Music Friends! Come hang out! – NGRmusic Livestream 5 (Part 4) – Free VOD

Hi Cassie, how are you doing? Welcome. Umm, I let’s see. Yeah. I was supposed to have a battle with the girl tonight and she, we both talked to each other, and it was like, well, this is kind of last minute. Like you want to do it a different night, so we are gonna talk and do it a different night, but there’s I got somebody else that’s supposed to do a battle with me tomorrow night. I we’re looking at 11 central time. Right. So, I’m planning on being here.

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Tail Gardens place that was kind of crazy. And then The Cave we went to was called Sitting Bull Crystal Cave, and you go way underground and it was the middle of summer, but it was freezing. We are in winter coats. It was so cold. But they have all these massive crystals everywhere and you can't touch them because they'll stop growing. But there's like still lag, tights and stalagmites. Everywhere and they were just so huge. High lifes a beach. How you doing? Welcome, I hope you're having a great night tonight. So that was really cool. We did. Did I say we went to Mount Rushmore, went to Devils Tower, but there was you had to pay to get in. And so we decided not to go up to it, but we were kind of like far away from it. I don't know, I went to OHH. I've been to all drug. You have to go after you see the 900,000 signs for it. So I have been to there hi. I don't know how to say your name. Trailer is. Hey Leo, how you doing? Welcome. How's your night going so far? Um. I yeah, so I've, I've been all over the place, but there's plenty more places to see. Ohh let's see, life will end no one, no. What's doing that thing again? Thinks I'm not active. I think it's because I haven't. Ohh come on. What? You have to put this puzzle piece in place. Because it thinks you're not active. I think it's because I haven't touched my phone screen. That's what I'm guessing because it did that the other night and I maybe it wasn't like I don't know if it was last night or the night before. Ohh, OK, what's up? I would love to know Leo. Thanks, I'm glad you stopped in. Yeah, so I yeah, I've just been hanging out. I don't know how high. Hi Cassie, how are you doing? Welcome. Umm, I let's see. Yeah. I was supposed to have a battle with the girl tonight and she, we both talk to each other and it was like, well, this is kind of last minute. Like you want to do it a different night, so we are gonna talk and do it a different night, but there's I gotta somebody else that's supposed to do a battle with me tomorrow night. I we're looking at 11:00 central time. Right. So I'm planning on being here. I did order that cord. It should be here by tomorrow, so my life is going to be a little bit short again tonight, but then tomorrow night I will be. I'll be back and I will have that cord hopefully before I go to bed. OK. I mean, yeah, yeah. Let me know. Let me know. I've heard about a few and I, you know. Send me, send me a message and we'll chat about that. So yeah. OK, cool. Yeah, I've I, I just. I've been hearing about a couple of different ones, so let me know, give me the info, send it in my in my messages. Hi the Red Death, how are you doing? Welcome. So yeah, I what was I gonna say? Ohh yeah. So I got my court ordered. I am using my computer screen. It is very, very much better. I actually at first I forgot about it and I was caught myself still trying to read my phone screen and I'm like ohh, yeah computer. So I got the. And it's helping a lot. Hi, Megan, how are you doing? Welcome. Hope you're having a great night tonight. And. Ohh that's like a long. I don't know how to say that. Junior, this is Connie Junior High. Hi, Savat Keel, how are you doing? Welcome. Ohh, wow, OK, cool. Thank you. I appreciate it. Hi Casey, how are you doing? Welcome, hope everybody's having a fantastic evening so far and thank you guys for sending the likes for up to 3.1 K likes. So very much I am. We've got just a little bit of time in the community fest. It says July 22nd to August 4th, but in order to qualify for the next round, I just have like another, I think like day maybe or two to get. Votes gets get popularity points. So if you wanna send them my way, you can do so for free. There was like a community fest thing up here, at least before I think it. Yeah, I think it's still there. Or you could take a quiz and you get some points. Hi, Marty. How you doing? Welcome. Glad to have you here tonight. And you could do a little quiz and you get these. The tickets and you can send them my way for free. You can join. My team, there's like all these hearts up here and I need those. I'm collecting hearts tonight. I have a goal of 20 hearts. I've got five so far. Those will help me get up in the rankings for the community fest. I honestly, I'm new. I don't expect to win, but I appreciate the love either way. It it just kind of makes my day so. Ohh thanks so much Leo, you're the best. Yeah. Hi, Annie. How are you doing? Welcome. And yes, I've done three nights. I'm on A10 night challenge to do 10 nights in a row of live streaming and I. I'm three nights in and I'm my voice is feeling strained. I tell you what, I'm not losing it yet, but I can feel it. I wonder if I'll be able to talk already tomorrow. I hope so. Daniel recommended that I do lemon and honey. I might have to just do that and at least give it a try. Hi, Carla, how are you doing? Welcome, Thanks for stopping in. Hi, Maggie. And welcome back. So I'm, yeah, I'm just hanging out. Doing my thing and. Trying to enjoy the evening. Nerdy lie. Ohh yeah OK Chloraseptic. That's probably a good idea, honestly. At least numb it. Ohh, man, yeah, I, I haven't had, I, I might have some somewhere, but I'm not sure. I'll have to look around. I did, but I, I don't know if it got old and I threw it away or if I still have it. I'll have to look around because yeah, my, my throat's kind of, it's not like sore sore, but it's getting there. I've had some allergies in the last couple of days. Washing all my blankets because I think I'm. The cat that I adopted. Hi, fly with Vivian. How are you doing? Welcome. Oh, Oh, really? Yeah. Yeah. I, I, well, when I was a kid, I used to get tonsillitis a lot. So I was, I was very good friends with chloraseptic. I've had a lot of chloraseptic in my childhood. But yeah, so. I don't know, hopefully I've only been doing like hour, hour and a half lives so far three nights in a row. So it's kind of like, wow, my, my voice is all already like. You know it's already. Strained like after this and so I don't know, there's something you can feed them to help with the allergies. Really. I never heard that before, huh? Ohh, thanks so much. Yeah, my night's going pretty well right now. I'm a. Yeah, I'm having a good time. Just saying hi to everybody. What are you up to tonight? Are you enjoying your evening so far? I did not. Yeah, you could feed. You could feed. I'll look it up. Hmm, I learned. But uh, wow. Hi Angela. How are you doing? Welcome. Good to have you stop it in. I Yeah, right now we got our top. You got Daniel Leo. And. For being here. And I appreciate you. Tap in the screen and sharing out my video. Boundaries. For tomorrow, so we'll be doing longer lives once I get that, but I will be here tomorrow night. Ohh yeah cool. Yeah after this I'll be getting to bed myself. But yeah look at looking forward to getting. That's you have a. Yeah. I'm gonna be doing a battle tomorrow night, supposed. Central, so I will be. At 10:00 PM. From 10:00 PM till. Central night, Leo. Yeah, so. I'm. Just looking forward to that. I I had talked to somebody about doing a battle earlier and, and we decided to postpone because we're both super nervous and new with it. I just saw somebody else stopped in and popped in, but I, I. Didn't get to speak fast enough and I already forgot the name, sorry about that. But welcome guys, thanks for coming in. I'm trying. My my. I was gonna say I'm trying my best. I'm trying my my at least a little bit to get into this community fest challenge. So I appreciate you guys being here with me and sending, sending me votes and sending me hearts and all that good kind of stuff. It helps out. If if nothing else, it just helps me be happy to be here. So I, I'm, I'm super new to live streaming. I don't expect to get very far. They want us to get 5000 popularity points. I'm not even sure where I'm at right now. OK, so I've got this little heart up here and it says popular #61 what does that mean? First most popular. Live that's on right now. I don't know. I don't know. Like daily ranking, ranking popular #61. That's what it says. And then League D4 I saw something about leagues earlier, but I didn't the the graphic was really small and it couldn't read it. I'm still figuring this stuff out. Yeah, yeah. I had not battled yet either and I was totally like. I was OK. OK. Yeah. I, I. I was, I was got a battle. And then I went to look this person up so I could cause. I didn't know how to get ahold of that. And I, I, I'm like, OK, I don't know if I'm looking up their username right and I message. Right. Message later. OK, OK, OK, cool. Alright, good to know. Yeah, I I'll have to look into that more. I'm. And this stuff. And so, yeah. She was. Like we'll do. Once we figured. Things. That's so, but that's what I was like, really glad to meet somebody else that was new because that's what I'd love to go live with somebody else that's kind of in the same boat as me where we're kind of like as clueless as each other. You know what I mean? Those kind but that can like guide me along but. You know, I don't wanna feel like the dumb one either. So it's I'm, I'm really excited to be meeting people that are also new to this. This is probably only like my 5th or 6th lives so far and I've only been doing it three nights in a row where it's at the correct time with with my stuff all set up. So yeah. Hi, Chase the bag. How you doing? Hi. Hope you guys are having a great. From. Music I play lots and lots of music. But I'm always. All about playing the kind of stuff you like and maybe I can recommend some new stuff that you. Most of the music. So it is musicians mostly that I know. A lot of them I've become friends with over the long, you know, over the years. Well, thank you so much. I'm very much still working on it. Been around my disco ball and then it needs a light I'm. I'd still. And actually so. OK I have this. One of those like. Tripods that you put your phone on that will follow you when you're on. I've had it for a minute but I haven't liked tried learning how. Got like a $5 one that just sits still. Really cool, but I didn't even try using it yet. And then? Tick tock that I was watching and. Was saying how cool it is and she was like showing it. Why did I buy this other one? Right here. It's just because I like, I don't know, I was nervous. Trying to use it. Like everything is like a big learning moment, so. Hi, Cindy. How? I know more people have. Does. But I'm trying my best. I can't quite keep up all the time, but I I hope. Out there tonight. I might need to drink some tea or something by the time I'm done with this. But yeah, so. I I would love to know. If you guys want to step on over. I'm very much. That are into the same kind of things as I am. So I've been really scoping out people's profiles and just kind of kind of trying to find my people right now. So maybe maybe you're my people. I would love to meet you and get to know you. So that's kind of one of my goals while I'm here. I'm yeah, just just. Hanging out, enjoying my evening. I hope you are too. Thank you so much for all the hearts on the on the screen. I appreciate it. So Maggie, what kind of stuff do you, what are you into doing for your, for your TikTok? What kind of videos do you like to make and what are you trying to do with your life? Hi my Fab 5, how are you doing? Welcome, nice to have you here. I'm yeah, I had started off kind of doing like a ton of different stuff. And. I. Went down. North Alabama. I'm a hobby farmer and next Gen. commercial farmer and girl mom. That's awesome. Ohh I'm gonna. Check it out. And I probably, I'm sure I probably have stopped by some of your videos because I know I have stopped by some of some different farm stuff and I'm totally, I like all that kind of stuff. Hi Johnny Dangerous TV. That sounds like a fun TV too. Like. Yeah. Hi, Ronald. Rich, how are you doing? Like I know I recognize you, Maggie, I I'm sure I probably have been by your page a couple of time. Plants and animals. Random lifestyle. That's cool. I was. I was. Video or like. Video about music, facts and plants coming up pretty soon. That's on my kind of To Do List. OK, yeah, I wasn't really sure what to do with my lives either. I've gotten a lot of information recently, so I'm kinda I'm kind of. Kind of have a direction, but I'm also open to suggestions like I've been asking everybody kind of like. For ideas too SO. But I'm also, you know, I'm gonna be. Just hanging out really. I think my videos are specifically. Music. And I play music. You know my music right now. The music that's. And it's kind of quiet, but I have a live radio show that's streaming. And this is actually my my radio that's streaming that I'm playing. But yeah, I'm kind of. Figuring it out as I go along I guess too. Clinton. Really like to get some of them. I've got some friends too that are in the entertainment business that I would like to get online with me. But I haven't found any of them who are actually currently going. So it's kind of like trying to convince them, like one of my friends she's she's an entertainer that travels all over the place. And I was just asking her, you know, last night when she was in here, if she's, if she goes live and she really hasn't, she does go live a lot of places, but I don't think she really hasn't been on TikTok live very much. So I'm trying to convince her that she needs to come on here and do some shows with me. So that would be cool, but. Yeah, hanging out, yeah, yeah, for sure. And that's what I've met some really cool people so far. So nice of you. I appreciate it. I'm very new here and so. Give. It really makes my night. Made. Yeah, I'm, I'm and I will come by and check out your page later on. And yeah, my, I'm just really wanting to meet people. Ohh. Thank you so much. I was very nervous at first. I'm getting a little bit more comfortable. Sandra would. Yeah. Would. Yeah. I I I don't know. I would. I have to talk to Sandra. Sandra is difficult. About what? What sites you can get her to do. She's got her reasons. But I I'll ask her. I'll ask her. Hi. I don't know. I think I can get. Data and then. Friend who? Master the stuff elsewhere. And Tic Tac. Let's do a live. We should do a live and I think if I keep. But yeah, I I've got lots of friends in the entertainment business, I just have to get them to do live on TikTok with me. So I'll keep pestering as many of them as long as I can and try to convince them to get on here with me. So we're up to 4.4 K likes. I think that might be the most I've had so far. I'm not I'm not sure. A few times so far where I've even noticed like the last few times I wasn't even looking at them because I was just like walking around my my place and. Like doing my makeup. Random whatever while I talk to every.

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Lita Von Doom
21 days ago

I LOVE caves. There was one at a campground here in MI that has since collapsed. I am also a fan of crystals.

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