Music Friends! Come Hang Out! – NGRmusic Livestream 1 (Full Version) – Free VOD

One of my first ever Livestreams on TikTok. I Was still getting my background set up and was pretty new to the live broadcast.


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All right, hey guys, how's it going? I hope you having a great day today. I am here hanging out live streaming and I I hope your day is amazing. I'm listening to some music and just hanging out. I wanted to see who I could meet today. So I would love to know where everybody is from. If you can drop me a note and let me know and I'd be glad to find out. I am in Chicago and. They're having a great day listening to the radio. I don't know how my sound is and this is like my first time with this setup live streaming, so hopefully you can hear me and let me know out there. Umm. And I I need to know like how my volume levels are if you can hear. And how the music sounds, Is it too loud? Is it too quiet? I have I actually need a new phone and I'm using like speakers like the. Earbuds for an iPhone Plugged into my iPhone right now, so hopefully you can hear me OK. Umm. Yeah, let me know, I have a couple of mods but I have not told them that I was going live yet so we'll see if they show up. If not, Oh well. I'm pretty new to live streaming so I don't. The. Well, you know, we'll see how it goes. I'm I don't expect that many people to stop in, but hello Erica, how are you doing today? I'm glad everybody's stopping in and high cupcake. I've been checking out everybody's videos and stuff like that so. I'm excited to get to know you guys and. I've been making new friends, lots of new friends on here. I've been bringing my friends, but. Uh. You know, I'm meeting all kinds of new people, so that's awesome. I've been checking out lots of channels and trying to do my best to comment and share and repost and all that stuff. So I'd love to see your guys's videos and what you've got going on. I am still learning the live stream. Kind of so. Umm, let's see, I'm learning all about all the like goals and things and right now it just told me to like pin my goals. So I just did that. So you guys should be able to see that I gotta go for roses and I don't know, I'm still learning. Hi Tiffany, how are you doing today? Hi mountain girl ohh mountain sound fun I. I've been a few times so that I don't know which mountains you're in, but. I've been on either side of the US. I like the mountains, they're really pretty. So yeah, I'm just kind of learning the live stream thing a little bit. I've been watching some live streams. I got some favorite people already that I really like what they're doing, so I will share those with you guys at some point, I'm sure. I don't really know how to do that yet. I've been working on my my background and it looks way cooler at night time. I have. I actually. A stream all over the place. But I don't know, I might adjust to this kind of ohh. Break you and that is not the right song. There is a a lot of the the audio files that I have. I've been playing on the radio for years. I do radio. I've been doing radio since 2000 and. And some of the, I just threw a bunch of files in there and that was an intro that was not a song. So I'll have to remember to take that out. Actually, I need a pen and paper or something so I can write down like which files were wrong. But I put together kind of a playlist for while I was on the stream, but this one's kind of quiet. I'll have to mess with it and see what kind of how the volume works. Can you guys hear me? I hope so. Oops on the wrong device. I'm putting in the wrong passcode. I've got an iPad over here that I'm trying to fix my music. And let's see here. There is there is volume in a few different places. I've got it on the computer and the website and the speaker. I just got this Bluetooth speaker the other day and like I said at night time my sets a lot more fun. There's a lot of light up things and I kind of tried to alright. I saw the button somewhere. I tried to block out the light a little bit. I didn't try that hard, but it's really. Yeah. It's really bright out right now, so at night time I've got all kinds of lights going on in the background and it looks really cool and stuff. But you know what, I was going to go on live last night. And then I got tired and I got lazy and then I didn't do it. And I actually want to go on at night time. That seems to be when most of the people I know are on, so hopefully I'll be doing live streams at night pretty soon. But man, I got so tired last night and then I ended up not live streaming at all. So that was kind of dumb. I'm like, oh, well, you know, I went to work today. I have a waitressing job in the morning and it was really slow. And I'm like, you know what, I'm going to go home and I'm going to get on and live stream a little bit. So here I am and. Ohh so you've given me swipe to filter your comments but I don't have any comments yet. But thank you to all You Beautiful people for stopping in. I appreciate you saying hi if you do and. I'm yeah. So I thought, well, one while I still have energy and I'm still feeling motivated, I will get here and get on the live. Maybe I'll do lives in the like in the daytime and then do another one at night. I think once I get started with them, then I'll be more, you know, just hanging out more and. I'll just hop on all the time. Years ago I used to do a full time content creation. That's all I did all day, every day, a live streams or taking photos and videos and editing and nonstop. And I haven't done that in a few years, but it's kind of a. I don't know, I was just talking about that to someone last night and once I get in. So I'm excited to meet everybody on here and make some new friends. If you stop by my my videos and comment and like and share and all that stuff repost I'll come check out yours too and do the same for you so. Um, I do interact with whoever is on my in my comment feed, so there's that. Um, I. I don't know, I, I, it might take me a little while sometimes. Sometimes I get overwhelmed and or I like, I might be not online a whole lot, but I will eventually come back around. I have a bunch of people on one of my videos that I posted back in 2020 and I just like went and recommended to people. And said, Hey, how you been doing? And you know, people are probably like, whoa, this is from a long time ago, but I will go back. I do go back and look at my videos and eventually I even if I didn't get you right away, I will comment back. And if you're somebody that comes by, you know, like, and I, I recognize that you've been there a few times. I will definitely. Come on over and check out your stuff. So if you have videos you want me to look at, let me know. I'm all about. Seeing what you guys are up to and. All that good kind of stuff. So I if anybody has questions for me at all let me know. But I'm kind of I'm just getting back to TikTok after a few years off and I'm enjoying making the video so far. I got in trouble. For something that I thought, well, not in trouble, like a warning or something like that was kind of silly and I would love to tell you guys, but for all I know I'll get in trouble again. So it was, it was, I thought it was silly the first time. The first time they warned me. It was something where I didn't, I thought it was harmless, you know, at first. And then when they're like. Or do you disagree? Or do you agree with her decision? I was like, ohh, man, I guess they're right. So I have had one video so far that I was like, hey, we're giving you a warning this time, don't do it again. And I was like, oh man, so that happened. And then I had one other one. Know where I disagreed? Because it was it was really silly. It was because of A tag that I put and it was something that is a typical everyday like normal human behavior thing to do. Had to do with gardening and I was told that that word is banned or something because it can be misconstrued and it's like, are you kidding? Like she's obviously not that like whatever whatever. I mean, I know people put their safety measures in place and stuff, but. It was just kind of a silly one that I thought, but ohh, well, rules are rules and they're going to do what they gotta do, so yeah, then I can do about that. But. Yeah, So hi, everybody. Hi, Mama Mccart. I spear at me, huh? Right. Is that what this is like? Maybe I said it wrong and I got Tony. Hi Tony, how are you doing today? I do have a Geo. How you doing out there? Shout out to everybody that's stopping by. I know you guys are just flipping by and moving along through your stream, but if you stop here, you're welcome. To hang out for a while. I play music from independent musicians and most of the independent musicians are people have gotten to know over the years. The majority of them are I either know them personally or they have they have contacted me directly to promote their music. So everything that I'm playing. I know the people for the most part, I don't grab music from people that I don't know or that I haven't had some kind of connection with. So everyone that I play on my shows here or everyone that's unless it's like maybe sometimes you know, there will be a tic tac trend or something that I'll jump on and those. Might be somebody I know, but if it's a video I'm posting and especially if the musician is listed in there, it's somebody I know or I have at least been contacted by them to play or promote their music at some point. So I have stories about most of the musicians just because I know them. Umm, you know, so this song, like I know, I know the people from this one and this song I've had I've been playing this song for really long time. I started doing Internet radio in. 2007. It started off because of building social networking websites. So I've been web designing for, oh gosh, over 20 years and I was building social networking websites and when I was doing that, I was looking for. Um, different ways to SEO things and trying to find people that would interact on my websites and musicians came to mind. And I did have a music background. I grew up, I was, I was a band dork. And so I've been in music like my whole life and. It's just kind of my group of people. So I fit in pretty well with with the music business. I guess I have a band show that, well a couple of them that I'm going to soon. You can see there's there's stuff on my page. Um, I've got one show that I'm going to that's a metal show. I don't like typically seek out metal. Some of it's good, some of it's a little rough for me. I like most kinds of music. But yeah, I have a metal show that I'm supposed to be collabing with coming up in a couple of weeks, and I just saw another metal band. I keep getting invited by all these metal bands. I went out and the metal band invited me out. It was, it was apparently I was on the wrong side of the stage. When I did the videos, it was really distorted and just loud noise, you know, and then somebody at the end is like, ohh, you could hear it like crystal clear on the other side. It was so like in the recording studio. I'm like, Oh well that's great. Of course I was on the wrong side recording because the singer that I know was on that side. So that didn't work out well, but I made a video anyway using one of their studio tracks. And I'm going to band is coming up again, but there was another band that I like. They're the the metal band that I saw before is called Kazo. And they're they're cool, but they're they're actually going to be playing a show with the band. Broken robots. I've posted a couple of videos of them. I really like them. I've seen them twice so far. Um, and I wouldn't mind seeing them again. I know they've come out with a lot of new music since I've seen them last, so I'm kind of excited about that, checking out some of their newer stuff. Both bands are actually related family wise, but I know them from somebody that's family to both of them, a mutual family member because of TV and and movie filming that I've done. So they're all everybody's kind of. Intertwined. So I probably I'm gonna go to that show too that ones coming up in a couple of weeks also. Um. But I don't know I I need to find my mods in and have them check out my my sound for me and stuff. I'm hoping everything is sounding good. I'm kind of a scratchy throat all of a sudden. I've had some allergies going on lately and I did not take any. Allergy meds today. I tried to come on here yesterday and they were so bad that my eyes started burning really bad. I thought it was from something that someone cooked and my eye was burning. And then I went outside to kind of, you know, clear things out and get some fresh air. And then it just started like pouring and pouring. And I'm like, oh, man. So I didn't end up doing live stream yesterday like I planned to. I spent all this time doing my makeup and then it didn't work out at all. So did my makeup for nothing. Nothing but to cry it off. I, what can you do? So I, yeah, I was earlier, I started my playlist and when I did that, I was, I, I just put a bunch of random songs up there and then when I got to sit down, it was putting me like in a bad mood. It was a lot of the songs were kind of like downer songs, I guess. And so I went back through and there's still some slower, a few slow songs in here, but most of them I tried to like pick up the energy a little bit and so I wouldn't be so like. Feeling bummed out while I was doing my live stream because that's not fun. Um, but yeah, so, so far it seems like it's, it's doing a little bit better. Um, so I, I don't know, I hope you guys are doing good out there. I will have to, well I guess there will be a video after this that will that I can go look back on and see how it sounded. I just wish I knew now what I sounded like and that everything is kind of volume wise is good. Hi. How are you doing? I see Mark out there and Brian and Judith and yeah, how are you guys doing? I hope you're doing great. Umm, I would love to know where everybody is from if you want to throw your location in the comments down below and. I know there's not much going on right now, but. I appreciate you guys stopping in and I appreciate the love. Hi Sue, how are you? Umm, let's see, I have just started live streaming a couple of few days ago. It was, I don't know, I mean, I probably did it like a couple weeks ago now. But I didn't want to really live stream until I had some kind of background going on. This is probably, I'm going to probably do more like I went and got this little disco ball here. I was trying to look for stuff that like felt like me and where I was. I didn't really see much and I saw the disco ball and I was like. Ohh, yeah, that's it right there. But I actually am working. I'm getting. So this is here. Let me show you, this is actually a wine rack. I don't drink enough wine to need a wine rack. So I'm going to take this part out and then use it as like cool little shelves. But I want to put this disco ball probably down here and then I'm going to get. It's going to have a little light and then I'm going to have a little motor that keeps it turning around, so this sparkle. And then at night time I've got lots of pool lights that go in the background and stuff like that. So it looks much more fun at night time. But I didn't have the energy to stream last night. Plus my makeup all. Cried off because of allergies. But it was, you know, here I am. I decided to come by after work. We're we're super slow today, so I thought, why not? I'm gonna come on here and hang out for a little while and say hello. So I've got to. Got lots, of, lots of people that I've been chatting with and meeting up and getting to know on here. So I appreciate you guys coming in. Hi, Debbie. Hi Miss Jill. Hi, Rick. Hi, Tina. How are you guys doing today? I hope you're having a great day so far. Um, still playing with the, the lighting. I'm a little blue right now and I noticed it makes my lips purple, but like I kind of got a purple blue vibe going on. So that's kind of it works. I wonder, I actually am now. It's making me think about like purple lipstick or something like an actual, but it looks pretty and that's just like a little blue light filter that I've got on right now. Ohh look, I went back and then my lips kind of changed color. They're pink now. Hi, Ariel. Ah, then we got Enzo. Hello. And Rosie, hi, how are you doing? Baby's mom, hi. Umm, and we got Steve. Hi Steve. So I'd love to know where everybody is from. If you want to let me know, that would be great. I'm looking forward to getting to know you guys and hanging out. I'm planning on hanging out a bunch, so you'll be seeing more of me probably. At night time, more often, I am in Chicago, so let's see. I don't even know what time it's the afternoon. Two, 2:38 PM here in six. And it's a nice sunny day, beautiful outside. I'm in here hiding and make it myself Blue. He was fed of being outside in the sunshine. But I've been wanting to hang out and do some live streaming so. Um, eventually maybe I'll have. Some of like my musician friends join me on here. I've got a bunch of them. So I'm I'm thinking I'll do some of that sometimes. I'm just kind of having them hang out. Let's see. Got high Marma the IT says Marma the Great and Scott Beringer. Hi guys. How you doing? Umm, so yeah, I probably do a lot of stuff like that. My kind of right now it's just kind of hanging out and meeting people, and you guys can all meet each other too. So just kind of doing a little hangout with some music in the background from some of the indie bands that I play on the radio. I hope you can hear everything OK I'm this is my first time live streaming with the music. Run high, someone. Hi, Maria. Hi, Louis. Ohh, gosh, before you know it, I won't be able to keep up. All right, we got a few people join in. Hi David. I've got Best to run. Hello. And we got Antonio and Tamarin. Hi everybody. Happy. What is this Thursday? Happy Thursday, Last Thursday here. We got, let's see, Dustin, Tim, hello. So I'd love to know where everybody is from. Let me know in the chat if you could. And I'm looking forward to meeting everybody here. Hi, Leah. Ohh gosh and Yukon John and we've got Windy. Hello, hello, happy afternoon. Looking forward to night time so I could have my good party background going on. And I've been doing radio for quite a long time now, since 2007. So, uh, hi Reggie. Hi. Only close peeves. Hi, Rachel, Rachel, Rachel. Yeah, radio since 2007. They promote indie bands and play their songs, and everyone here that I'm playing is somebody that I know or have had some kind of personal contact with. Hi, Queen. Let's see. And when we got Vladdy. Yeah, I'll do my best to read. I wish that the words were a little bit bigger. I can read them for the most part, but we've got light brew. Hello. Hi, Joseph. Umm. Ohh, yeah. Can you guys hear me OK? I'm I'm, I haven't done very many live streams yet. And this phone, the speaker doesn't work right on it, so I'm actually plugged into some. Um, some like earbuds for your iPhone right now. Hi Mike. And so hopefully you can hear me like, I don't know, maybe hopefully it's facing the right way. I don't even know. But.

But I hope you guys can hear me OK. I hope the musics an OK volume. I'll just have to. I don't have my my mods here. I didn't tell them I was going live. So maybe they'll just pop in. We'll see. But hi, Tammy. Hi, Monkey. Hi, Brian. So yeah, I'm just. Getting, I don't know, getting used to things, getting settled in, getting set up. I'm planning on doing lots of just random hangout lives like this where you can come in and and meet some people, make some friends. That's what I'm trying to do. I'm trying to meet everybody. So say. I would love to hear from you guys and I'd love to check out your videos. So if you comment on my videos, I'll come comment back on yours. I always go go try and check everybody out, see what you guys are up to. Umm, I. I would well like I had one. I don't know the channel name because I just watched it for the first time the other day. But if I keep watching it, I'll have to let you know so I can tell you who it is. But there's this one guy where it's like I looked at him and I was like, I don't know if this guy is going to be my vibe. Watch one of his videos. Looks like it's. All right, well, watched another one. It was hilarious. I was so glad that I did and I ended up following him and yeah, I would love to to see who I vibe with on here and who I could make friends with so. Um. I, I, yeah, if you come comment on my stuff, I'll come comments, you're back. And I'm glad to see all you guys stopping in. It's so nice to have you, I'm hoping. Uh, come on regularly and build a list of people to hang out with so. Hey, you know, I know that some people aren't going to be interested and some people are. We're going to have a great time together. So that's what I'm looking for. I'm looking for my people. You're on TikTok. I do have some friends that I'm on here. Hi, boss lady stuff. And Hi-rez. Hi. Let's see. And then we've got, let's see, Jen and. John, John and Don and Harley rider. Ohh Harley rider sounds fun to me. And Adam, hello. And yeah, so. It was a really slow day for me today I'm I'm glad to be home from work and I'm playing having fun on TikTok. I'd love to hear from you guys and find out where you're from, what you're up to today. Feel free to say hello. Hi, Jackson. Hi, Clyde. Hi, Jose. That's a long day. Jose, Carlos, Antelo Hernandez, you got it all in there. And we got Alan Wilson. Hello. Um, and Mark or Mike, I wrote it. Mark, Mark my I'm moving around too much, my shirts distracting with the behind the letters. Umm, so. I'm looking forward to to meeting everybody that's in here. If you guys, if you hang out, stopping in, I'll I'll come check out your page later and I'll come follow some of you guys and it would be great to get to know everybody. So I the Fortnite kid. And Marcella, hello. Umm So yeah, what kind of music do you guys like? I would love to know What what what are you a fan of? What's your vibe? I play a little bit of everything on my show. And I mean like everything. I used to not even listen to country music and. I actually had family that got in involved in a really great country band and that's kind of how I got listening the country because when I was younger I was like. It just wasn't my thing. Yeah, I know I didn't grow up listening to much and. I I got to go travel around with the band and stuff like that and it was a lot of fun. We had some good times. Hello, Julie. Hello, Christy Bullfrog. Nice to have you guys, Monica. Hi, Anne. Hi is it character? Hello. Hi, guys. Umm so I would like to build up a room of awesome people and so you guys can all make friends and hang out with me. So it's a I'm still pretty new here as far as live streams. This song is kind of loud compared to the other ones. That's the one thing. About and I just speaker I just got so I don't know where the buttons are still. That's the thing about the independent musicians is like they send me their audio files and a lot of times they're like all different volumes. So when I do my radio shows, it takes a while to like get everybody on the safe same wavelength because they don't have a. Like a mixer that adjusted as you go right now. So yeah, you never know what you're going to get. Sometimes they're like really loud and sometimes they're really quiet. So hello, Raquel. Hi, Nick. Our is it Iram? Iram? And ohh my gosh, we've got Dog Whisperer and. It looks like Benjamin and Roy and Christy and. Sugar. And I'm going to say Wally and Woodrow, Woodrow, Jar and Sally. Oh my gosh, thank you guys for stopping in. I know you're just scrolling by looking through the stream, looking for some entertainment. So thanks for stopping in. I really appreciate you guys. And, umm. I would love to know where you guys are from, let me know. And uh, yeah, everybody come on in and say hi and let's, let's make some friends. And if you come at my stuff, I'll, I'll come over and comment. And we'll see who, who vibes with who and all that kind of fun stuff. Umm I I definitely am going to have to get some of my friends on here with me on live stream. But I just wanted to stop in and see what's good. And telling myself for a while that I'm going to get in here. And do some live streaming and I'm more inclined to do it. Usually I want to do it at night time. But. Right now I was like so tired and lazy by night time last night so. I'll probably do some shows like later on in the day and. I kind of made the set this whole setup for night time and it's definitely not night time right now. Um, here is I've got my blue light on, but let me see here... This is why it really. Ohh daytime so. Ohh man, so where are you guys from? Hello. Connect. So why is it OK? So I'm still learning about live streaming and stuff and I'm just, you know, some people tells you to say hi to them and then other people it doesn't. So is that because ah, hi Joe, how are you doing? I was just saying I need to add you as a mod. For my life, I just invited you to join as a guest, but by I wasn't trying to click on that. I'm trying to figure out. I know that there's a way somewhere in here to add you as a mod and I don't know how to do it. I was trying to do it for I was able to add Big D. And he was, he's my mud. And I was able to do it outside of the live stream. But I'm not really sure how to add you. I may stay here. There's got to be a way to do it. And. Yes, I wallpaper came from here. Ohh. By the way, Joe, since you're here, can you hear me? I've been asking if people can hear me OK. And I wasn't really. I don't know what it sounds like. And thank you for the hearts. I need all the hearts I can get. You guys tapping the screen helps out get more people in the room and then you guys can make more friends also. Let's see, can we where is see, I don't even know how to chat in the chat. Like can I do that? Can I chat in the chat? Ah, so yeah, I'm trying to look. I don't know. I don't know how to add mods from an earring coho... Low invitations. The show's guests invite. Moderators, here we go. There you are. House. There we go. I just added you, Joe. All right, Joe, can you hear me? Ah, so I don't know, I'm still waiting to find out I'm. I'm just hoping that everyone can hear my chat because I have no idea. It would suck to find out I was talking all this time and nobody could hear what I was saying for real. Ohh man, so let me see is there, I don't know if you can. Can you like send messages to people while you're live? I don't really know. More, I'm still learning all the settings when you go live. How's life settings? I mean, the microphone is not muted, so that's good at least. OK, it says use headphones to hear how you sound a viewers, but I'm talking inside them. I don't know. I'm talking to this so I don't know if that'll work. Let me see. Hello. Can you? I don't know if that's going to work. It's see you headphones. It's not doing anything. Correct. Umm. Because. I don't know if I can send you a message over here like on my other device while I Touch ID get out of here. Something. Run. OK. Rainbow. Strong. Alright, so I'm just waiting to 00. No, I messed up the music. See I'm not good with this. This is not I'm not on my computer because I let someone use my computer and now I've got this iPad and I haven't used an iPad in a minute and I just messed up the sound. I'm just trying to like find out if you guys could hear. Oh. Stop. Ohh this is not fun. Why is it being so difficult? All right, so while I figure out the sound. I don't even know how to use TikTok on here like I'm not even logged in. I was I thought. OK. Ah, now it wants to send a code to my phone. Come on. I don't know if it'll let me see it during the live. Well, that's ridiculous. How am I supposed to log in if I can't even see it anyways? All right, well, forget that. Maybe I'll just go back to the music. So. Um. Ah, hi bestie support cat. Hello, I'm I'm all about the besties. Everyone. You can make friends with each other. I would love to. I'll check you guys out after the live stream. I'll have a list of the top viewers in here anyways and. Come visit you guys on your page and and leave you some love so. Um. Going to get my music back up and going. And OK, I don't understand why you can't click this iPad. You can't click the when you use the mouse, you can't click the play button, but then you can touch the screen and click the play button. So I don't know what that's about. I have a I'm not used to using an iPad with a keyboard. And so that's a little weird, but. Um. So this is I like the song. This is I actually did my I was going to do a couple of 4th of July firework videos and this one I did this this song, which is like kind of a weird song for a fireworks show. And it was just the beginning of the fireworks show. I never finished. We doing like the good fireworks. It was just the beginning slow part, but I used this song and I I thought it. Good bye. I don't understand this situation here. Let me see. Oh man, and I used to use Apple computers and everything and I'm like, I forget how this keyboard even works. Like where's the volume button at? I don't know. I don't even see one. I don't know. So umm hello everybody. Let's see we've got. OK, so the top viewers, it's interesting because we only have Joe 76 in there, but it's because other people were there and they are they. And they left it's people have been popping in and out, but. Hi, Sally, how are you doing out there? And hello Carol, how are you? I would love to know where you guys are from if you want to comment in the chat. I appreciate getting to know you guys a little bit. So umm, I'm looking forward to checking out this live stream. I probably won't stream like super long for this one just because I want to make sure it's a everything sounding good and everything because I have no idea right now how my volumes are and stuff and I don't know how to turn up this. Because I'm not on my computer. Like I need my real computer. Later I'll have my computer and then I'll be more comfortable with that type of stuff because yeah, I'm just not used to this, this iPad right now. Appreciate all the hearts, it's so nice. I was trying to do, there's this thing where you could make like a heart show up. I I turned it off because it wasn't working. I don't know if it's because my background's crazy or what. It was, I tried it earlier or like a different day and it was working. You go like this and it like pops up a heart in your hands. And I was doing it right before the stream and it like wasn't working so I turned it off. But I guess I could have left it and then it wouldn't have worked and then maybe it would work once in a while. But umm, let's see. So let's see out of the La La. So Joe, I don't know, I I'm still I've been watching people that are like have their live shows and and see what their mods are up to and like. There's a I don't know, I have. Have you watched a lot of lives? There's all kinds of stuff that. Did they help out with? But yeah, I don't. That's not even like Joe's not responding to me either. So I'm like, it makes me, that makes me wonder about my sound. But like usually you would let me know. I don't know. Well, look, I'm like, wow, thank you so much. I I didn't realize it's already up to 680 hearts. I appreciate it. It's so nice. Umm. But yeah, I don't know I'm. I need to like find a way to check out my live. I need another phone. I was actually thinking about you go to Walmart and get like a super cheap iPhone for like I think they have one for like 50 bucks. And like maybe get that one to use for my live stream just because it's. They're not, you know, you don't need to have the phone service on it, you just need the Wi-Fi. We're going to work and I wouldn't have to worry about it because right now I actually have the microphone plugged in. So I can't have the power cord plugged into this phone right now. So eventually I'm going to run out of battery. But I've been really frustrated lately because I've done a couple of different videos that I was, I was making videos for TikTok actually and. I do this really awesome video and like I didn't even have to redo it because like what I said was perfect. It was on point. And then I go and look at the video and the audio didn't work and it's like, are you freaking kidding me right now? And I was having that happen the last band show I went out to and it's like OK, this could not be happening. Like I really need to have working equipment. So yeah, it's frustrating. I've had this phone for a while and I don't know, just something. Uh. Except for subscribers only to chat. Really. OK, all right, Joe said that only subscribers can can chat. I wonder if there is. He said the sound is good though. Let me see if there's a way to fix that while I'm live because that sucks. Let's see. Rankings, moderators, comment settings. Allow common. Filter comments. Spam comments online highlights. Well comments umm, I'm so glad you let me know that cause yeah I think I saw something when I was starting the live. Um disclosure activities without being comment stop settings. Rankings, comment settings, moderators, muted accounts. I ownder if I have to restart the live because Ouch. Like that's that's no fun. I I've been I mean, I was so glad. OK. Umm, can you comment or you can't comment in OK, so Joe, I don't think Joe can. OK, I got it. I'm going to have to fix this so give me I can't get this off the screen now. All right, let me I appreciate it. He sent me a message on Instagram. Thank God because he couldn't chance to me either. Let me, I'm gonna like log out for a minute and I'm going to restart it, OK? And yes, thank you for the hearts and give me like 2 minutes and I'll be right back. All right.

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