NGR Season 36 Episode 5: Popular Songs and Website Upgrades Happening Now

Friday Dies – Hammer Down
Todd Barrow – My Girl Crush

Audio Space Unit – Funkafied
Convulsic – Love Space
Kevin Lee & The Kings – Wind it Up
Babyface Monster ft RoGizz – Holla
J Juice ft Mr. Flip Eastwood – Warm it Up @jjuice

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It is May 16th, and it is Thursday and I hope you are set to have a fabulous day today. I've got a couple of featured songs for you and I'm doing the NGR trending. I'll let you know a couple of things that are happening with the website. I'm doing a new type of show show format. Umm so. I hope this works out for you. They're going to be a little shorter in length, but they will be available 24/7 on the live stream on the website, so I hope you will check that out. I'm going to go ahead and kick things off. We only got 1/2 an hour live Today, so I hope you enjoy it. Thanks for being here with me. Up next, I've got a song for you. Up first, I should say by Friday Dies. This is called Hammer Down.

Up next, I've got another featured song for you by Todd Barrow. This is called My Girl Crush.

Guys, up next for you, I've got the NGR trending list. The top five most popular songs of the week as decided by you over an NGR All you've got to do to help your favorite musicians make it onto this show is to head on over to their song pages on the website, comment on them, and share them with your friends on social media. Those song pages with the most views at the end of the week, they get on to the top of the show. Let's get the NGR trending going and then I'll fill you in on some website information. After that, here we go. The first song I have for you today on the NGR trending list is a new one by Audio Space Unit. This is called Funkafied.

#2 Today on the NGR trending list is Love Space by Convulsic.

That was Kevin Lee and the Kings with the song Wind It Up coming in at #3 today on the NGR trending list. Up next at number four, I've got Babyface Monster featuring RoGizz with the song Holla.

And there's one last song to go for you in the list today. If you'd like to help your favorite bands make it on to the top of this show, all you got to do is head on over to their song pages on and share them with your friends on social media, those song pages with the most views at the end of the week, make it on to the show. All right, here we go. Up next for you, I've got one for you by JJuice featuring Mr. Flip Eastwood. This is called Warm it up.

All right, I've got just a few minutes left in the show. I'm wanting to tell you about some of the stuff that's going on with the website really quick. I've been doing a lot of work on the website. Umm, first thing is I've been you might or might not notice it, but I've been doing a lot of work on the radio show pages. So, umm you know, I've been just updating those, doing some maintenance on them, adding some new, like I'm making sure that they're all fully filled out because a lot of them are not and a lot of them have actually radio shows that are not working because I've been moving them over from the blog talk radio server over to the NGR server. So, if you are having trouble accessing some of the radio shows before, like I said most of them are working now. There's a few seasons that I don't have finished yet, so I've been working on that.

I've got I've been doing work on all the major pages. So, like the radio page, I've added to the radio page where musicians can get radio airplay directly from the radio page. The song page, you can get a song page listing if you're a musician looking for one of those song pages. They just help you get on to the NGR trending list the most popular song pages make it on to that list or the musicians pages. You can get a musician page directory listing also a great way to help you get noticed. Get some recognition for your band.

Umm, the sponsors page. If you'd like to have a sponsor page listing, you can do that directly from the sponsor page. Uh, there's an affiliate program if you are looking to make some money by selling some website banner advertising over here on You can do that from the affiliate page. The advertise page also has links to how you can advertise on the radio. So if you'd like to get your air ad on the air, that's how you do that. I'm working on the NGR merch page. There's a lot to do there. I'm going to be putting direct links to where you can order the NGR merch, but I'm also working with different bands to set up merch for them. So if you are a band looking to launch a line of merch and you're not really sure how to go about doing that, I can help you out. With that, we can promote it and get you a page here on the website. So we'll get that going for you. Talk to me.

And then the gems page, umm, I'm working on that still. You can buy gems and redeem gems on the gems page. The TV shows page, you can watch past TV shows right now. Eventually we'll get the the TV probably back up and running. I have some. Work to do there as well. And then we've got, of course, the videos page just says the videos. So those are some of the things that I have been working on on the website. There's plenty to be done. I'm getting a little bit more time to work on that now, so I hope you'll stay tuned for that. But thank you guys so much for tuning in and listening today. So we'll be available shortly anywhere podcast can be listened to, and it will be on the live 24/7 stream over an NGR Listen for it there. Have a great day.

Thank you to all of the website members that helped to make this radio show possible!

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Lita Von Doom
8 months ago

So much great music! I’ve been putting on NGRMusic when I do dishes, clean, and do my automotive work. It gets me going and helps me start my day

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