the show. I hope you enjoy. Welcome back, guys. That was Zoody with the song One more shot and before that, you heard Busy by Common Celestials. Up next I've got some brand new first-time music, first-time songs, and first-time musicians here for you. And bear with me, I hope I pronounce it right, but this is called and Meta Mexa. Featuring Ada Rojas with No Hay Dolor.
Thank you to all of the NGR website members that contributed to this radio show!
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You may know me as Jessica or maybe as Nurse Filomena. I’ve played several different characters on television, and I’ve also been in a movie and a few music videos. How ever you know me I want to welcome you to and thank you for showing your support by joining me on the website!
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