Music Friends! Come hang out! – NGRmusic Livestream 5 (Part 1) – Free VOD

Hey guys, how’s it going? We’re doing another night of Community Fest tonight. I hope you’re having a great night out. I’m just stopping in for a little bit to say hello this evening.

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Hey guys, how's it going? We're doing another night of Community Fest tonight. I hope you're having a great night out. I'm just stopping in for a little bit to say hello this evening. I. Have a phone charger that I'm trying to get. It should be here tomorrow. I've been only able to do a little bit of a live stream because it has been cutting me out early when my battery dies on my phone but. Everything should be good to go by tomorrow so. Just sending out some people know that I am here right now. I hope everybody's good out there tonight. Everybody that I know, and you know what? Maybe. So. I was. Supposed to do a battle with somebody tonight. But she and I both found out about it kind of late. So we agreed to do it for another night. I do have a battle that I'm supposed to do tomorrow night. Once I have full details, I will go ahead and share that with you guys. I'm going to set up a live event. And then? From there I can go ahead and. How are you doing? Last night tell me I should look at the chat on my computer screen and I just remembered that I. That really quick. It'll be better for me to see. Ohh but I just what did I just do? I messed up my music though. How do I OK so how do I do that? I need my music and my. At the same time. Hold on, let me get. And so I can see the chat better because. Hi, B Coops, how are you doing? Welcome. Yeah, I was. I noticed last night I couldn't really read the screen because I have my lights down here. And somebody recommended that I look at it on my computer screen, so I'm going. So I can kind of read it. Yeah, I hope you. Just because my phone, the battery will die and then I won't be able to hang out past that. But I have a new charger coming from my phone. It should be here sometime tomorrow. So I'll be able to go ahead and stay on longer next time. And tomorrow night I am going to be doing a battle at 11:00. Stay tuned for that. I am scheduled to do 1. I was talking to. So we're gonna figure things out and get one going sometime later in the week. But I am live every night this week, so I'm glad you guys are here and. I have wanted to do another. I a lot of different things that I was messing around with. I've been kind of going through my TikTok, looking through all of my followers and the people I'm following and just kind of seeing, you know, like if any of them look kind of like bogus accounts, I'm kind of weeding those. Hi, Mariano, how are you doing tonight? Welcome. So yeah, I'm just trying to find out, you know? I wanna I wanna connect with people that I like actually have stuff in common with. So that's kind of my goal. I would love to know where you guys are from. And I'm from Chicago, I've spent most of my life in this area, and I've also lived in Kansas City and down in Florida for a little while, just a little north of Miami High. Pablo, how are you doing tonight? Welcome. I've been doing. Hi Trent, how are you? Hi Skunky, how's it going? Hope you guys are having a great night tonight. Yeah, I've been doing live streams the last few nights in a row and. I could feel the strain on my voice. I've been. I've been. And you know, being extra excited to be here. I also am having some allergies too. So I'm I'm trying to take care of that. I actually just a few months ago adopted a cat and I think I'm slight. To the cat, but he's. I'm gonna keep him around, but I did just have to go wash like the blankets and stuff because I my throat spent kind of scratchy the last couple of days in addition to doing all the talking from the live so. Hi David, how are you doing? I hope you having a great night so far. Welcome, I had a whole bunch of people in here last night hanging out. We were having a great time just just chatting and and enjoying ourselves. So I'm looking to meet people and looking to make friends. I'm I'm, I haven't met a couple really awesome people out here so far, but I am fairly new, especially to live streaming. So hi William, how are you doing? Thank you for the likes, I really appreciate it. So yeah, I. Just kind of feeling my way around and and getting to meet some people. I was going through a bunch of people's pages today to just kind of see what they're about to check out the videos. And you know. See what people? I think I'm kind of on the same wavelength width, so that's kind of where I'm at right now. Hey hope you're having a good night tonight. Glad you could make it. I was. Let's see. Trains. Username I will. I'd like to check out your. Hi, Shane. So I. There's new things on the screen. Gift Ambassador. I don't know what that is. I've been trying to check out all the little stuff. Find the screen up here. I don't that one's a new one to me, although that's I mean, I was on last night. I didn't see it last night, but they have us doing this contest right now and it's a. Community Fest and at the moment. And there's these like tick. And. Their popularity votes and I'm. For the couple of. We're collecting votes to see if we can rank up and move on to the next level. I'm pretty new so I don't expect to get a whole lot, but if anybody wants to send me some, I'd appreciate it. Then be awesome. Hi Aaron, how? Ohh no, your neighbor. That's rock. Yeah, that's not good. Is that, did everything turn out OK? Is everything all good? Ohh man I'm sorry to hear that. Yeah, so. I'm a. I don't know, I'm trying the community fest thing but I'm new so I don't expect to like. Super win or anything, but you know, girls gotta try so. Send me some of those hearts. And of course the little ticket things up here, you can get the the votes up there, you can get them for free. So if I. It would be most helpful. I appreciate it. Thank you so much. Hi, Jack Cycle, how are you doing? Welcome. I just kind of. High soccer dad, how are you? Welcome. Nice to have everybody tonight. I would love to know where you guys are from. I'm out by Chicago over here and looking to meet people, looking to make friends. OK, well, at least it's, you know, it's getting to be that time of night, so they'll be inside. So that's good at least. So, yeah, but sorry to hear that about the difficulty with your neighbor Daniel. But yeah, so I'm. Let's see. I'm looking forward to my first battle tomorrow night. I don't know what we're gonna do yet. I haven't talked to this person yet, but I'm, I'm excited. I'll find out more later. I I need to go. Contact them and then I will once I know more, I'll post the live event and try to invite some people to it. Hi Lindsey, how are you doing? Welcome. And then I was going to do one tonight, but the girl, the girl that was going to do it with me, ohh, my speaker just died. Why? I don't understand, I might not plugged in, what is going? I'm having a rough time you guys. This is not my day right now. I don't know why my speaker just totally died. In the middle of my music. I just got the speaker recently so I'm still. Learning it. Ohh that was weird what happened Like my my computer screen refreshed too. Huh. Well, that's weird. And now I'm not connected to my. What is going on you guys? Make that bad sound. I don't know. I'm I'm. Having some challenges this evening to say the least. Here we go. Let's see add. Connect PC and I don't know if it has to do. There's a couple different modes. Ohh is it connecting? Ohh it did OK good and we didn't have to hear that horrible static noise again. Let me see. So sorry about that guys. Yeah, so the girl that I was gonna do a battle with tonight, like she's brand new to live streaming like I am. And like we both felt like, ohh, my gosh, I'm not prepared. So we'll figure it out. We'll talk. We'll we'll regroup in a couple of days. But I was glad to meet somebody that's like on the same page with me and like totally like almost as lost as I have. I mean, like I'm probably. She hasn't read as much as the information as I have and I I recommended that she does because it was really helpful. But yeah, she. We're about her? You guys here tonight, I hope. Evening so far. I keep trying to work on my setup over here. I didn't get to do anything really with this and actually I need to. I have a. That I was. And I lost it. Oh, here it is. Glass cleaner so it might not help at all. But. Fingerprinting very fast. I don't know how much of it you guys can see. I know it's very reflective and things, but. Let's see. And I'm trying to look at the other screen again. See a bunch of people popping? 09. They may run. Having the chat. I'm we're just. Making friends and. Some music. Feel like talking about? I mostly post stuff about music. I'm gonna be doing lots of fun music, facts and stuff. Hi, B Geiger, how are you? Well. So yeah, mostly I. Music staff. I do stuff with independent musicians. I have been doing. Well. Forever. Ever. But like 2007. So all the musicians that I play I know in some way, shape or form. Most of them are good friends of mine at this point. So I'm excited to share their music with you and I'm also open to new music. So if you are. For our friends with music. Send. And I would love to. Help everybody out. As well so. Yeah, I don't have Wow I I'm on a 10 day jail in channel 10 live streams in a row. This is night 3 and my voice is like struggling already. And I haven't even my phone has not. My phone I have like an issue with the with keeping the battery going right now because my my speaker doesn't work and so I have to have my earbuds plugged in so you guys can hear me and I'm only able to live stream as long as my my phone is. Having a battery so. I do have a a new thing coming tomorrow that will help with that issue and we'll be able to go live longer. But Oh my gosh, I probably my first night, I was probably here a little over an hour and a half last night, a little over an hour probably and then. Tonight I just got on probably 15 minutes ago and my voice is struggling. I can feel it. I have allergies on top of that too so that's probably making it worse but I definitely am feeling so strain. I'm not used to doing all this talking. Radio shows. I have songs and then I talk and then. And then I talk and then or. Me and somebody else. So it's not straight. I'm feeling it tonight. I'm feeling it. I could feel it a little before but like it's starting to. Ohh man, I have seven more nights to go after this. We should, we should make guesses on how many nights my voice is gonna last. So yeah, what are you? Goodnight. I'm gonna have to check out this gift ambassador thing before I'm off air tonight. That's what that's about. That you can send to your favorite. Gift popular creators. Rewards. Videos that are eligible for the challenge and get. Gift Hub To participate in this activity, creators can post the. OK. I'm not really sure how this works. Highlights for me. So. I'm not set that up, it was really cool with the night. Right to make my video the next day it records the. Make videos with. But. When I. Like I went this morning to do it. I didn't have. We had to go all through the video to look for. And I had. You're right, I should probably do that. I don't know if. More money with. I know I have. But I will have to do something. Lemon juice and honey. Hi, Delia. So I I have like random seasonal. And I just washed the. Hopefully that helps and I wake up with less of a scratchy throughout this morning. It was really rough in the morning. The last two mornings I didn't. I wanted to watch it yesterday and I just didn't get a chance. I was super busy. It'll be better once I go to bed and wake up in the morning and and feel much better. I'll thank you for the likes everybody. Ohh it says my connection is great. They switched me into. That's your I mean, not that my connection is terrible, but that's usually how it goes with live streaming, right? Thanks for the likes though. Like I was saying we're up to 1.1 K likes it. It that's exciting. That makes the room more fun, more interactive, the more people we have to chat with. Hi, Kristen, how are you doing? I, I didn't see it, said Kristen or Kirsten. But either way. Hello, welcome. Kirsten, Hi, Kirsten. I have my other screen over there. I just double check. And so, yeah. I have I'm I'm I'm getting a little bit more comfortable Tomorrow night we'll do a longer live stream as long as my. My charger thing, it's like a splitter for my iPhone. As long as that shows up tomorrow. Suppose. I watched the Amazon guy come to the house right next to me and then go straight across the street and I'm like, I know. The way it came that early, it'll be. Hi, Ruth. How are you doing? Welcome. And yeah, so I'm going to have that. We'll do that a little longer. We have, we're supposed to be doing a battle tomorrow night. I will be on at 10:00 PM Central. They have a battle, my first ever battle at 11. So that'll be excited. I've never done one before. I don't know what we're. Wait, I haven't even. But I do have their information so I'll be contact. Glad to have you here tonight. And yeah, we'll do. Some i'm, I'm looking forward to it. I've been. I'm excited at the. Same time so. See how it goes. We'll see how it goes. Is that people have done so. I will contact them sometime, probably tomorrow morning, and then we'll plan things out. And so I should be here at least for two hours tomorrow. That's my plan, as long as I can still talk by then. So.

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Lita Von Doom
1 month ago

I’m so glad that you figured out how to post these to the site.

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