1. M-Ritz – Diamonds Are Forever
  2. Moon & Aries – The Arrival
  3. MetaXSeed Games Studio – Age of Dragons
  4. Paper Posh – Paper Posh Call
  5. Broken Robots – Burn it Down

Nirmel Mouchiquel Marcillac – Delirium Tremens
Hardcoaler ft Julie Hall of Norway – Dream On
Blacklight – Come Party With Me (Cowboy Mix)

NGR Grooveline Pajama Party
Corey Crowley @vampman87
BigD2021 @bigd2021
Joe76 @joe76
Kenny Galindo

Zoody – One More Shot
Lex Lavish ft Marc Angelo & Gumby Dionysus – Icky Icky
904 Dad Life – Let’s Quit Talking

BigD2021 @bigd2021
Mastalock @mastalock
Lita Von Doom @litavondoom
Tc @tc4321

ReyMod – Destiny
Mr.Vatslav – Limitless
DayDreamNightDream – Pop A Load

J Juice – Lingo @jjuice
Common Celestials – Busy

Thank you so much to all of the website members that contributed to this radio show!

Read Full Transcript

Hi guys, happy Monday night. I've got music for you. I hope you're having a good day. It's been an interesting day for me so far. Umm. Just a little off schedule wise I guess, but. I guess that's to be expected when I just moved into a new place. Getting things in order and organized and all that good stuff, but I hope you are doing well. I'm going to kick off tonight's show with NGR trending the top five most popular songs of the week as decided by you on This evening is M Ritz. This song is called Diamonds Are Forever. Number two on the NGR trending list tonight is Moon and Aries. This is their song The Arrival. That was Meta Exceed Game Studio with the song Age of Dragons at #3 and up next I've got #4 for you. This is Paper Posh with the song Paper Post Call. We've got one more song to go in the NGR trending list this evening. If you'd like to help your favorite bands make it onto the top of the show, all you gotta do is head on over to their song pages on NPR,,. And share them with your friends on social media. They'll song pages with the most views at the end of the week. Make it onto the top of the show. #5 this evening is by Broken Robots. This is their song. Burn it down. Thank you so much for hanging out and kicking off the NGR trending list with me tonight. And thanks for being here and listening to the show. I've got a brand new song this week that I'm going to play for you and then we'll get back to our regular music and. I don't know. We'll see what else we get into after that. But I'm gonna go ahead and play this one for you. This is normal Mochiko Marcia X with delirium tremens. That was black like come Party With Me Cowboy mix and before that you heard Dream On by ******** Lurve peering Julie Hall of Norway. Alright guys time for the fan shout out. Big shout out and lots and lots of love to you. NGR group line Pajama party Story Crowley Big D 2021. Joe76 Philando thank you guys so very much for being a part of Naked Girls Radio. I really appreciate you and I look forward to sharing more fun stuff with you soon on the fan page. Up next, I'm gonna go ahead and play some music for you by Zooty. This is called One More Shot. That was 904 Deadlines with the song Let's Quit Talking And before that you heard Let's Lavish featuring Mark Angelo and Gumby Diana. I always mess it up Dialysis. Where's the song? Icky, icky. And I'd like to shout out real quick to the recent website members. I've got Big D 2021, Master Lock, Lita Von Doom, and TC. I see you guys out there. Thanks so much for hanging out on the website with me and I'll be over there in just a little bit. I'm posting a few things before I head to bed for the night. So I hope to see you there, and I've got a few more songs for you in tonight's show, so I'm gonna keep moving along with that. Up next I've got Ray Mod with the song Destiny. That was part of a Load by Daydream Night Dream and before that you heard Limitless Limitless by Mr. Ratzlaff. I've got just enough time for a couple more songs for you. Thank you so much for tuning in and listening to you Naked Girls radio with me tonight. I will have this available. Anywhere Podcast can be listened to. Make sure and subscribe so that you can hear all of new upcoming episodes as well. Well, thanks again. Have a wonderful evening. I'm going to go ahead and do some music for you up next by Jay Juice. This song is called Lingo.

The Most Influential Members on NGR:

  1. # 1Profile Photo
  2. # 2Profile Photo
    Jessica Edwards
    564566 Gems
  3. # 3Profile Photo
    9646 Gems
  4. # 4Profile Photo
    Lita Von Doom
    6576 Gems
  5. # 5Profile Photo
    2472 Gems
  6. # 6Profile Photo
    1321 Gems
  7. # 7Profile Photo
  8. # 8Profile Photo
  9. # 9Profile Photo
  10. # 10Profile Photo
    713 Gems
  11. # 11Profile Photo
    503 Gems
  12. # 12Profile Photo
    Mike Preston
    423 Gems
  13. # 13Profile Photo
  14. # 14Profile Photo
    317 Gems
  15. # 15Profile Photo
  16. # 16Profile Photo
  17. # 17Profile Photo
    172 Gems
  18. # 18Profile Photo
  19. # 19Profile Photo
    129 Gems
  20. # 20Profile Photo
    124 Gems
  21. # 21Profile Photo
    117 Gems
  22. # 22Profile Photo
    115 Gems
  23. # 23Profile Photo
    113 Gems
  24. # 24Profile Photo
    87 Gems
  25. # 25Profile Photo
    66 Gems


Main Central Deposit Bank with 1150396 gems


Jessica Edwards with 564566 gems

Assistant Director

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MASTALOCK with 9646 gems

Lita Von Doom with 6576 gems


Joe76 with 2472 gems


Tc with 1321 gems

mistressraynes with 1275 gems

Taylor Mountain Official with 828 gems

Corey Crowley with 721 gems

BigD2021 with 713 gems

thekyleyoung with 503 gems

Mike Preston with 423 gems

Angel Chrysalis with 398 gems

EK with 317 gems

CynthiaTexasPromoter with 253 gems

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Lita Von Doom
1 year ago

So much good music this show! Moon and aries are unique! I don’t think that I can think of any other group that sound like them.

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