Music Friends! Come Hang Out! – NGRmusic Livestream 2 (Part 2) – Free VOD

I’m looking forward to live streaming more and I know I’ll get to know more people the more time I spend in the live stream. I knew the first couple of them are gonna be quiet. There won’t be a whole lot of people in here, but hey, you know, it is what it is and I, I’m. Know everybody and looking forward to making some friends so right now I’m just trying to. Get people over here. And hang out. And I think that the, the more people are here, I’ll, I’ll eventually like come up with more ideas based on what we all chat about. And, you know, right now I’m kind of just hanging out and saying hello.

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You know I'm trying to. Learn about the platform and learn about how everything works. There's a lot of settings and stuff in here. And just kind of meet people and chat with people and stuff. So like right now it says at the top left there's 1.9 K likes. So the more likes it gets, the more people. Yeah, no, for real. Yeah, Now you're the top viewer right now. And I mean, there will be like. If you go, it just depends like there's, there's other viewers, there were other top viewers, but if they leave the room, then they go off of that list. So as long as you're in the room like you'll show up in that list if you're one of the, if you're one of the top viewers eventually, like when there's it'll go up to 99 I think viewers. And people will like compete to be in that list because when people are in that list, then people come and follow them. And so, hello golden years. Umm. So yeah. Right now it's lame because nobody's in here yet, because nobody knows me yet on here. I gotta invite more of the people I already know, probably. Umm I don't know. Big D and Masterlab both said they would mod. Big D is already set up as one but we haven't been on to chat together yet. Master lock I don't know what his user if. Got an account already? I think he does but I don't know. I don't know for sure. So I don't know we're figuring that stuff out. But I don't know what's uh. What's new with you, Joe? What are you up to today? And where are you from? Golden years and love golden retrievers. They're my favorite favorite dog in the whole world. Anybody that doesn't love them to death is crazy. I. Let me see. I don't know what I'm gonna do with the rest of my day. I. And I did work, came on here for a little bit to hang out. Maybe I'll, I don't know. I'd like to say I'll be back on tonight because I plan to come on at night time. Hopefully it won't get there. I wanna rather go to bed because that's what happened last night. Although I had, you know what, the last couple of days I had a headache that and I think it was just all the humidity in the air. It was like a pressure thing because it just, I couldn't get it to go away. And I'm actually feeling pretty good. Making stairs at the moment, What are you? Where are you making stairs for? Your stair project. This has been my recent project but I'm still working on it. It's definitely like this isn't up all the way. I want to put it up nice. And I had a lot of building to do on the shelf. I was showing it off earlier when I was live streaming. This is just my start. This is my beautiful disco ball. This totally me. And I need to get a light for it. And I'm gonna have a little motor, I think, where it will rotate. And then I'm taking these out of here because I don't really drink wine. And I'm going to put some stuff on the shelf. And I have some cool lights at night. I got on this side. I've got some interesting stuff, but it doesn't really like. You can't really see it at night without the lights, but I have some cool lights for it so it looks a lot neater in here at night time. Oh oh wow, lots of stairs. Hi, Alyssa, bestie host. Yeah, so. That's cool. I I was trying to like, think of it usually when people tell me stuff. I have a good story like to go with it, but I'm like stairs. I mean I have, I don't know. I mean I've I've been there when some stairs were replaced. Like there's this house once when I was a kid, my parents had it they would like flip houses and it had had a fire in the stairs all had to be replaced and. Upstairs, like you could fall through the floor and stuff. So that's my, that's probably my best stair story. Or the a couple of sets of stairs at my old house had been built over and they're still under the existing structure. But that's not, I don't know, nothing too exciting about stairs. Like a bar or a barn? Barn conversion, Is that what you're saying? I've been in a really nice barn before. It was really nice. It had like, cool, like, you know, when you get into a truck and it's got that like the, the metal thing with the bumps so you don't slip. It was like that on the wall, like stainless steel, all beautiful. And it was really. Yeah, really. I mean, it was like a really nice barn, like it was like bar turned tool shed man cave of your dreams kind of thing. It was gorgeous. It was, I, I saw it at a wedding that I was at. It was at a barn wedding actually, but it was at somebody's house. It wasn't like a venue or anything. Has the same barn wedding that they had in adults bouncy house. I had years ago, I had pictures from it like up on the sites that I would go on. It was. Yeah, it was very, and I think a blue dress, if I remember correctly, bouncing in the bouncy house. Oh, hello, nice. How are you doing today? You guys let me know where you're from. I would love to hear from you and I. I look forward to getting to know some people here. I'm just hanging out listening to some music, trying to make some friends. OK, what? That's awesome. I I recently saw a garage. Conversion into like a sleeping area. So yeah, it's a, it's a lot different. It has, and I mean, it's not just a sleeping area like there's like a. It's almost like a little apartment. It's got like a kitchenette and a bathroom and a shower, like, you know, like the whole thing. But it was, it's been a few different things. It wasn't just a garage like it was other stuff in between, but. It started out as a garage and it's currently like a tiny home I guess. Speaking of tiny home, I need to get over to my trailer and get the stuff out of there and I don't know, I haven't decided yet if I want to sell it or not. But I might. Just sitting there. Costing me money. Ah. Hi, Carlos, How are you? Umm so yeah, I got A and I need to do it before like the weather gets, you know, in the fall and gets cold, so. Hi, Courtney, how are you? So yeah, I don't know. That's one of my many to do is I have lots of things on my list and like I was saying earlier, I don't like the cold weather. So you only. Three months of warm here in Chicago and I gotta take advantage of as much as I can. It's already like a good halfway over. And I I haven't gotten near enough yet. So hi, Michael, how are you? Um. Let's see. Ohh, my gosh, there's a lot I have like a lot of a lot of invites. Um. Yeah, I'm looking forward to listening back and checking out this live later to see what I think of like how it sounds and and how everything looks. Like I was saying, at night time, it'll be a different vibe. Right now it's very bright. Even though I've got my blue light up here, I'm it's like totally daylight here and it's not exactly what I'm going for. But I decided to come on and test it out anyways and kind of play around with the live stream. So if you guys are stepping in, I appreciate it. Yeah, I'm working on it. You know, I got these little lights and. When I first put them up, they were, I grabbed them from the trailer and they were like almost dead. And I was really disappointed because even at night they were not showing up. As soon as I put any other light on, they were gone. And then they changed the batteries and they actually look really good, but you can't see a, you know, you can kind of see them but at night time. It looks really nice so I'll I'll play with it more later on and I still have more setting up to do. This isn't really put up yet. Because I wasn't sure what I was doing yet, but I want to collect some more cool things to put on my little shelf. I don't have it in the screen because it looks kind of dumb right now, but. And have you guys come back at night time? It'll be a lot more exciting. I just figured while I had some energy, I would pop on here and say hello to everybody and. Um. I'm hoping to make some friends. I hope everybody else here can make some friends. We can all hang out, get to know each other. I play music from independent musicians. I have been for a long time. I I've been doing radio shows since 2007. And all the musicians that I play are people that I know or I've met or I have been contacted by to share their music. So I have a story about almost everybody, at least How I Met them. I have a little goofy facts I have some of them have become good friends of mine and I I am fully aware of all their shenanigans in their insane stories so. That's that's always fun. So from time to time I'll probably tell you some of those stories. I will definitely have some of my musician friends on. I actually have. Friends that are stand up comedians, actors, actresses, all that kind of stuff too. So a lot of people from the entertainment business in some shape or form. So I'll probably bring on some of them sometime and we'll do some some fun stuff. Umm, I've got videos of some of them up on my page. All of the, unless it's like a tick tock trend or something, everybody that's on all the musicians on my page in the videos are are musicians that I know. You know, I don't just pick random people like I'm, I'm helping out. You know, and people that have helped me out or been good to me or you know, in one way or another so. Especially if I, if you're, if you see me doing the same musician a whole bunch of times, I probably know them a little bit better. Some of them are good friends of mine. So just you never know. But I thank you guys for stopping in. Let's see. Solange. Is that how? I don't know how to say that, but Martinez. I'm guessing, but hello, welcome, welcome. And I appreciate you guys stopping in. I'm looking to make friends, looking to meet people. And if you want to get to know me, say something in the chat send if you likes comment down my videos I'll come comment back on yours. And I'm all about sharing the love. So I hope you'll do the same and. Hopefully we can meet some people in here and we can all find find an awesome group that that we enjoy so. I'm. Just sitting here hanging out. We're like, if you're in here, let me know where you're from. I would love to know where you're from. I'm from Chicago. I've been living here most of my life somewhere in the area. I've lived in a couple other places before. I've lived in Florida a couple of times. I've also lived in Kansas City for a few years. And I'd like to travel, but I've never been out of the United States. Hey, Joe, how's England? And you know what? What? I don't even know. It's getting to be night time over there, isn't it? What time is it over there in England? I don't even know what time it is over here right now. Let me see it. It's almost 4:00 it looks like. Now. According to TikTok, everybody here everybody. Looks at my videos the most. At like from like 11:00 PM. 4:00 AM. I started falling down when I'm sleeping, like do I have to stay up all night? I guess I don't know and that's why too. Like the night, the Night Live streams will probably be more likely as long as I can stay awake and it all. It depends too on like if I have to work the next morning and that kind of stuff. Because I think I was hoping to do live streams at like, you know, maybe like 8:00 or 9:00 at night. I'm here. I'm in the central time zone. So that's kind of what I'm what I want to do. But. I don't know. Last thing, by that time I wanted to go to bed. I'm getting older, guys. 948 see, yeah, so your time, that's what time they want me to go like, that's what time people show up it's like. At night I'm supposed to. That's when I should be going live, apparently. But then you wouldn't be here, probably. Let me see. So that's what. Because you're, I think what, 6 hours? What did I say? 456789 times six hours. So 11121234, Yeah, I'd be like 4:00 in the morning. Your time. What time do you wake up in the morning? Yeah, by the 05, OK. Hi, Marie, How are you? And. Yeah, Oh. Knocking things around over here. So I need to find a. Different things, different ideas, different things to do to be entertaining, but. Oh my gosh, you know what I looked up yesterday, I noticed there there's a thing I was doing, like website stuff. And there's a thing where you can like get an AI chat bot, but. There is I don't have the right version of PHP I think. And I was trying to upgrade the PHP on the server and I didn't know how and I couldn't do it and I was like ohh like because I wanted to like build a chat bot but I failed at that. So far I I I've been trying to do like 900. Things all at once so I don't have the patience to like learn anyone thing half the time. Ohh yeah, let's see. So we're only, we're only. Let's see, we've only got a couple of people. In in right now, but I thank you guys for hanging out. Hi Lauren, how are you doing today? I'm glad for everybody stopping in. I'm looking forward to live streaming more and I know I'll get to know more people the more time I spend in the live stream. I knew the first couple of them are gonna be quiet. There won't be a whole lot of people in here, but hey, you know, it is what it is and I, I'm. Know everybody and looking forward to making some friends so right now I'm just trying to. Get people over here. And hang out. And I think that the, the more people are here, I'll, I'll eventually like come up with more ideas based on what we all chat about. And, you know, right now I'm kind of just hanging out and saying hello. So it's, it's one of my first few times. Find the live stream. First couple times I was just walking around getting ready for my. I took one random person on the video just to see what the heck I didn't know who it was, and we said hello. That is a video actually, that's up on my page right now and umm. I'm just hanging out. Waiting for night time so my lights get cold. Right now I'm just a little blue. Here's if I'm not blue. That's actually pretty blinding. I have other colors too but like they're weird. Like the yellow and the orange looks gross and then I've got red but that looks all like like I'm evil and stuff. There's like a white one that's a diffuser, but it looks basically like this. And then the blue one, and I kind of picked the blue one because there was going through the blue and purple vibe. My carry ammo. Bright and sunny. So. Hello. Hello, how are you guys doing? Let me know where you're at if you're stopping in, I would love to hear from you. I'm I'm looking to meet people.

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