Music Friends! Come hang out! – NGRmusic Livestream 5 (Part 5) – Free VOD

Yeah, so I’m. I don’t know, I I’m, I’m figuring it out, but yeah, I know so. Business out of the bands especially. Like a lot of them don’t know how to technology at all. They know how to play their music. Can go do shows but when it comes to the Internet there. Like what? And occasionally they have one guy that’s like really in the band that’s really good with technology. That’s usually who I end up. Dealing with online but most of the band has no idea they don’t do that so, but it would be really fun. Hi Mr. and Mrs. Anderson, how are you doing? I hope you’re having a great night tonight. Welcome. I so yeah, I, I will keep working on people. I do have a very long, long list of, of entertainment kind of people. I just got to see who I can actually get on here with me so but I haven’t really talked to many of them yet just because I’ve just been on live for a few days but. I’m under 10-day challenge. This is day #3 this is night #3. And my voice, my throat already hurts. So, and actually have. Have without my phone giving me a battery warning last night. I feel like it went really fast like I made it over an hour and a half my first night.

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Everybody. Um. I didn't even like most of the stuff on the screen. I'm still kind of learning what it all is and what it all means, but. Right now, yeah. 4.5 K likes. Delete it. Yeah, yeah. And I mean, I mean, I know a lot of people. Really. A lot of people especially. Stuck. It's. Dresser, actually. That doesn't have very much leg room. Hey GM AKA Boss, how you doing? I'm is it like Jima? Yeah, so I'm. I don't know, I I'm, I'm figuring it out, but yeah, I know so. Business out of the bands especially. Like a lot of them don't know how to technology at all. They know how to play their music. Can go do shows but when it comes to the Internet they're. Like what? And occasionally they have one guy that's like really in the band that's really good with technology. That's usually who I end up. Dealing with online but most of the band has no idea they don't do that so but it would be really fun. Hi Mr. and Mrs. Anderson, how are you doing? I hope you're having a great night tonight. Welcome. I so yeah, I, I will keep working on people. I do have a very long, long list of, of entertainment kind of people. I just got to see who I can actually get on here with me so but I haven't really talked to many of them yet just because I've just been on live for a few few days but. I'm under 10 day challenge. This is day #3 this is night #3. And my voice, my throat already hurts. So and actually have. Have without my phone giving me a battery warning last night. I feel like it went really fast like I made it over an hour and a half my first night. I need a new charger for my phone. It's coming in the mail it all Amazon. It should be here tomorrow and then I can do lives that are longer but right now there's a problem with my speaker on my phone. And I have to have my ear buds plugged in for you guys to be able to hear me, which means I can't have my phone plugged in so I only have as long as my battery lasts. But my charger should be here tomorrow, so once I have it here, we can do much longer lives and I'm excited to do I have to set up. Once I talk to the person that's supposed to battle with me tomorrow, I will put a live event up and try to invite a bunch of people. But we're planning on 11:00 tomorrow night. Tomorrow at 10:00. So. Are you alright? So, Maggie, when, when are you? How many lives have you done? Are you doing them at a certain time? And regularly yet or is it just been a couple random here or there? Like when can we find you? Do you have it listed on your page? I have to go check out your page again and I'm not really sure how to quite how to do it from while I'm chatting. Let me see. Yeah, I'll probably mess something up, so I'm not even gonna try. Yeah. But. Umm. Hi. Yeah, my, my. I feel it. But wow, yeah, I have to see. I have to go look at two. I gotta look at my stats like I. Think this. Actually might be like the most likes I've had so far in my life, so that's awesome. New new things everyday I got. I've got a couple of different gifts that was really nice and I met some new people already so far tonight. So I'm I'm I'm excited that's that's a successful evening, I think. I hope I can man. I I work in the morning tomorrow, so I hope I have a good day at work tomorrow and then I'll come back and make a video and. And get ready for another live and. My battle, I hope we. Ohh I see, I see. I see a notification so it says. Pop it JoJo and invite them to do a live as a guest. That is who who I was recommended to do a live with last night and I have not talked to them yet. But I did. I think I did a follow earlier, but at some point tomorrow I will have to reach out and try to plan that. I don't know. Much about when and I'm also curious when you my my first low power warning I'm down to 20% of my phone. I'm surprised it lasted that long. I don't think we made it that long last night. But yeah, I don't know. I I, I don't know, I haven't done a live, so I don't really know what to do. I saw like a couple different ideas. Like there was one where, OK, so when you're in the OR when you're, I mean the battle, when you're in the battle. Like there's the two sides and whoever's got the most. Whatever the most gifts. Is winning. So the other person had to put their hands up and keep their hands up as long as they were losing. And that one was kind of fun. They I saw one where they had like four people doing it. And they were, they were having a good time with it. Everybody's kind of laughing. Some people were. And like this other guy was doing. Like. And they had all this music going and it was, it was just really fun. And then there was other ones where they were they had to like freeze in place until they like. Until they've got ahead again in the game. So those were the ones I've seen so far. I've seen other people that didn't, you know, obviously they didn't know what they were doing and just kind of stand there awkwardly. And so at least I wanted to know like kind of things, you know, things to do. I've seen ones where, you know, it's just kind of people hanging out. Talk a little smack and kind of rile up the other people and you know, or, or kind of some people are just like, come on, we gotta beat them, we gotta win we gotta win come on team, let's go. Speaking of if anyone wants to join my team, it's just throw a heart up there and you can uh, you can join my team. I'm. Haven't gotten it really going yet, but there's going to be a team discord that I'm gonna have for everybody, and then I also have a subscription if you want to join that that's going to have some subscribers only. Live streams and also videos, so there's that as well. You can find out about that up more on my page. If you guys want to. Um, go ahead and comment on some of my videos. I will come check out your videos as well. I'm looking forward to meeting lots of people and. Making lots of friends so I'm really hoping. That we all can just have a good time together. I'm. I met some really cool people on here so far. So far so good. And I mentioned this song every night because it's. The Best Song on this play. I was thinking about that earlier. It's like every time it comes on, I'm gonna mention it and then it's gonna be no one's ever gonna hear it because I'm always talking about it. I don't know. I don't know how my music volume is tonight. I kind of have it low at the moment. I'm usually I've been using this Bluetooth speaker and it doesn't want to cooperate tonight, so I just gave up and just left the sound on my laptop. So who knows how that even sounds, but you know. Well. Let's see here. Oh oh wow, you guys keep giving me those hearts. That's so nice of you. Up at the top. And this is the point of the night where the the like start stacking up and everyone starts sharing it out and then my phone dies. So tomorrow night we shouldn't have that problem anymore. As long as that charger shows up on time, we'll be all good by tomorrow night. I'm looking forward to it. So. Umm. I've been kind of brainstorming ideas for new videos and stuff like that. I do have some ideas I want to do. I'm trying to like get like different props and stuff for my videos so they're kind of fun. I want to do a lot of videos about like fun music facts or like crazy music news. That type of stuff. It's kind of in some of its, you know, some of it's interesting, some of us kind of goofy, kind of silly. I'm trying to have fun with it. So. Moving around or anything, I don't know why it's so warm all of a sudden. Ah. I know there's people in here, it's just. Just hanging out and I don't know, I don't know. What do you guys want to talk about? Give me some ideas. What do you got planned for tomorrow, Daniel? Just Dance around in my. Is all. Bunching up. I just got it, it's new. How do you? Alright, sounds good. I need to work out in the morning. Well, I gotta work in the morning. I can't work out in the morning, but I gotta work. Hi gig, how you doing? Welcome, Glad to have you here. Thanks for stopping in. Yeah, I said I really should have just gone to the gym today, but I didn't. I was feeling lazy. Ah, where's everybody from? Let me know. I'm in Chicago here. It is a lovely night. I I. Was outside just a little bit ago. It's beautiful out there tonight. Hope you guys are having a fantastic evening. This is so crazy like. Still going. It's been like going on two hours yesterday. I feel like it only. It only lasted like an hour. That's kind of weird. I don't know why. Like I don't think I. Different. Who knows? Ohh some new oils. What kind of oils did you get? I I like. I haven't gotten any new like massage oils or anything lately but I have I have some essential oils that I like that are really good. Uh, and yeah, see here we go. Tick tocks. Like we're notifying your viewers that you're live. Like when it's like time for me to go, it's my phones gonna die in like 5 minutes and they're sending in everybody. That's what happens like every single time. As soon as I'm about to hit two hours, Tic Tac starts sending me out to more people and. No, there won't be a problem. I'll be ready for it as soon as that charger. Right here I'm all good, but. It's it's as soon as it starts ramping up, we're almost to 6K likes and everyone's gonna start showing up and then my phones going to die and it's going to be. So warming and calming oils for some massages. That sounds good. I need that. I totally need that. Yeah, yeah. See, that's why I was going to go to the gym because I wanted to do that hydro massage. I need a massage. And I don't know, I don't know if I have any massage oils right now. I have some. Am I? Am I in my trailer? I think. I think I have some lavender massage oil over there. But I don't know if I have any here. The I have the essential oils, but I don't think I have an oil to mix it with right now. Like you can mix it with like I used to like to use it like grapeseed oil because it's not. I think it's a really light oil. And it doesn't really like clog your skin like a lot of oils do. So that one's a good one to use as like a base for massage oils. You just put a little few drops of essential oil. I think I. I'm not sure. I think I probably have like. We have some orange essential oil right now. Some want to say there's like eucalyptus maybe, and there might be. Something like lavender, I'm not sure. There's four different ones, but I don't know which I can. Which ones? They are off the top of my head. But I like all different. I like citrus a lot when it comes to essential oils and then. I use all the different ones for. I use them like for. Different reasons. Used to actually make massage oils and I was gonna sell them, but then I. Never really did like I packaged them and everything. They were all labeled and. And ready to go. But I ended up giving a lot of them away. I had ones for like they're the best one. It was for hangovers. When you have a hangover, you rub it on you and it makes you feel better. It had like stuff for anti nausea and headaches and hot flashes and like anything that you could feel gross about when you have a hangover. It really helped. And then I had ones that were like for muscle soreness, muscle aches, I had ones that were for clearing up your sinuses. I had ones that were like from like PMS and cramps and stuff. It helped with that. I had a whole bunch of different ones and they they worked really well, but I never actually did sell them, I just ended up making them and giving them away. Yeah, yeah. Come on over. So. But yeah, I, I, I like that kind of stuff. Especially the natural stuff I don't. Like all the chemical nasties. So it's really nice to be able to put together your own. I had, I've, I used to be really into like researching all that kind of stuff and, you know, learning about what, what herbs and plants and, you know, oils and stuff is good for what. So I've, I've done quite a lot of research. In my lifetime about those sort of things, I used to read about a lot of that for fun. So. I have, I don't know, I I probably still have a couple of books about about that. I know that some of my books have gone. Over the years. I think people want. Sometimes. But uh. Ohh, we just hit 6000 likes. Thank you. I think that's a new record for my life. I appreciate it you guys. That's so sweet. I I really, I'm glad to have you guys here. I'm I'm super excited to. Of everyone and to be. Me getting to know you all. And. I will be back tomorrow night. I don't have very much time left because my battery on my phone's gonna die soon, but I will be back tomorrow night at 10:00 PM Central. I do have. A tentative battle scheduled for 11:00 PM. Well, that would be my first battle. As long as it happens, I have not. That. So I'm kind of excited. I'm kind of nervous, kind of excited. Hopefully you guys will join me and I will. Once I know for sure what's going on, I will try to set up an event. Like an event thing? What do you call? And then I I will try to invite some people to that, but you guys can always just stop in. And check it out. I'll be here. You're always welcome to come hang out with me so. I can't believe I'm almost gonna make it to midnight like my phone might. I if my phone makes it, I'm. Does the battery last for a whole 2 hours one night and only an hour the night before? Like why is what? What's the deal? I don't get it. I don't get it. But thanks for hanging out with me either way and. The full moon, maybe. There you go. Hey, well, maybe that's a that's a good positive. To the full moon. Then all kinds of wacky doodle weird stuff today with that full moon, I tell you what. So. Hopefully hopefully the the full moon Subs making everybody crazy. It's sometimes ohh man, sometimes I can feel it. I I mean like I have been feeling kind of off like the last day or two. And I did say something about the moon a few days ago because it was almost full. Yeah, maybe that maybe that's what's actually happening. The moon actually like really stresses people out. I've heard a lot of people talk about it as far as like. The for example like going to the emergency room like the emerge. An insane. During the full moon, because so much weird stuff is going on, so much, so many more people come in with crazy stuff that doesn't normally happen. I've seen a lot about it, a lot of videos about it online and stuff especially, but I've heard that like when I've been. At the ER or when I've been at the doctors, like I, I've heard them say it, it's actually a thing. And so that moon, I mean, it really messes with you. And that's what I've, I've heard people talk about too, like how the moon really like affects the tides and effects like, you know, gravitational poles and all this stuff. Our bodies so much made of water. If imagine if it's doing that to the ocean, it's doing it to us too. So it makes sense. I mean, it's kind of weird to think about, but. You know, like a lot of people don't take it that seriously, but that moon messes with me sometimes, man for real. It could be pretty rough. But hopefully everyone makes it out. Of the of the full moon phase. Pretty unscathed. Hi, Amy Lynn, how are you doing? Welcome. Good to have you here tonight. Yeah. So we're we're just surviving the moon at this point. I don't know. It's been like or it's been when did it go full? It was it today or yesterday? I don't really know. But. They can hurry up and do a thing and move along. So we can just kind of relax and not feel stressed out. No more neighbors upset about dogs, and no more. Drama or? Or technology weirdness going on. So. Ohh man. I'm I, I, I'm just like watching those likes going. Alright, this is great. But umm. I I, I don't know, I'm starting to get tired like I didn't think. I'm excited that it did. But yeah, I'm. Gonna be after I after I'm done with this. I gotta go to bed. I gotta work early in the morning tomorrow. Gotta go find all my stuff, all my stuff for work and make sure I got all my clothes ready and that kind of thing. I gotta get up. I don't know. Let's see what. I don't have to get up super super early, like in about 6 hours, I think 66 hours, I think 6/6 and 1/2. Losing the phone guys, it's about to die any minute here. Thank you guys so very much for hanging out with me tonight. I really appreciate it. It's been so awesome having you and getting a chat with everybody and. I will try and post a new video tomorrow. I'll II. Posted earlier today like a clip from the live stream. Maybe I'll post something from the live stream, you know? Tomorrow but. If not I'm gonna try and make another video. I wanna do another like music fact video. So I should have time to fit that in somewhere in my day as long as everything goes smoothly. Thank you so much. I hope you sleep well too. I have a wonderful night. Sweet dreams. Thanks everyone so much for hanging out with me tonight. I really appreciate it. And I'm going to go ahead and head and say goodnight because it's just going to cut me off anyways. So sweet dreams. Thanks for all the love you guys. We made it to 6.5 K. Likes tonight and I made it. I got five of the hearts. Community Fest and towards my goal. So thank you, I appreciate it. You guys are wonderful and I look forward to having you guys here tomorrow night. 10:00 PM. Central and then battle, hopefully, if everything goes as planned, at 11:00 PM. Thank you very much and I will talk to you soon. Bye.

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Lita Von Doom
22 days ago

Lol I know how that is. I am good with some parts of technology and not so good with other parts. Sometimes I feel like I was born in the wrong time period lol

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