NGR Season 33 Episode 1: New Music by Bleu Collardz – Please Believe


  1. Nonpoint – Miracle
  2. Leirbag – Cauchemar Américain
  3. Voice Eclectics – Poem Affirmation Dubstep Remix
  4. Audio Space Unit & The Prez – Devil’s Daughter
  5. Kevin Lee & The Kings – Wind it Up

Bleu Collardz – Please Believe
Kyle Young – Ears Test @thekyleyoung
Artur Bayramgalin – You Make Me Fly

Joe76 @joe76
Kenny Galindo
NGR Grooveline Pajama Party
Corey Crowley @vampman87

Nirmel Mouchiquel Marcillac – Delirium Tremens
BLAKwulf – Wet Nightmares
Pazzo – In the Clouds

BigD2021 @bigd2021
Mastalock @mastalock
Lita Von Doom @litavondoom
Taylor Mountain Official @taylormountainofficial

House Made of Dawn ft Ron Fitzgerald – Monster Mash

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Hey guys, how you doing? I was waiting to see if the stream was gonna work. I was having some trouble last time and I did get a message that it was fixed and it looks like it's fixed. So I'm really excited about that and I've got lots of music for you. I am working on getting one song uploaded here for you really quick. And uh. Let's see here. And then we'll get going. Umm, I hope you're doing well. It's been a little bit since I've done an episode and I'm really excited to be back. Let me see here. Sorry for the. Delay. I am glad. I was just kind of testing things out to see if it was working and it seems to be working. So yeah, I've been doing all kinds of fun stuff lately, doing lots of music video shoots and TV shoots and things like that. I just did a shoot with the band puzzle or a a music video for them. That was fun. We went out in the woods. I got all dressed up and went out in the woods and I did not expect it to be like in such a remote location. We had a lot of. Like climbing around and stuff that we had to do. Umm. Over and under fallen trees and we got lots of thorns and like sticker bushes and stuff. So. That was a fun time. Um. And then we did. The next week was his last. This last past week we did a a. Saw our. We didn't shoot for Ron Fitzgerald Show. And his show I haven't. I haven't. Checked out what he's doing in a little while. I know he's just had a live stream with one of the girls that we had there with us. We did a scene in a hot tub and it was like the hottest day of the year here in the Chicago land area. And so of course, we had to be in a hot tub. And we were doing like a drink recipe segment, so we tried some drinks. Umm, I'll, I'll tell you guys more about it, but we did. It was absent, was like the main ingredient which I was not expecting. I did not know. I did leave a little bit buzz I have to say, but. Man, my my song is giving me a hard time uploading like, every. Maybe it's because I'm actually on the radio. I. I don't know. Everything else is uploaded really quickly, so maybe the internet's having a little hiccup right now. But anyway, I got to hang out with Ron Fitzgerald and a couple of beautiful ladies that were there. And um. I also saw some of the crew from the Monster Mash. Students that we had done before and so it was good to see everyone again that I have seen, that I have met before. Yeah, my Internet is giving me a hard time. It had said it just disconnected. So I'm going to keep talking with you for just a minute while I make sure things are running correctly, because if I try and play some music right now, it's just gonna kind of goose things up. Umm. So I'm looking forward to seeing both of those, seeing both of those. Soon. I did talk to Ron Fitzgerald about him wanting to be on the air and do some stuff for Monster Mash, and so I'd like to play that in the show. And so that's that's part of my plan. I did tell him I was having some issues with the broadcaster and so I was trying to get that ironed out. We'll see how that goes. Hopefully soon I should be holding the microphone closer to my face. Umm, hopefully soon we'll get that up and running, get everything. You know, once I make sure it's working and everything. I will go ahead and have him on the air and we'll do some monster mash fun things, maybe some of the ladies. One of the one of the girls that was there for the shoot the other day, she was actually like the main girl on the monster mash video, so if you seen that. You probably know who I'm talking about. Oh, that was Lady India and I got to talk to her. That was actually my first time meeting her. We shot at different locations on different days. So the monster mash video. And I I did get to meet her in person this time. She's super nice, super cool, and I do want to talk to her some more. Umm. And yeah, she actually does like acupuncture and stuff, which I've never tried but I've thought about doing before. And. I uh. I would, I I wouldn't mind trying it. I've thought about trying it before, but, you know, I was a little bit. Like I didn't. I don't know. I've never actually just tried to do it right. And so actually, like I said, my first time meeting her, I thought. He was 10 years younger than me, easily. And we're only like 3 years apart. And she does like acupuncture. She gets, she does. She's an acupuncturist. She doesn't. And she gets it on herself too. But she like, does like acupuncture and stuff on her face. And then also there's this thing called microneedling that I've been hearing about lately. And she does that also. And I mean, she looks phenomenal. And I'm like, whoa, you know? But I was looking. I went online and I looked about some of this stuff and it really, like, really does a lot for your skin. And the texture of your skin and the coloration of your skin and things like that because what like with the micro needling you're actually it's kinda I it reminds me of like a tattoo almost. So you get this this procedure done on your face and it what it does is basically it's like making your face need to repair it. I'll see your face regenerate collagen and things like that, that. It wouldn't normally just do on its own. Umm, you get older and your your skin doesn't. To produce the collagen like it used to. So that's like a good way apparently to to get it ramped up and do what it needs to do so. I told her I'd be talking to her more. I just look it up online and I'm a little nervous about it, just seeing like people. Umm, pictures of like right after the procedure it looks like it's probably. Kind of painful, I mean, but I was. I was thinking, it's really probably, I mean, I have tattoos. It's probably not much more painful than that. Umm, it just kind of looks scary. But man, does he look good. So I'll be talking to her. I'm trying to get this song up for you guys because I put it as #1. And then I realized I had not uploaded it. And actually you can find the music video on the site. The song I'm trying to upload right now is called Devil's Daughter and it's my audio Space unit and the press and I just uploaded their music video a few days ago. On the website so you can go check it out there. And if I can't get it pretty quick, I'll play a different song and then we'll get get on to that because that is supposed to be on the NDR trending list. Umm, as our other son. But I'm gonna keep messing with it, I think. And we'll get some music going for you. Because I could sit here and I'll talk your ear off forever. But I'm glad the stream seems to be working. So let me get a song from the NGR training going for you and then. We'll get that one here as soon as possible, but I'm gonna go ahead and kick off the trending list with 9 point. This is their song Miracle. Alright, still working on that upload of the new music for you. Speaking of new music, I do have a couple of brand new. Brand new first time musicians here for you on the show a little bit later, so hang in there for that and believe one of them is from France. Umm. And this next one on the NGR trending list is actually from France also and I'm not very good with French. I don't, I've never learned to speak French. So I'll do the best on the news for you guys. But here is the next one on NGR trending this evening. This is Lebec with customer. Kashmir America. There you go. That was voice collective with poem, affirmation, dubstep, remix. And up next on the end, you're trending. Here's that song I was trying to get on here for you. You can see the music video over on NPR You can find it. Right now this is Audio Space Unit and the Prez with Devil's Daughter. One more song to go in the NGR trending list today. If you'd like to help your favorite bands make it on to the top of the show. All you gotta do is head on over to their Sundays on NGR Without them and share them with your friends on social media. The songs with the most views at the end of the week make it onto the top of the show. Alright, here's the last one in the NGR trending list for today. This is Kevin Lee and the Kings with the song winded up. Alright guys, welcome back. I've got some first time brand new music from a brand new first time musician here on the air with us. So I hope you enjoy it. This one is from uh. The artwork in the show? Let me just pull it up here real quick. You can't type. All right, here we go. This is a blue collar with Please believe. That was our tour Bear of Galen with the song You Make Me Fly and before that you heard ears test by Kyle Young real quick. I wanna do the fan shout out. Big shout out and lots and lots of love too. Joe76 Penny Galindo NGR groven line an pajama party and Corey Crowley Thank you guys so very much. For being a part of Naked Girlsradio, I really, really appreciate you and you keep me hanging around. So glad to have you guys. All right, up next, I've got a brand new first time musician, brand new first time song on the air. I'll do my best to pronounce this. It's normal. Moochie Machiko. Marcia with delirium tremens. That was Paizo. In the cloud. And before that you heard What Nightmares by Black Wolf. I'd like to shout out the recent website Visitors. I see you guys out there Big D 2021, Best Select Leader Lita Von Doom and Taylor Mountain Official Thank you guys for hanging out on the website. Keeps those comments come in on those song. Pages, guys, you help determine who makes it on to the show. Alright, I've got one more song for you. I hope you enjoy it. We're gonna be having a guest appearance here with Ron Fitzgerald. This is House Made of Dawn featuring Ron Fitzgerald with the song Monster Mash.

Thank you so much to all of the NGR website members that helped make this show happen!

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Lita Von Doom
1 year ago

Great music this week! Digging the new stuff, Bleu Collardz has great flow. Kyle Young has a great voice and he can really spit! Pazzo sure do have mad talent. Taylor Mountain is my dude! I met him at a show I was performing at last year.

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