Music Friends! Come Hang Out! – NGRmusic Livestream 2 (Part 4) – Free VOD

What’s up? Where you guys from? What are you up to today? So, umm. Yes. So, Joe. Let me know if you have any good ideas like whether we play some games or like different topics. I’m open to different ideas, I’m going to ask. Are other mods her ideas too? And I know there’s all kinds of fun stuff we do. I’m thinking like Cynthia Tazer right now. She would have like a wheel and be spinning things and doing all kinds of who knows what. I know her actually, she just she just. Was on today. I should schedule doing a live with her sometime, that would be fun. Umm but I don’t know when the last time she’s done alive on TikTok. She’s got her. She’s been in Texas and she’s doing music for Motion down there, so she’s got a TikTok channel for that.

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See now it just blocks it out. It doesn't make it even though I put the two over it. You can't see it at all. So unfortunately it's too too thick to for the light to come into the room. Yeah, I don't know, maybe sometime I'll do daylight during the day since the since the back you can't see it anyways and then we'll just be blue at night. That way you guys can know what time of day it is. Not that it matters. So I don't know that's, but that's my vote. I I think the blue one with the. Or, you know, and I thought of I might be able to get some like film to put over there that's other colors too, but those are the ones that it came with. Special to me. So yeah, how are you guys doing out there? What's up? What's up? Where you guys from? What are you up to today? So, umm. Yes. So, Joe. Let me know if you have any good ideas like whether we play some games or like different topics. I'm open to different ideas, I'm going to ask. Are other mods her ideas too? And I know there's all kinds of fun stuff we do. I'm thinking like Cynthia Tazer right now. She would have like a wheel and be spinning things and doing all kinds of who knows what. I know her actually, she just she just. Was on today. I should schedule doing a live with her sometime, that would be fun. Umm but I don't know when the last time she's done alive on TikTok. She's got her. She's been in Texas and she's doing music for Motion down there, so she's got a TikTok channel for that. And I was saying earlier I need to have some of my random friends on here to do some live streams with me. Lenny, I know Ron Fitzgerald has been active on TikTok lately. I could get him on here. And have them do some who knows what, Maybe some special illusion things for us or something. Although I have to make sure that he knows he can't do dangerous stunts because yeah, you get you get in trouble for that. I did a video that was already against service service because I didn't think of it as being dangerous, but apparently Tic Tac did so. Had to. I have to be more careful on what kind of stuff I post apparently. Umm, there's no, I have questions about that though. OK, so like people have like cooking channels and stuff and like for kids, they're cooking could be dangerous. Do you come home like. I don't know, I mean. I got a removal of A tag related to gardening so far. That was interesting. That one I thought was kind of silly. But you know. I'm I'm very trying to be careful on what kind of stuff that I post so far, but we'll you know, I'm sure I'll figure it out the more time I spend on here. Appreciate you guys stopping by. If you could throw a couple of hearts my way, I'd appreciate it and. Yeah, yeah. And I mean, they do, they do have, they have a pretty clear terms of service and as long as you follow it, you're OK. But like the stuff that I put, you know, my stuff was like I didn't think of it as being in violation. And then it turned out to be in one of the the first one I could see. Because the the app has a lot of kids on it. So it's kind of something for me that wasn't dangerous. But if you know, like a little kid saw it and tried to do it, it could be dangerous, that kind of thing. So and that and that note, I agreed that OK, that makes sense, you know. Yeah, well, that's why. So this this girl that I've been watching? She has an agency and they actually work with TikTok directly. Directly because sometimes you will get in trouble or get banned for something really silly that you shouldn't have been banned for and. And see if they can help you out in and talk to TikTok directly. So I actually asked her for her agency information and I've reached out to them. I haven't heard back. They say it can take like a week for them to get back to you. So that way in case something happens that is like say the AI flags you for something or you know. Something that you shouldn't have gotten in trouble for you do that they could help you get back in your account. So. I'm looking into that just to be on the safe side as far as that goes. We'll see what happens. I don't know if I'll end up, you know, using them or not, but it is a possibility. So I have looked into it. Hello Donnie, how are you? Umm. So yeah, I've just been kind of learning things, kind of feeling stuff out. With what you tell, yeah, you don't understand. If you guys are able to share this, that'd be awesome. And send me some hearts if you can. If you're enjoying hanging out. I know we've just met and I know we have a lot of getting to know each other to do, but I'm glad to make friends. So don't be shy. Say hello. I would love to hear where you guys are from. I'm in Chicago right now. I've been, I just moved to this house in the last two months or less, so I'm still getting settled in, but I've got my live stream set up here so we're good. I'm just hanging out, listening to some music, trying to meet some people, make some friends. And you see I'm I'm we're up to 5.1 K on. Thank you guys so much. I appreciate you keeping the hearts coming. The more hearts you throw up there, the more friends will come join us. So if you're looking to meet people, it's a great way to do it. Umm, I'm, I like seeing who comes in here and it's going to, I know it's going to take a while to get people that keep coming back, but I'm going to keep going live as much as I can so that I can get to know everybody. The song is called Easy Being King. And I believe it's my will be. Will be was a friend of a friend who umm a friend that went by the name of Miss PG and that's how I know it will be was through his PG. And she's got music that I play also. And if you guys are friends with musicians or bands or if you are a musician or you are in a. You would like me to play your music. I am happy to do that too. I make videos to promote all kinds of music. So I'd love to hear what you guys like to listen to. I all kinds of music. I mean really I I have had, I have days where I feel like doing rock music. I have days where I feel like Just Dance music or EDM, dubstep kind of stuff. Some days I do I want to do slow songs. Some days I want to do silly songs. You know, it just depends. I do all kinds of different things, so sometimes I mix it up and do all kinds of music. Sometimes I just stick to one type of vibe. This is pretty, I gotta say in earlier. There's a lot of metal happening lately. There's a little bit of metal for. Carter, how are you doing today? So yeah, let me know what kind of music you listen to. You let me know where you're from. Come on in, make some friends, share this with your friends so we can make more friends. I would love to be friends with your friends and you can be friends with my friends. You know what? Now let's see. I don't even know if I can share this without messing up. I guess how much I don't know about. OK, there we go. Share it without messing up. I guess how much I don't know about. OK, there we go. Share it. If anybody can share this please do and I just shared it to Facebook myself. I'm still learning the features on the live so let's see can I share it other places? Where else can I share this to get Facebook it's got. Ohh man. Yellow. Anybody ever teeth white your thing? Let's try this again. Alright, let's try this again. I heard some stories about this guy but. I'll share those with you guys once we get to know each other better. Can't tell you everything all at the first day. OK, so I'm not sure. I know there's a way to see like, who's the top viewers in the room? But I don't know if you can see like. I mean, OK, so it shows one, one person up there, but I don't know if that's like the total viewers in the room at the time. Or not, or if that's just the top viewers cause like a bunch of people pop in and then they're gone like but well, not they're not even gone. Like I don't even know if they're gone. Really tell me like they pop up at the bottom until somebody else is notification shows up. But like the numbers are slightly confusing to me as far as the tub is like who's in the the most viewed list, but it's the most viewed at the time. So I don't know if that considers everybody that's in the room. At the same time. Or if it's. Like, I don't know. I'm sure I'll figure out more, like I'll look at the stats on the back end too. I'm sure I'll figure it out the more lives I do. And there's some kind of they, they have like Tic Tac has different contests going on. So right now there is like contests for creators. I'm trying to look at something right now. So like there's this OK live lineup. That's not what I want. And I just clicked on it and now it's going to take me to who knows what. Beauty and community fest, Beauty and fashion. So OK, not that one. Summer of STEM. Join us refers to ever Tick tock live summer stem this July and August we are proud to partner with. To showcase different STEM professions in the field and give our audience a chance. OK, like like stem cell, is that what we're talking about? OK, but there's more. Let's see. OK, here's the one that I was interested in kind of so there's a go live collect swag thing going on and it started today I think, right? Is it still it's July 17th today? I don't even know. I have to figure it out on this. Tablet right now it needs the the pin. Ohh, let's see. So anyways it says. There's like different levels and. There was a OHH level one which OK go live for 60 minutes so I already did that. And then it says diamond split prize pool so there is 100,000 diamonds. And everyone that went live for 60 minutes, I think it's to split 100,000 diamonds. So I've already achieved that. So the level 2 we've got go live for 120 minutes and then it says receive 10 heartbeat gifts. OK, well I don't have any heart, any gifts, but. I've gone live for half of the amount of time So what is like? I don't even know about heartening gifts really like which? So. And that one is also a pool split. It says OK, so it says it's 100,000. Is that you can split. But. 1724 live creators have completed the mission so they're already in it. So I need to go live for 60 more minutes, but then I need 10 Harton gifts I don't know how to get. I don't know anything about heartbeat gifts. Like what is heart me mean? So anyways, there's level 2, Level 3, then the OK, so there's more. Like there's gifts, but then what's a heartening gift? What's the difference? Like I'm not really sure. Yeah, I don't know, but. I won level 1 Woohoo. I'll probably get, I don't you know what, when I looked at that, I didn't look at how many people have like gotten into that part so far. Like how many people and putting those gems without probably get like 1 diamond or something. I think. OK, it says it's. It doesn't even say. Wait, more details. OK so yeah. OK so I'm not even getting 1 diamond. It says 100,000 diamonds split. Between 106,000. 74 people. No Fantasia. I'm not. Wait a minute for the 1st. Recycle with the recital, never resign it always for the first 100,000 live. Am I reading this wrong? No. Put your head just like but it says there's 232 left. Perfect time, but there's over 100,000 already. But anyways, I don't know. I don't even think I'm getting 1 diamond from there. And we know the only thing, the only thing we know, only thing we know. So I need to find out what a Heart Me gift is. And I need 10 of them till you move on to the next level. I'm gonna put my life into this. I don't know if you guys know what to hurt me. Gift is let me know because I can't look at gifts from I've given gifts to other people. But I I don't care if he gets like, you know, I can't see the gift this when I'm on my own life. But like if you get all the way up to the top that they'll send you Tic Tac swag. Like that's like the top prize. There's like. Yeah. OK. So you see, I don't know you're supposed to be able to get up to. I'm the second coming Phillips drumming the 100,000 diamond. Better hit the ground but it's over 100 and 100,000 people that are in it. And then you're supposed to get split another 100,000 diamonds. They're doing more time and the 10 heart gifts and then next level. So maybe if I got in too late. I don't get it. I at all like. Maybe 100 the 1st 100,000 people get. Diamond and then after that you don't get one. I don't know because it says like there's like more details. This one is OK. Level 3 is go live for 120 minutes, receive 2000 gifts and receive 50 gifts. And when you go to more details it says there's 100,000 diamonds. Just like the yard, I'm on the front porch and there's currently 99,800 and. So it's probably whoever gets to that level first, but it's kind of like you're winning. If I understand correctly, you're only winning like maybe 1 diamond at a time. So I don't know. Through this on my previous song, it's just my newest. Living. I don't want to be Hi steff. How are you doing? See. Alright, well guys, I would love to know where you're from and what you're up to today. I would also like to know what kind of music you like. I play all kinds of music, but the more I know about. The more I can play what you like.

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Lita Von Doom
1 month ago

“More than special to me”, is a great song. very cheery. I wish I had an agency, but I don’t think I’m successful enough on tiktok for that.

Last edited 1 month ago by Lita Von Doom
Lita Von Doom
26 days ago

I just got that. Thank you so much for sending!

25 days ago
Reply to  Lita Von Doom

It is time to create your TikTok channel. Keep us informed.

1 month ago

Yesterday, I changed my TikTak into a business account, it has that option.

1 month ago

I will go over later the pros and cons of business account, if the cons seems to outweigh the pros, then I see if I can change it back to personal.

Lita Von Doom
26 days ago

I have a lot of videos promoting my “spicy” content. so I know that it would not work for me. I’m surprised I’m not shadow banned already.

25 days ago
Reply to  Lita Von Doom

For more spicy content have you checked out Fansly?

Lita Von Doom
26 days ago

I’ve been wondering how that works. I am interested in selling automotive related stuff. I know people would dig a video of me using it.

25 days ago
Reply to  Lita Von Doom

Yes, I think that would be good, you should get a TikToc channel in selling Automotive or an Automotive channel. I am learning some things about Tok from Jess’s channel and am going to look more into Tok, for some channels
. I created my friend’s YouTube fitness change and have been working on it, I will possibly create a TikTok channel for him as well.

25 days ago
Reply to  Lita Von Doom

You can give it a shot, and see how you like it, you may do well on TikTak, never know til you give it a go. Your channel may be a success.

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