NGR Season 33 Episode 2: Last Days of Summer in September. Happy Sunday.
- M-Ritz – Diamonds Are Forever
- Moon & Aries – The Arrival
- Paper Posh – Paper Posh Call
- Voice Eclectics – Poem Affirmation Dubstep Remix
- Broken Robots – Burn it Down
Common Celestials – Busy
Kyle Young – Crazy x3 @thekyleyoung
Akoben ft Speckinging & Gulsah Brett – Be Happy
Ditchwater – This Pain
Elliot Leo – Sober
Zoody – One More Shot
Daftwerk ft Multivox – Foot Pimp
Kenny Galindo
NGR Grooveline Pajama Party
Corey Crowley @vampman87
BigD2021 @bigd2021
Joe76 @joe76
Nirmel Mouchiquel Marcillac – Delirium Tremens
Don YC – Let’s Dance
NAD – Sweet Lovin
Mastalock @mastalock
BigD2021 @bigd2021
Lita Von Doom @litavondoom
Tc @tc4321
Thank you so much to all of the NGR website members that contributed to this radio show!
Hey guys, how's it going? Welcome and happy Sunday night. I'm super excited to be here with you. This is my first radio show since I've moved to a new place, and I'm really excited because I think the Internet might actually be good over here now. Too soon to know. I did a livestream on NGR TV the other day and it seemed like it was working out pretty well. Um. And everyone else used to think that it's good in this neighborhood too, so fingers crossed. But I'm gonna get going and start off the show with the NGR trending the top five most popular songs of the week, as decided by you over on NPR Tonight is a song that I really like. Here we go. This is America with the song Diamonds Are Forever. All right, we've got #2 on the NGR trending list. Thank you guys for helping out your favorite bands, making it onto the show and visiting those song pages. And you can help your favorite bands by sharing those song pages with your friends and commenting on. And getting the word out, those five pages with the most views make it onto the top of the list and we start off the show each week with those. Alright, number two today is Moon and Aries. This is their son, the Arrival. Welcome back, guys. That was #3 on the NGR trending list Paper Posh with the song Paper Posh Call. Up next at #4 we got Voice eclectics. This is poem Affirmation Dubstep Remix. Alright, we've got one more time to go in the NGR trending list. Tonight. We're going to go ahead and do some broken robots at #5. This is the song. Burn it Down. Saying guys, alright, that wraps it up for the NDR Trending. Like I was saying guys, if you'd like to help your favorite band, make it onto the top of the show for the next time. All you gotta do is head on over to And there's some pages. Comment on them and share them with your friends on social media. The pages with the most views at the end of the week. On to the top of the show. Alright, I've got lots more music coming up for you. I do have some brand-new music for you. Of course. We'll do that in a little bit, but I'm next. I'm gonna go and do some. I'll go ahead and do some comments Celestials for you. This is their song. Busy. That was the band Dishwater. What's the song? This pain? And I have some exciting news about Dishwater for you guys, Alright, like recently I had told you. That a friend of mine that has been on the air with us. Um from various different bands. Jason Delis man is joined Dishwater recently to do some drawing for them and I'm super excited about that and. Then this was last week, another guy that I know John, he is and he's been in multiple bands as well. I've I've played some of his stuff on the air also, but he is back with ditch water and so I'm super excited. I've got lots of them. People that I know, and they're really great people, just water all already had awesome people. But. Like I'm super excited. So I'm looking forward to seeing what is coming up and new go check out some of their shows. I will let you guys know when those are coming up. Umm, let me see before that. You heard some music by. Echo Ben featuring Specking and golfer Brett with the song Be Happy. And before that was Kyle Young with Crazy Times. Three up next. I'm Gonna Go Ahead and Do one by Elliott Leo. This song is called Sober. That was Foot Pimp by Death Work featuring Multivox. And before that you heard Duty with the song One More Shot. Up Next I'd like to do the fans Out, Out. Big shout out. And lots and lots of love too. Kenny Galindo, NGR Group Line, Pajama Party, Corey Crowley, Big D 2021, Joe 76 and Hunt. Thank you guys so very much for being a part of Naked Girls Radio. I really appreciate you. I couldn't do it without you. Up next I'm going to have some new music for you, so let me get that pulled up real quick and we'll get that going. Uh, let me see. Oh, I'm typing in the wrong thing. Not the wrong words, but I'm typing in the wrong spot. Alright, here we go. This is normal. Uh. Chico. Marciac with delirium tremens. That was NAD with the phone. Please love it. And before that you heard Let's Dance by Don YC. I'd like to shout out the recent website members master Last week BigD2021 Lita Von Doom and TC. I see you guys out there thank you so much for hanging out on the website and. Spending some more time on there recently and check out if you haven't seen them yet, check out the new forum. Feel free to contribute to those as well, They're there for everybody and we could have a lot of fun in there, so. Oh, see what I've got. Also, if you are in the forum, look for the one that talked about listening to the radio. Through Breaker and the speaker players, they're giving us the little bonus cash for our ads right now on there. So it helps out the radio show and it helps out speaker when you listen through there. So they've done a lot for us and and our shows, so. I would like to return the favor. Check out that thread on the forums and listen through the speaker. You can also listen through speaker from the NGR home page. The media players got like all the all the radio shows listed. Check that out And so your love. Alright, so up next I've got a little bit more music for you. I'm gonna go ahead and. Go ahead. Umm. Sorry, I'm gonna go ahead and play this one by Banner Johnson. This is called The Road is Callin.
The Most Influential Members on NGR:
- # 1Main Central Deposit Bank1148994 Gems# 2Jessica Edwards566208 Gems# 3MASTALOCK9565 Gems# 4Lita Von Doom6457 Gems# 5Joe762472 Gems# 6Tc1306 Gems# 7mistressraynes1275 Gems# 8Taylor Mountain Official828 Gems# 9Corey Crowley721 Gems# 10BigD2021703 Gems# 11thekyleyoung503 Gems# 12Mike Preston423 Gems# 13Angel Chrysalis398 Gems# 14EK317 Gems# 15CynthiaTexasPromoter253 Gems# 16Time to Kill (TTK)208 Gems# 17Yami172 Gems# 18SiteMaintenance172 Gems# 19Pupacumchiko129 Gems# 20Dave124 Gems# 21ChxseBank117 Gems# 22TrippySixxx115 Gems# 23Twiggy113 Gems# 24J.Juice87 Gems# 25.66 Gems
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Jessica Edwards with 566208 gems
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MASTALOCK with 9565 gems
Lita Von Doom with 6457 gems
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Tc with 1306 gems
mistressraynes with 1275 gems
Taylor Mountain Official with 828 gems
Corey Crowley with 721 gems
BigD2021 with 703 gems
thekyleyoung with 503 gems
Mike Preston with 423 gems
Angel Chrysalis with 398 gems
EK with 317 gems
CynthiaTexasPromoter with 253 gems
You may know me as Jessica or maybe as Nurse Filomena. I’ve played several different characters on television, and I’ve also been in a movie and a few music videos. How ever you know me I want to welcome you to and thank you for showing your support by joining me on the website!
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