Music Friends! Come hang out! – NGRmusic Livestream 5 (Part 2) – Free VOD

So 10 PM Central tonight is the plan unless for some reason it my charger is late, but I that usually doesn’t happen. Amazon’s pretty good about that. Hi, Shirley Tucker, how are you doing? Welcome. Glad to have you joining us tonight. Where is everybody from? I would love to know. I’m out in the Chicago area and looking forward to making lots of new friends. Looking to meet people that are into the same kind of stuff I am if you send me….

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So 10:00 PM Central to. Tonight is the plan. Unless for some reason it my charger is late, but I they usually doesn't happen. Amazon's pretty good about that. Hi, Shirley Tucker, how are you doing? Welcome. Glad to have you joining us tonight. Where is everybody from? I would love to know. I'm out in the Chicago area and. Looking forward to making lots of new friends. Looking to meet people that are into the same kind of stuff I am if you send me. Why does my speaker keep dying? You guys I don't understand it doesn't make any sense. It just completely just shut off again. I don't I don't get it. It's plugged in like as far as I know. Let me double check because I don't understand why it keeps shutting off. I don't know. It's it keeps shutting off randomly and it's totally not supposed to to do that. I've had to reconnect it once already. It didn't do that when we did the other live streams. I don't know what the deal is. So it just goes and then it powered off. I don't know, I just got it. It's kind of new to me, so I'm still kind of figuring it out. Like most of my setup stuff is new so it says it's connected right now, but it's like totally not. Um, I'm going to have there. Oh, no, that's just my hold on a SEC. See it's not connected. I'm going to have to probably disconnect it and reconnect it again. Technology is fun, isn't it? On point Equine massage really like horse massage? Is that what you do? That sounds really interesting. Now that is. Let's see. I don't know, it's not connecting. Ah, you guys, why is this not my day? It says it's connecting but it just doesn't want to. I don't know. Ohh I hate when it does that. Now this I need I, yeah. I don't get it. Sorry for the bad noises. Awful. It did not do this before. I mean it does that when I'm trying to connect it, but usually doesn't keep disconnecting so I don't know why it keeps disconnecting. It's just, you know why? Because somebody said it's a full moon earlier. That's why. That's what's wrong with today. Does anybody else? Well, Daniel, you just said you were having issues today. Who else is having a hard day today? We can't be the only ones. OK ohh I thought it was working. What happened? I heard it for a second and then I pushed the wrong button. What did I do? There's like a play button. I don't know why the speaker needs a play button. But for some reason, they think they do. And uh. Yeah, this is not working. Ohh, my gosh. Hi Timothy. How are you doing? We're just having some technical difficulties over here. Trying to make the most of it, but yeah, blame it on the moon. Blame it on the moon. That's what I gotta say about that. Let's see. Alright, maybe it's. That is going to be working again. What? Ohh man yeah this is like epic fail going on right now. All right, I lost my Bluetooth settings. I'm trying to listen to music with you guys. And it says it's connected. And it's totally not like, where am I? Who am I actually connecting to, right? Is somebody listening to my stuff next door? Come on. Kidding. It's like that didn't work. I'm like, ohh, you sure? Are you sure? This is terrible. I'm about to give up on this and just like turn up my computer. This is so insane. What's? Why so? Yeah, this is a. Alright, well forget that, I guess we're using the computer. I hope it doesn't sound horrible. You guys will have to let me know because this is ridiculous, but I don't know. I don't. I don't usually like how's that speaker sounds because it's such a small speaker. But anyway, thank you guys for stopping in and being here. All we're up to 2.1 K likes. Thank you guys I. Actually a little bit loud. Someone to do lots of different music video or music videos. Like kinda, I mean, I do music videos, but different view videos featuring different music that I've got that I play by different independent musicians. So that's kind of what I'm working on. Umm. I need, I don't know what I was gonna say I need more hours in the day but honestly today was like such a slow day for me. I just, I just couldn't get moving. I tried and I tried and I tried and it was just the whole day. I felt like I was just dragging along no matter what I did. So hi Maggie, how are you doing? Welcome. Hope you have a good night tonight. Umm. So what do you guys do today? Has anyone had anything exciting going on? Any fun stuff happening? Ohh I am what are you do today man? I I I spent a lot of time on TikTok. Actually I did. Some like I was just going through and looking at all the people. I have a lot of lot of people that I am following, but I don't know most of them, you know, So I just kind of went through a whole lot of the pages. I'm just kind of checked out a lot of people's videos and saw what they're, you know. Get a grasp of what each page was about and just try to see you know who kind of aligns with what I'm into. Who kind of likes the same kind of stuff I do. So I was just trying to, you know, feel out my people that I follow and, and, you know, see who's a good fit for me. And I'm just trying to make some friends, meet some people. So. Ah, let's see. Where did I I had my TikTok channel been on the other OK I know there's ohh wow. I'm more than Sauce. That's a nice name. Hi, how are you doing? Welcome. Um, you wanna know hike today. That's great. You know what, I totally was gonna go. I wanted to go to the gym and because yesterday I did the hydro massage for the first day and I really needed it. Like it helped me out a lot, but I still had some really painful muscles and I wanted to go back and do it again today and I was like. Lazy that I never even went. I totally wanted to and I I mean like all you gotta do is lay there and I still didn't go so that's how like. My day just wasn't moving today. But yeah. That's cool. I'm I I need to go on a hike. I should go with you next time. That's great. So I know you would hurt yourself a little while ago. You're feeling better. I'm I'm hoping so. Um. And I should probably mention if you guys want to join my team, you can come join me up here. That helps me out with community first. I only have like 2 more days to, I think it's two days. I gotta check. Like it's only a couple of days that you can get to qualify. If I don't qualify, you guys won't have to hear it about it anymore. But I'm like right now I'm hoping I can at least. Try to get in there, but I need a whole lot of love for that. I need 5000 popularity points to get in there and I get those with the hearts and the fest crown and with the the tickets from the. What do you call it from the community fest thing up there? There's like a little quiz you could do and. And you can when you're in there, you can send me your your votes, but. Let's see. Hi, Orange Moose Head. How are you doing? Welcome. All the ice bath. Good, good. I'm glad. Maybe you know what? And last night. I was complaining about this and someone mentioned ice and I probably should have iced it and I haven't. I usually hate ice but it's probably what I need because like I'm more of a I like the heat but the heat can kind of like swell things up worse. So I haven't done anything like that yet. I've just done the hydro massage and that that actually really helped. And it's nice because you can, like, target it on a certain part of your body. So I did like here to here all on my back. And man, it was great. It really, really helped. It was a shame it was only 10 minutes long, but honestly, Hi, Alphonso, how are you? Hi, Haley, how are you doing? Welcome. Um, ohh, you gotta ASMR channel. Cool, I'll have to check that out. I'm really some kind of ASMR I can do when some I cannot. So I'll have to see. I'll have to see what you got going on over there. Some of it is awesome and some of it's like, ohh, I can't. But I hope you're having a good night tonight. Of. We've got 2.4 K like. Thanks so much and if you're able to share this out, I appreciate that too. I'm just trying to meet new friends and, you know, come hang out and get to know everybody and. I'm, uh, yeah, I'm here every night. I'm here at 10:00 central. For the next 7 nights in a row, I'm on A10 night challenge to be on here every single day. So I'm trying to do that right now. Three days in and my voice is a little bit strained, I'm not going to lie, but let's see how it goes. I'm going to Daniel here recommended some lemon and honey, so I'll have to do that and. See if that helps out a little bit. I'm I've been talking a whole whole lot more than I do on the radio. I've been doing radio shows since 2007. But usually on the radio shows you're either talking to somebody else back and forth or you are talking in between songs. So it's not non-stop talking, not unless I'm doing a commercial or something like that. Alright, good luck Haley. I'll talk to you soon. Have a great night. Alright, ohh, thank you so much. You're awesome. I appreciate it. Ohh, you're the best. Thank you Haley. It's wonderful to have you all. I'll come follow you after I'm done here tonight and then check out all your videos if I'm not following you already, I definitely will be and look forward to seeing what you got. Here I'll I'll definitely have a look. I appreciate you so very much. Thank you. So yeah, you guys and now. That's awesome. I'm I'm so excited. So we got 5 out of 20. I my goal tonight is 20 of the hearts and we've got 5 already. Thank you so much. Um, yeah, so I'm really, that's a there's like. 1st but then there's. Like this levels thing where it's like, ohh, you level 1, you get this many whatever and then level 2 like my level 2, I have to live stream for so many hours and I have to get a certain amount of heart. So I my goal tonight is to get. The the hearts up top up here, I gotta get 20 of them for tonight. That's my goal. So I appreciate so very much that Haley sent me the five and go check her out. You guys. That's so nice. Like people like that are deserve to be to deserve to be recognized and. You guys are awesome. Thanks for all the all the taps on the screen, for all the hearts on the screen that helps out too and the shares all your comments, all your love. It helps to bring more friends in for us to meet. And I really I, I feel like I could find a really good group of people on here. So that's what my hopes are is to kind of meet lots of people. Me and we could all kind of collab and have fun together. We could have fun, fun lives together. We could make videos together. I can do battles with people. I can do live streams with other people. That's kind of what I'm going for, but I'm kind of like trying to find people that. Are on my same page, on my same same wavelength so. In the meantime. I would love to hear from you guys where you're from. What kind of music do you like? And uh. This time, let's see, the song is 10 based tea. What? 10 No 10 based tea? Oh. This one's a hard one. Umm. Let me see Hold on, I'll look. I have it. I'm I'm like a sweet, lovely love is who it's by. I couldn't remember. I went and looked at my radio station because I am on my radio station. I have the IT says the I have a program to say the name of the song and everything so. Ohh yeah. Um. Noises at me again, I don't really know what it's doing because we're not even using it right now. Like it's just trying to mess with me I think. So yeah, I'm super excited to get this new, new charger that I'm trying to get for my phone. I did order it this afternoon. Um. So, so far I'm doing good. I actually have like one at least one more item I want to look up online. I do want to find a little thing to spin my disco ball. And then I will need some lights for it too. Like I don't know. I don't know what angle I have to disco. Have to use the disco ballet. Ohh. I see lights in front of me. See. I think the lights have to be like behind it or something. I don't know. I don't mess with it more. But now that I've got it in a weird spot now there we go. So yeah, I still need to work on my setup and things like that, but. I'm having fun just kind of chatting with everybody so far. And um, man, I need to find, I want to find more time to make some more videos. I have to, I, I do work in the morning tomorrow, so I got that going on. But I will be here tomorrow night And I in between time I should have, I should be able to work on making some more videos. I want to do some more like music. Stuff. Um, so. That's on the way. I have a couple ideas for a couple of videos. I have a bunch of like notes of like potential ideas. But. I'm still kind of working on it, so there's a lot of I've I actually. And part of an agency that they helped me. Get ideas and stuff like that. So I'm, I'm like, there's a lot of training and stuff. I'm still watching, but it helps a lot. It really does. Hi, Michelle, how are you? Welcome. So I'm kind of, I'm new to all of that, but I've also meeting a lot of other people that are new to it too, which is really cool because we can all be like nervous and freaked out. Like, Oh my gosh, what do we do together? We're lost. Like, so that's kind of nice. That's kind of why I signed up for an agency is because it really like teaches me a lot of things I wouldn't have been able to figure out all on my own. It's a lot of people that have lots of experience, lots of knowledge. So people have been there and done that before and can kind of guide me along the way, which is great. So I mean, I just started with them this week. It's it is pretty new. I actually just started getting direct contact with them, but I have been following some of the training. The girl that I was going to battle with tonight is also brand new. And I asked her, you know, she's, she had actually done 2 battles already, but she's really nervous because she doesn't know what she's doing. And I said, have you done the this training yet? I'm like, go check it out. It really, really helps because I had done a couple of lives just on my own. And they were, I mean, they weren't terrible, you know, they were still people saying hi and everything, but it was like really random and like I didn't know what to talk about or anything. And. Doing doing that and following like what they had to say really helped out a lot. So I've definitely learned a bunch so far, but there is so much more like I've just done touched the surface with it. So I look forward to learning more stuff. I'm I'm kind of like a learning nerd. I like to learn things. I'm always, I'm always trying to find out new things, find out how to do things. If there's and I'm, I'm kind of impatient in the way that like if there's something that needs to be done, I don't want to wait for someone else to do it. Like I'd rather figure out just how to get it done myself. So I learned a lot of random stuff that I'll probably only use once in my lifetime. At least I figure out how to get it done, so that's good, but. What is everybody up to tonight? I would love to hear from you and. I don't know how was your day? What's going on? What do you where, what's? What's new? I'm trying not to lose my voice right now. I'm trying to see too. Who else? Who else I haven't shared this with that I could share my live with right now? I haven't shared it. Actually, I haven't shared it on any social media yet tonight, although that I could share my live. No, I haven't shared it. Actually I haven't shared it on any social media yet tonight. Although trying to share stuff during my life is because it just like it. You know you can't see me when I go to share things like how am I? Share it off of my. And my computer, maybe that's. See, I need to. I'm learning things. I'm learning things. I've been using the chat off over there. Ohh. And then there's the I need a screenshot. I always forget.

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