Music Friends! Come hang out! – NGRmusic Livestream 5 (Part 3) – Free VOD

EJ, how are you doing? Welcome. Glad to have you tonight. Where’s everybody from? I’m out in Chicago here. Glad to have you guys here. I hope you’re having a great night so far. I was trying to get a good screenshot so I could share on X and it just, I don’t know, it’s just not happening. I’m not glamorous today. But ohh, well, so. And you know what else I was trying to do? I was trying to add a sticker to my live earlier and I watched a video even like last night I couldn’t figure it out. And then tonight. I I watched a video about it, it showed me how and then I tried to do it and that part, it was not accurate. It did not. That part was not on my screen. So, I don’t know if it’s something I do not have access to right now or if it is something that like I was watching an old video and the new video like, or you know the new it’s been updated and it’s moved or something. I can’t find it. So, I’ve just been Oh well on the sticker, but. I’m I’m trying to get my screenshot so I can share on X that I’m live. Because it was not. Uh. Trying to help me out with that. There we go. All right, here we go. Live now on Tiktok. Yes. And if you guys want to share, please do and keep tapping the screen. We’ve got 3000 likes. I really appreciate that you guys. It’s so sweet of you.

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That her exit never does. It never wants to put a picture for me. Like ever. So I gotta get a good screenshot, huh? There's a delay too, so I'm trying to take a screenshot. There we go. Alright and. Do a screenshot so I can go ahead and and share it on X if you guys want to share it out. That helps me out too. And you know, it's been really crazy. Is that OK? So I have this issue with my my phone staying charged. It dies before you know before too long. I'm like, ohh, then that's a dumb screen shot. It was it looked good when I screenshotted it. Not good but so anyways when I am. Was, I said. Now I lost my train of thought because I'm listening to music too. Very distracting, this is Broken Robots. I like that band. Umm. I don't know, but I oh, I know what I was going to say is that when I go ahead and. When I'm sharing like and everybody sharing and it's starting with the the live starting to hit a lot of. Views and it's starting to get out there more and more and more and more and then my phone dies and then it's over and then it's like ohh man like as soon as we're getting going as soon as it's picking up momentum so high orange moose head welcome back yeah it's so it's starting to you know like as soon as it's gaining momentum then I then my phone dies so tomorrow I should have. Surgery needed so that that does not happen. So I'm really hoping and then after that I can. Then I'll be able to, you know, stay longer and we'll, we'll have fun because it won't die on me. EJ, how are you doing? Welcome. Glad to have you tonight. Where's everybody from? I'm out in Chicago here. Glad to have you guys here. I hope you're having a great night so far. I was trying to get a good screenshot so I could share on X and it just, I don't know, it's just not happening. I'm not glamorous today. But ohh, well, so. And you know what else I was trying to do? I was trying to add a sticker to my live earlier and I watched a video even like last night I couldn't figure it out. And then tonight. I I watched a video about it, it showed me how and then I tried to do it and that part, it was not accurate. It did not. That part was not on my screen. So I don't know if it's something I do not have access to right now or if it is something that like I was watching an old video and the new video like or you know the new it's been updated and it's moved or something. I can't find it. So I've just been Oh well on the sticker, but. I'm I'm trying to get my screenshot so I can share on X that I'm live. Because it was not. Uh. Trying to help me out with that. There we go. All right, here we go. Live now on Taktak. Yes. And if you guys want to share, please do and. And and it keep tapping the screen. We've got 3000 likes. I really appreciate that you guys. It's so sweet of you. And I am trying my hand in the community fest. Although I am very new, I don't expect to get extremely far, but if you can show a little bit of love, at least make me feel a little bit happy that somebody cares. I need the. Parts for community fest and up here. If you want to join my team, One heart is all it takes and I'm going to be I'm putting together a discord for my my. Best best teammates up here My my friends, my sweethearts and I also have a subscription that's got subscriber only content that you could find a link to on my profile page. So join me there as well. That one's got a subscriber only lives. And videos coming, I don't have anybody signed up yet, so I really haven't gotten going on yet, but it's going to be kind of a special spot for us to all hang out and chill so. That is in the works. I'm trying my best not to strain. And you know what, it's funny, I know there's some girls that have had like little, there's one girl that I've watched where she has a microphone. Actually, I've seen two different girls with two different microphones because whoever makes the microphone, like send them the microphone and then I'm sure they're selling it too. But maybe I should use a microphone. My throat. I've got, I have one. I have a little karaoke machine. I haven't actually thought about doing that. I wonder if that would make a big difference so I didn't have to talk quite so loud. I don't know. I mean, it might be obnoxiously loud with the microphone, I suppose because I don't know if I could talk as enthusiastically if I talk quiet, you know, be like, hey, guys. I don't know. I don't know, but. I hope you guys are having a wonderful evening. I'm looking forward to having some fun on here and. Yeah, and I, I'm. If you guys, if you guys, I, I really want to like meet lots of people on here that are into the same kind of things as I am. I'd be like if you guys come comment on my videos, I'll come comment on yours back and I'll come check out your page because I really want to find my people on here. I'm looking I I do have some really good friends on here already. I actually when I first started. Um. I when I first started on TikTok, I met somebody and actually went on a date once, but I wouldn't recommend that for everybody. You must be very careful who you meet online. It could be very dangerous. So that is a disclaimer. Don't just go meeting people. You have to really research them first to make sure they're safe. Turned out to be really nice person and I, I still talk to them sometimes, but definitely, you know, I did make a friend there and they do live very far away. So I really, I haven't. Seeing them very much, but there was a few years ago, but you know, like I, I just, you know, if I meet good people, I meet good people. And that's what I'm kind of hoping to do. I did. I've done a couple of those videos to see like where people are from. And I have noticed that there are quite a few people in my area. There's people out in Illinois. Wisconsin, you know, Indiana. So I kinda find in my local crew gradually and then I have friends, of course, that are from the area or other places. But you know, I'm I'm kind of. Just just finding out I have and I do have friends all over the place. I do have like friends that I know from not online that are all over. So I travel around a bit. I've lived in Kansas. I've lived in Florida. I've been to quite a few states, but there's a lot that I haven't been to yet so far. Let's see, I I'll try to name all the states in the I haven't been out of the United States yet. I try to name a few of them. From the state of Vermont, Yes, yes, and I have been there. I was actually. Daniel and I have known each other forever. I we haven't met in person yet, but I was actually like 20 minutes from his house one time the highway got shut down. It was just last winter actually. And I was like I was. Test texting with them while I was stuck on the highway because the highway got shut down. And I was, I was like, I want to come and hang out, but I was stuck on the highway. But yeah, I've been, I have been to Kentucky. I've been to Tennessee, Ohio, Indiana. Um, Georgia. Florida, Alabama. Um. Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware. Um. Let's see. I've been in. Um, South Dakota. Montana, Wyoming, Washington, CA. Wisconsin. Missouri, Kansas. Idaho. Iowa. I'm trying to think if there's any missing in between. Texas. I've been to Texas. Um. I don't know, I feel like I don't remember if it was somewhere like by by Delaware and all that. Like somewhere I got lost and I ended up in the wrong state. I don't know if it was where I ended up, if it was Rhode Island, or if it was if I'm thinking of Delaware, like it was somewhere over there. Whereas like how did I get in the wrong state? But it was because the roads were weird and it was back in the day. Yes, so I was following a paper map. And I don't know if the paper map was out of date or if I misunderstood what I was looking at, but I ended up in a complete wrong state. But it was just like briefly for like 1/2 an hour because of the the seats are really small and they're really close together over there. So yeah. Umm. Trying to remember if there's anymore states. I don't know, but at least those ones I've been to. So I don't know, there's, there's more, there's more high EJ, how are you doing? Welcome back. You've been, ohh, yeah, yeah. I've been to Saint Louis once, but there's, well, Missouri, but I mean like I've been in a couple different ways in Missouri because there's a Saint Louis way and then there is like the other way to go, like by Iowa towards Kansas City. I've been, you can go to Kansas City actually through Saint Louis too, but there's a couple of different ways. Now. And then I have not been to Denver. I almost was going to go one time. I was like in a bad mood that day and I needed to go go to drive. And, and it just, I don't know, like I used to take just like random Rd. trips all over the place, especially like if I was in a bad mood or something, I'd just be like, you know what, I'm out of here and take a road trip. I did that. Last December, actually, I needed to go to the beach really bad. It was the middle. I had had surgery in September and I had been or no, sorry, October. And then I was like they told me, oh, it'll be six weeks. They were totally full of it. It was not six weeks. I was out of work for months and it was like I was getting really miserable being at home with nothing to do. So finally I couldn't take it anymore and I said I'm going to the beach and I just drove. But I didn't know what beach I was going to. I just decided to drive. I had no particular state. In mind, no particular city, I just went driving and I did end up going to Florida, but I didn't make it very far South. Unfortunately it's warmer further South. But I only had so many days and so much money, so I made it as far as Pensacola. But it did the trick. It gave me my little fix of the beach. I got to got to enjoy that for a couple of days and just clear my mind and it wasn't super hot out. Like I really didn't go swimming. I did get in the water a little bit. The air was a little bit cold, but the water was gorgeous. I got to see lots of manta rays swimming around and stuff. It was that was really beautiful. I stayed right on the beach, so it was it was nice. It's what I needed so kind of like every so often I I just need my, my sunshine and the beach and the ocean. And it was so happy too. It was like I was driving and it was winter, winter, winter, winter. And it's so funny because even through Alabama, Alabama looks very much like it does up here. But as soon as you hit Florida State line, it's palm trees and sunshine and everything's green. And it was like, Oh my gosh. And I was just so happy. Like I was going to cry because it was just so much of A relief to see sunshine and happiness. It was just, it was amazing. So I recommend that. Anytime if it's if you can, I know everybody can't just go do that. I know I can't right now. But if, if you ever get a chance, if you're super depressed. Just go, just go. I didn't even have plans to go and at the time I couldn't technically afford to go, but I made it happen and I just went. And it was like such a road trips can be such a mentally clearing, like help you feel better. You just think about a lot of things and you clear your mind. You get all the things that are like. Find out there and you can just like work through them as you're driving, turn on some good music. I was listening to like really positive music. Rd. trips, you know, it also was funny when I was driving, I didn't know. That about the this, if you guys have been to Alabama, you know, but I didn't know what the sign for Alabama was going to say. It says welcome to sweet Home Alabama. And like before I even went down there, that song was on and I was all riding and singing to it. And because I was thinking about maybe checking out beaches in Alabama, I've heard they're really nice. And then I got there and it said, welcome to sweet home Alabama. I was like, no way. So I thought that was kind of crazy. After Friday and a few months of healing, I could be able to swim again. That would be great. Well, I hope so, fingers crossed. Just take care of yourself and get healed up right? And you know, I, I'm looking forward to the next time I can go swimming. I actually went to the water park the other day, but I didn't like swim, swim. Like I went in the wave pool for a few minutes, but I haven't been to the beach. Probably yes since Florida and I didn't actually swim though like I said it was December and it was only Pensacola so it wasn't like it was only like 6065° outside. The water was super warm. Like once I got I got into the water and I was like oh if I stay under the water I'm good. It was so nice but the air was. Cold for swimming? And there is other things I wanted to do, like I wanted to go parasailing while I was there. And I went out, there was this great little bar out there, and they had like, I just went out, you know, I didn't know anybody, but I met everybody there and I had a great time. And there's this one guy I was talking to, and I was trying to convince him to go parasailing with me the next day. And then the next day when I tried to talk to him, he's like, it's too cold for that. You don't want to do that. You're not going to like it. Like it's so I ended up not going, but I really wanted to go and I had someone else tell me, you know, parasailing sounds cool, but then you get up there and within 5 minutes you get bored because it's like. Not that exciting once you're up there. And I was like, OK, but I still wanted to go. Umm, so I don't know, I think it would be cool to at least try it once. There's a lot of things I think would be cool. I think parasailing would be fun, at least for a minute. I was going to go. They actually, the hotel I stayed at had free Kayak rental. I was going to do that. I never did that. The second day after going to the bar, I did not really feel very good the next day. But so yeah, I just kind of like stayed around and the beach and just sat there on the beach like most of the day that day or took a nap. But the yeah, I have not been kayaking before. I've been canoeing, I've been boating, I've not been kayaking yet. So I that wouldn't be bad. I would like to do. Um. Like paddle boarding might be fun. But I know you fall off a lot. I've tried water skiing a couple of times. I'm not good at that at all. At least I well, it's been a long time since I've tried. But what was I ohh, zip lining something I would like to try. I think that would be fun. I know some people that have done that. I have a couple of times thought about doing like the whole like jumping out of a plane thing, but I don't know. I mean, I don't know it's the whole the initial jump would be the terrifying. It probably be cool after that, although I have heard some really awful stories about plain jumps gone wrong so. I don't know, I I have mixed feelings about stuff like that. Um. You know, it's supposed to be once you catch the wind, you just kind of glide along. But. Ohh you went kayaking in a cave? That's cool. I went in on a boat ride in a cave like in this underground cave thing with it had a lake in it. It was cool but I think kayaking in a cave would be awesome. Is there a lot of caves? There's probably a lot of caves by you right? I'm trying to remember where I went kayaking before, I think it was Tennessee. No, I don't think it was Kentucky. Then I went, I've been, yeah, the one in the one where I went voting in The Cave, it was, it was called Lost River Cave. And they have like lots of blue holes and stuff. And they have, you can there, you have to like all these people on this boat, but you have to like lay down flat in the boat. It's just like a like a rowboat basically. And you but you can't. Could barely get under, you squeeze under, but then there's this huge cavern, there's all these bats in there and stuff, and they had installed some lights so you can see. But I don't know, it's kind of cool. I did that one, and then I did some other cave that was not Mammoth Cave, you know? I went or what was it I've been in I I might have heard. Does Mammoth cave? How big is it just Kentucky or does it go to? Further than that, because I went to another one, I forget what it was called, there was another one in Tennessee that I went to and you had to go up to this top of this mountain and then you go in there and it was there. Some really like narrow creepy parts to go through. But uh, yeah, it was. It was fun though, and. I went the coolest cave I've probably ever run to was. I'm not sure if it was. I wanna say it was in South Dakota. Yeah, what I'm wondering if that's the if the Mammoth Cave system is the one that one of the ones I went to because that sounds familiar, but maybe I'm wrong. I know I did also go to a place once a long time ago called Mammoth Hot Springs, but that's like way out West. Kind of more like by Old Faithful and Yellowstone in that. Um, hi Shelly, how are you doing? Welcome. Or shell? It's a shell. I read wrong, sorry about that. Hi Shelly, how are you doing? And yeah, so and then I went to. How are you doing? Welcome. Good to have you here tonight. I went to one or well, I went to Mammoth Hot Springs. That was an awesome trip. That was a trip like to Washington State from Illinois driving and it was like a two week trip. It was really awesome. I did a lot of cool stuff. There I went to like Old Faithful and Yellowstone and the Hot Springs, and then there is like this reptile.

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