Music Friends! Come Hang Out! – NGRmusic Livestream 2 (Part 5) – Free VOD

So, I will usually be on here at nighttime. I I’m not sure exactly. I’m thinking like [8:00] or [9:00]. Central time usually. So, I would love if you guys would. Make friends and meet each other on here and I’m looking to make friends I’m looking to meet people that and get along with and I’m still very much just meeting people in general here.

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So I will usually be on here at night time. I I'm not sure exactly. I'm thinking like 8:00 or 9:00. Central time usually. So I would love if you guys would. Make friends and meet each other on here and I'm I'm looking to make friends I'm looking to meet people that and get along with and I'm still very much just meeting people in general here on TikTok getting to know some people I've had a couple of people that I've actually. Gone out and met in person along time ago but I have and there's a couple of like bands that I've met that I've played their music now and I enjoy watching a lot of videos. If you've if you comment on any of my stuff I will come check. Your page out and comment on yours as well and share your videos and all that good stuff give you lots of love. But I hope you guys are wonderful today and. I appreciate all the hearts and everything. I'm gonna have to probably go make dinner soon and but. As long as all goes well for the rest of my evening, I should be back later. I will be posting more about like I'll post a video before I go live so you guys know give you a little heads up and next time when I am when I'm planning to go live like I'll start I'll. I'll start like planning out a regular time, see you guys can come see me every day. I think it's going to be more likely in the evening. You know, 8/9, 10:00 PM. Chicago, so Central Time zone, but I hope you're doing fantastic out there and thank you so much for hanging out with me. I am. Enjoying getting to know how this all works and. You know, I hope we can have fun together. I think we can. I think we're gonna have a great time and I enjoy sharing this music with you. I'm just me. How are you doing today? I will be following anybody. That is not already someone that I follow. So thank you for coming in and if you'd like to stop by and comment and any of my stuff, I will come back and comment and yours as well and hopefully we can be friends, get along and have a good time together. I would love to know where you guys are. Run in and of course we'll kind of music you like so please let me know, but I'm trying to think what I want to make for dinner tonight. What are you guys having for dinner? I've got, let's see, I think I have some chicken I can make or or. I think the other thing was like a tofu thing that I got. It looked really good. Do you guys like tofu or you think it's gross? I, I like it a lot, but it depends on how it's made though. It can be gross, but usually I like it. So I Kirsty, how are you doing today? So yeah, I'm not sure what what I'm going to go for for dinner yet. I don't know, maybe I'll do both. I I think I'm going to be feeding lots of hungry people today. So I don't know where you guys from. And. Do you like? Hello Michelle, how are you doing today? I am just playing some music and kind of vibing out today. Work was kind of slow and quiet earlier and. It's kind of nice to just. Say hello to everybody. I don't know. I'm, I'm, I'm starting to think about food. It is. What time is it? It is 4:40 PM here in. Come with me now. So getting close to dinner soon. Not quite yet, but soon. I gotta start thinking about what I'm gonna cook. There there's a bad back you guys in the cooking. I I've been kind of making like random videos lately. I did make one recently about this recipe that I've been eating like since I was a kid. My mom used to make it. We call it meat pie. It's kind of like a pot pie except for. Things in the pie except the gravies on the outside and it's so good. And I, I made that like a few days ago and I posted a video about it and it's like it took so long to make that video and the cook everything but the videos like a minute long. I crunched it all as hard as I could in one minute. And you know the person put to some awesome music. Check that out. I had originally thought about doing like the whole recipe and everything, but it's impossible to fit all that into one minute like that. So it's just a quick. Everything. Kind of. You can still kind of tell how to do it. The measurements are super like specific as far as like how much garlic salt or anything I put in there, how much this or that or the other thing. I it's kind of because it's a family recipe I'm used to just like knowing how much goes in there. If you really need help figuring it out, if you want to make it and you don't know. And you're nervous about it? I'm either gonna tell you, just put in how much you want, or I can figure it out for you. I'll let you know. Umm, but yeah, so I don't know, I'm probably gonna take off and make some food fairly soon, but if I see you guys info on my live stream, I will definitely stop by your page and check it out. And thanks for coming. Anybody that's in the room, I I'm all about. Many people, so I hope you guys enjoy stopping by and normally I'll be here later in the evening with a much more exciting Hardy vibe so I hope you'll come join me. I happen to know from my stats that everybody shows up at night time to my page for whatever reason. But I'm kind of not surprised. I've always been kind of a late person anyway. I have done a lot of content over the years, like for years and years and years. And I I'm not surprised that everybody's kind of like late night owls like me. I haven't been so much recently, but I think it's going to go back that way just because that's where when everybody else is here so. And if you don't know you Desi, I don't know, I'll have to put together. I might I'll work on putting together a fun playlist for the next live. If you guys let me know what kind of music you listen to, I can kind of gear it towards that. So I'm all about making it fun for everybody and kind of. Building a group, building a community of people that cannot hang out and vibe together so. I'm, I'm into all kinds of music and I'm, I'm down with suggestions. We can do like we can play games or do like silly trivia or just like hang out and talk about whatever you want. So. I care about you. I don't know, Maybe we'll do some.

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Lita Von Doom
1 month ago

Although I been switching gears and majors with culinary school to automotive technology, I still cook like it. I like to eat fish and steak, specifically Salmon.

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