Music Friends! Come Hang Out! – NGRmusic Livestream 2 (Part 3) – Free VOD

We’ll make friends. It’s nice to have you guys! I appreciate you coming by. Here is another livestream that I broadcast recently. Thanks for watching. I’ll see you in the comments!

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We'll make friends. It's nice to have you guys. If I see you in my stats and stuff after my live is over, I'll come follow you. So I appreciate you coming by. I know the top viewers at least show up. I don't remember. Other than that I have. I've done a couple of short. Live streams before it was just, they've been fairly brief. I think the first one was somewhere around half an hour. The second one was probably about the same. So I'm, I used to do all kinds of live streams in other places before, but it's been quite a while and so it's man, I mean. Like literally it's probably been a few years since I've really live streamed or anything on a regular basis. I used to do it all the time. I did that in lots and lots and lots and lots of content. Lots of blogging, lots of blogging, photo shoots. Every week I go to events and stuff like that. I actually have a couple of events coming up. One is actually, I know I posted at least one. Think I posted both of the Flyers for them. One of them is a all metal show. It's got a whole bunch of different metal bands that's coming up on August 3rd and I'm going to be doing that show. So I'm looking forward to that. It's it's really been a while since I've done any shows out and about. And I just went to one recently, but I wasn't actually like part of promoting that one. So this one I am and I need to, I need to get more on top of all this stuff because it's been so long. I'm kind of out of the swing so. I have another one of my friends, her name is Lida Bondum and she just did a show that was also metal. Metal is like all of a sudden a thing like big time right now. I mean, like, you know, it has been over the years, but like all of a sudden everybody's metal, metal, metal, metal. And I mean, it's like, whoa, where did this come from? But I don't know, a lot of people out there apparently want to metal right now, so. Umm. I, I might, I don't know. I'll, I'll, I'm sure I will post some stuff from that. I might even live stream from it a little bit. It is a Saturday night, so if it I'm sure it will fall within the time I'm gonna end up probably regular live streaming or you know, we regularly live streaming. So if that's the case, I'll take you guys with me and we'll go to the show together and you guys can watch from your phone while I go check out the show. I got. Coming up that one of the bands, Metal one, is not, the one that is not I have seen multiple times. I really like them. They're called Broken Robots and so I've seen them twice before live, but they're going to be playing again. So I'm really looking forward to seeing what is new with them they have. They've come out with a lot of new music since I've seen them last and I really don't know a lot of it. So the live stream capture you wearing a Jack Daniels box on your head. I remember that I, that was a long time ago from a live stream that I did. And there was, I had this Jack Daniels box and I, it was like one of those. With the bottle and then the the different like Jack Daniels tumblers and I put it on like 1/2 during my life. It's so funny the things that people have, like I actually somebody else told me they had a bunch of live video captures from one of my well, not. Now, a lot of my live streams from a long time ago, so it's kind of interesting because I mean, they say that the Internet like never goes away and I've put so much content out there, but over the years it has gotten lost on. That computers or whatever, dead phones and every once in a while I find people that have copies of that stuff and it's like ohh really? You still have that that's awesome so I kind of that's kind of fun sometimes but. Welcome you guys. I see Michael in here and I just I, I'm like it says every who's joining and then but it goes away sometimes really fast. So welcome to everybody that's in here right now. I would love to hear where you guys are from. I'm from Chicago. I've mostly lived in Chicago most of my life, but. I'd like to hear where you guys are coming from. And I'm looking forward to meeting people, making friends and we can love on each other's content. So I'm glad to do that. But I'm, I'm really looking for people that I vibe with that I can hang out with and I'm planning to be here a lot so. Looking forward to getting to know you guys. Something. I'm just listening to some music. This one. This one by a guy. Harrison Bergerson. That's a little bit of a mouthful. It's called Follow the Dream. It's kind of like a nice chill ride to the sun. The trees. I've got so many different kinds of music. I also want to know what kind of music do you guys like? I play everything but sometimes, sometimes I might be in the mood for some rock or some metal or some dance music. I don't know it just it just depends on what kind of day it is. I could put together any kind of playlist. I this is streaming live right now. I'm on the radio so. But I put together, I just kind of threw this playlist together for my first live stream. There's like an official live stream. I've done a couple of short live streams before that, but they were just, you know, random nonsense. So I some days, you know, some days will be chilling, taking it easy, some days maybe a little goofy having fun. But I'd love to hear what kind of music you guys like. I think over time I'll get to know. More about everybody and and we'll kind of. Go with that and and make sure that we've got stuff that everybody is enjoying. So I think that we can have fun building what kind of. OK, show this is together. But right now I'm just trying to meet people and you guys can say hello to each other. I'd love to know where you're from. What are you guys up to today? Hello. Hello. How are you guys doing? Say you won't make any money. Sealy. Sealy, Montana. Seeley, Montana. Hello, hope you're having a good day today. So. Yeah, this is kind of. I don't know you consider this elevator music or like hold music. I don't know, it's kind of I, I'm kind of liking it right now, kind of a chill vibe. I actually came home from work, you know, feeling like, oh, I have energy to do stuff. And then I had a lot of frustrations before getting on the stream and my mood's kind of today. And so this is kind of, I think we're at a good spot right now. Every day of your life. Give it everything. Ohh I saw Robin out there. Hello. Yeah, I appreciate the likes guys. It's really nice of you. I really it's it's so, so awesome. Thanks for stopping in and hanging out with me a little bit. Umm. So yeah, I've been playing shows, radio shows for a really long time. I grew up as kind of like a band dork. So I I played, I started out playing the ridiculous Recorder when I was little, and then I played flute after that, and I've learned to play some guitar. I like to sing, although I am not very practiced at it. I'm not very good. I do have a daughter that is a vocal major though, in school, so that's pretty awesome. She goes to performing arts school and so it's in the family, but. I've been to, you know, I've had the radio stuff I've been doing playing music their whole lives, my kids whole lives, so. Umm, it's just always kind of been around. My mom actually used to back in probably in the 70s, taught guitar lessons. Um. I had, she had this really awesome 12 string guitar and I had it for a while and then I got this puppy and the dog ate the guitar. It was horrible, so bad. It was such a nice guitar too. Terrible, terrible thing. Hello. Hi, Matt. How are you doing? Happy Thursday. I'm doing great. I'm, I'm much better now that I'm like kind of settling into hanging out out here. It was kind of difficult getting started in the show today, but I'm still here. You know, I was thinking about your videos the other day and the one that I found was kind of like a, I don't know. It was like a silly one. You're making some crazy faces. So I don't know, but it was a cracked me up, whatever it was. And then I went and looked back and I didn't see it and I'm but I don't know. So far I like what I see. What are you up to today? And if you guys are, if you're new here, let me know where you're from. I'm from the Chicago area and hope you guys are having a great day so far today. Just hanging out. Enjoying some music, making some new friends. You guys are all welcome here. Ohh my gosh this song is so old. This is like when I first started the radio show, it was like 2007. Laying down. Cleaning now Cleaning Down go down go down go. By Neal Neal. Like I'm supposed to. I don't even got a boat to brag. Super Mario 1. Welcome everybody. Thanks for stopping in today. Hope you're having an awesome day so far. Everybody saying I put your boys and saying like I'm Jada P and came in. I thought you used to be on this time of day, but I came on because I actually had energy to come on today. And I usually probably will be here at night time, but you never know. Maybe I'll do a couple times a day. We'll see. I'm number one with swag. But the 4.6 K? Where the lake save Preciate it. Thanks for all the hearts. Thanks for all the love, you guys are awesome. Freaks out. And right now our top viewers are Joe, 76, and Lauren. So go check them out, guys. Add them to your friends. I'm trying to make as many friends as I can I. Have actually just hit 5K followers this week, so thank you to everybody that's checking out my stuff and I would love to do the same for you. Hello David, how are you doing today? I am, yeah. I just, I I've been enjoying checking out everybody's videos, getting to know everybody. Now, without touching the mic, I'm trying to find my people on here, you know, I, I, I know they're all out there. Hi, Amy, how are you doing? I got a pair that probably cost the average hustler. I show you how to clean up. You gotta stay crispy and keep your hair cut. You gotta rock label then they never heard of. You gotta stand down to stepping in the club. Be different, don't be nothing. So I'm, I don't know, I'm gonna have to come up with like different ideas, like different topics and stuff that we can do, like different shows. So right now I'm just hanging out, meeting people. That's kind of my plan for today, just to hang out and say hello to everybody. And. My Queen, you. I will every anybody who I see after in my live stream, I'll be sure to follow you guys so. That's uh. Hi, Jess, How are you doing today? Laying down. So yeah, that's that's kind of my plan, just to hang out and see who stops by. So clean downtown, clean down, so clean down. Love to hear what you guys are up to and how your day is going. Let me know where you're from. Laying down. Play down from window cleaning down. I love to know also what kind of music you guys like listening to. Now go down, go lay down, go lay down, go lay down, go lay down, lay down. And now, wow, we're up to 5000 likes already. You guys are awesome. Thank you so much. Ah. I I don't know. I am. Listen to music like what's gonna come on next I I picked the. In front of me, so I don't know what's on next. I just, I kind of like picked what songs to throw in there. This one is Arsenal in Vega and the song is called Chilling and trying to remember if I know where he's from. I don't know. It's been awhile since I've talked to him. Umm. And might have met him off of fiber actually I think. But. I know I I. He's he's really cool. He's done a couple of like. Station ID's for me and stuff like that. And I'm feeling, I'm feeling like I'm feeling. And if you, I don't know, I know, I know stuff you know, I know. That I, that I play on the radio and he was, I'm pretty sure he was a fiber person. I, I've met a lot of musicians through that. They come, come fighting me to play their music. So I really don't have that many songs by him though. But every once in a while I go look at. You look out and, you know, reconnect with everybody and see what's new. A lot of times too, they'll come find me. Once they got new music, they'll be like, hey, can you play this one too? So. So there's nothing left. Trying to think what other off the top of my head, what other songs in his I have. I'm sure I have more, but I'm trying to. We love paper. Green paper, Yeah. I don't know because I'm listening to this one. This is the one I'm thinking of right now. And that will give that. Is. I'm chilling, I'm chilling, I'm chilling. Like I'm chilling, I'm chilling, I'm chilling, I'm chilling. So yeah, you guys let me know where you're from and how your day is going so far. Say hello. I would love to hear from you. I'm chilling, I'm chilling, I'm chilling like ohh. Hello Marty, how are you doing? I'm going to game. Be better. Yeah. See. What do you think? OK, so for daytime you like this? I said it lighting better or you like the blue better. At night time it's getting to be more blue, but everything's gonna be darker. Oops. Really see what's in your chest. You may think about you just can't pass that test and everybody else can. Let me know too. Do the other colors too if you wanna see them, but I don't think yeah, they're, I mean, they're completely, I don't know. So there's that there's that. I can do the other colors too. But like like I said, some of them just look really bad. Like I would never hold on. Let me grab the other colors that I can show you guys. You should catch something. We just be talking and we'll be back this year. It comes with all these different things too, so. Alright, so this is just white like without any diffuser or anything. And then you saw the blue and now I can't. The blue is difficult. It does not slide very well. It's like must be bent. Anyways, whatever you saw the blue, it's like curved or something a little bit I already can't see. Make a diffuser, but I don't think it makes that big of a difference. It probably sounds it slightly, but not that one. And I'm like blinding myself. I do that too. OK, so there's that. Then like the ugliest one ever probably. People building. Thank you. If I wanna look sick, that's how you do it. Like. And I'm going handsome. This exactly. This is like. I put on way too much self Tanner. This one, Well, I guess, right? I Is this the reddest red? This doesn't look red, but it's probably the red. I don't know. Yeah, there we go. The except my eyes are red too. I actually that makes me look really shiny. Wow, look at that. That's wild. Hi, Carol. How are you? So, yeah. I don't know. So yes, I I definitely think the blue, the blue or the white. I like this song. This is Doug Cash. It's called More Than Special. It's from his album The Early Years, like this one. This is an old song of his like from quite a long time ago. Is there room to slide two in? Probably not. I could maybe put one in the front of it. I could tape it on. Let me.

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Lita Von Doom
1 month ago

You talking about metalfest makes me wish I was there.

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