Kyle & Gerard Show: One Night Stands – TheKyleYoung TV – Free VOD

One Night Stands

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We're talking about. One night stands? Is that what it is you're talking about? One night stands? I myself or you're recording Question recording, recording. How long you been recorded for? See we get edit ship, relax one night stands. I am not a fan of one night stance that think sex can be good and the majority of time can be terrible. Because me personally, this might sound a little like, I don't know sound might sound like a little punk, but I like to have sex with emotional attachment to women because it just makes sex **** you. No, that's good. That's good. I don't ******* like me, *****. No, it makes sex more pleasurable to me, honestly, and it really does. And and if you're having sex one night stand you piece of condom condom sucked balls. No really likes to use a condom. You know you have to do it because you know. This STI is out there and STD's become SI know that right? Of course, like I I'm used to like STD's. I don't know it's like it's like these is it *** **** or I don't know 1003 dollars STIs infection infectious sounds so much worse than the disease, doesn't it? No, no disease sounds pretty disease sound sounds more like long term. Infection is just like for the time being like. No, because you're if you're infected, you're infected disease. No, if you're infected, you're infected. That just sounds like I feel like you can cure disease. You put your finger can get infected and it gets better. But yeah, but like infected, you're infected with HIV. Are is there gonna finger disease? You'd be like, damn, I'm not gonna finger. It's just ohh. What? Ohh. But anyway, what are we? Ohh. When I stands, yeah. I mean when I stands like. It just happens. It's just the type. I don't even think about it as a one night stand. It's just just like life. But I actually I haven't had that many one night stands. I'm not really that type of person, but I, you know, we we've all had, I've had one when I stand only one. And until people that like really well, what does that? But I feel like when you say when I stand as like kind of like in a niche like. Like niche, but I'm back with you. It's like that's like ohh, you gotta like go to a club, you both be drunk and come back to like someone's place or whatever. But like what if it was during the day, like a one day stand? What really what it what it still count? Like would you still call that a one night stand or is that like a? One day installation. What one night stand pretty much is like. You hook up once with the person, you never see him again. That's it. Right, that's what I understand. Like boil boils down to how many people have you never. I guess that's happened. Yeah. What? Yeah, I guess no, say it. No, I mean one night stand. Yeah, I haven't had that many one night stands. And if that's the case, I've had one maybe 2 then for me because it's just like. Blocking this **** out there, man, just like diseases and ****. And it's like, and it's like, it's not good. Most of the time was when I stand Facebook makes it. It kind of kills the one night stand, though, because then it's like one night, then stuck shift stuck. I'm just not like you like stalking them, but like so how do you stop them? Like I baseball you just like I remember these folks stuck like you Oht. Unless you're on the other ship. On the other ship I got. Yeah, yeah, my name, remember. ******** name name the two girls not because you said sketchy as ****. I feel I can't name them. I can name one I can name it's going on too long. Tell me America, YouTube viewers, have you? How many one night stands have you had? Do you enjoy one night stands? Are you an avid one night stander? You know, let us know. This is our first post on YouTube, so hopefully you come back, subscribe, check us out for more episodes. Hopefully we'll do a video at least once a week, maybe twice a week. You know, we'll get back to you on that. But let us always think one night stand. One night stands.

thekyleyoung (@thekyleyoung)
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Lita Von Doom
7 months ago

In my younger days, I had a couple one night stands. Nowadays, I run away from people who are trying to have one with me. If someone doesn’t want all of me, they don’t deserve that part of me. I have a tendency to get attached and have found myself being hurt pretty bad the next day.

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