Gothic Master Illusionist Ron Fitzgerald – NGRmusic Livestream (Part 3) – Free VOD

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Getting at the moment and we will get you guys, get you guys excited for it and have some anticipation going. But we are just, I was just telling them that, you know you had mentioned earlier that you've got a book that you're working on and you were telling me a little bit about it the other day. So tell me a little bit. About what the books about and. What your? Writing processes like. Well, it's, it's a large part of it is it's really a memoir of of takes you. Kind of go through my career and where I started with a as a kid with a box of magic in the Midwest and. How I started my career and then how I. Turn then and stylistically changed it into, you know, gothic illusion and kind of did my own thing with it and that then led me to my own cable TV show and then acting in horror movies for about 20 some years now and all the other weird projects. Like like I heard you mentioned, I was I setting this back up being in a comic book series, the Haunting Tales of Bachelor's Grove put out by Silver Phoenix Entertainment. The first two issues of those are out and so I'm in the comic book and then doing monster Mash and I'm also. The mayor of Hell did you guys? Yes, I've told people that. That's so cool. I have been to hell. It's a very interesting little town. It's a fun little place. It's tiny. You could drive by it and not even notice it, but it's really fun. And you can get, you know, there's flames on all the buildings. You might notice that. Yeah, it's just. Cool little municipality. It's in Michigan. Hell, Michigan, And I've been mayor of the day there twice. So. That's awesome. It's great because you're impeached at the end of the day. They swear on the morning, you're impeached at night. It's like every good career should end that way, right? Yeah, Every political career should end just like that. Yeah. Yeah. And so it was, it was great fun. And I've done it a couple of times. I even I, I, I, I'm an ordained minister, thanks to the wonders of the Internet. So I married 4 couples and I married one of them. Hell. Really. This one started there. Yeah. Oh my God. It can only get better, right? It can only get better, right? Right. Ohh. My gosh, that's awesome. Yeah. And so I actually, I might even do the book launch in hell. I I think it would be live from hell. That's the book launch. Yes, I like the sound of that. Yeah, you'll have to come with. Come on. Hey, I would go for that. Alright. You're, I've been there before. You're on, you're part of the team, you're part of the book launch team now. Alright, alright. Yeah, it's been a few years since I've been out there, but I've definitely been there. That's very cool. Same here. Last time I was out there again, just before the pandemic was 2019 and it was all August like, you know. You know, this is like almost the anniversary of that one. OK. And yeah. And the first time I did it was 2016 on Devil's Night, the night before Halloween in in Hell. That's when I became mayor of hell the first time. OK, so the book is called Monsters Magic, and I'm not sure if the whole thing is. Monsters, magic, a career conjuring dark, sticky fun. And so it takes you through my very weird career and then all the crazy things I did once I kind of niche down and, you know, put my own, my own stamp on it. OK. And and and it also talks because, you know, I've had many challenges. It's like my my father was not crazy about my career in the beginning. And he tried to talk me out of it. And so I had to get through that and then go on from there. And then and then later I had, you know, I had a big health issue. I was diabetic. And that eventually ended up eating my kidneys with fava beans and a nice Chianti to have a double organ transplant. I keep me impression. Yeah. Wow. And most people don't know that someone talking, I'm talking about all that stuff that I usually don't cause I, you know, as an entertainer, I want to entertain everybody. I don't want to come out and talk about all my, you know, drama, the personal crap. Right, right. Is for it. It'll, it'll talk about the true fans like to know these kind of things so well, the challenges, I think. I, I think it'll be hopefully inspirational to everybody, anybody else who's a creative especially, but even the non creatives that if you had to go through a lot of struggles in your life to do what you want to do, then you know, you, you'll be able to connect with it. Yeah, yeah, that's amazing. And I mean, you seem like you're very much somebody that went and did it. You're you're doing exactly what you want to be doing. And that's fantastic. That's ever so great. I opened that box of magic when I was a kid. I don't know how I knew it, but I loved it. And I'm just like, this is I want to do this. I want to pursue this. And I didn't have this language at the time, but I'm like, you know, magic as a vehicle of expression. I'm like, ohh, yeah, I can totally be that. And let's do that, you know? And once I learned it, once I had my classic magic background, then I kind of turned it on its ear and and went to the dark side as they. And as I was, I was curious about that. What was it that turned you from regular magic and made that switch like to the, to the gothic darker side of things? My, my friends, it was my friend Darlene who I seen at the time, who is awesome and she lives in Europe now. And she said to me. You are way more interesting off stage than on and that's when the light went off for me, meaning I even as a kid when I got that box of magic, I love, you know, horror movies and sci-fi movie. Wanted attractions and Halloween and and the paranormal and the supernatural and comic books and puppets. Just weird, you know, stuff. And then I put all that stuff into my show, and I made the show I wanted to see, OK. And at that point, it really became my own. At that point, there's nobody else was doing it. And then that led me. Like I say that that opened up doors. You do a cable TV show and other opportunities. And that's what changed my style. Get out my style. I wouldn't have gotten to do, you know, the Magic Castle or Wala Palooza or go to Hong Kong and perform there or all of the other crazy things that I've done with it along the way and perform at horror conventions and horror events and different spooky things. It's like, you know. It opened up, you know, just. I knew I made the right decision because it opened up so many other things after that because it was so unusual. It was so different. Yeah. That's great. Oh, my gosh, That's so cool. Yeah. You were asking me about other weird events. I actually. Are you familiar with Ari Lehman? He's the very first Jason Voorhees. OK, No, I don't. I don't own by 19. The original one. Yeah. He's the kid that pops up out of the water. OK, That's him. That's my friend Ari Lehman. And I met him performing with him because he's got a band called First Jason. And you should check him out too. You should check out his music. It's it's very fun. More on the metal side. And, and I've performed with Ari many times, you know, alongside his band opened up for him. And also I, I performed at at a club here in Chicago with him when he did a CD release party for. Music. He asked me to come and be part of the entertainment for that launch. So it was very fun. I was thrilled that that RE asked me to do that. Ohh yeah. Well, that's neat. That's another weird thing. I would. The music connection made me think that of you. So, uh yeah. OK, awesome. Awesome. I'm trying to think if there's anything else. Umm. That everyone had to ask you, you know you know and we were you mentioned that the comic book series is. Uh. Has to do with Bachelor Grove. I actually, I had never, I don't think I'd ever been there. And one day I drove by it and it made me think of you. I was like Ron Fitzgerald. And that's where I remembered Ben grew from. I remember hearing you talk. So can you you tell me anymore about that? Well, yeah, I mean, it is the inspiration for the comic book. The comic book is set in Bachelor's Grove, which is supposedly the most haunted cemetery in the whole country, maybe anywhere. And there's all kinds of stories. Ghosts in there and it's, it's kind of off, hidden away and you know it. It is, you know. A while back, like back in the 80s, I think maybe into the 90s. People like to party back in there, so some of the headstones had been spray painted and vandalized and knocked over, and some of them are still knocked over. They've been cleaned up since then. But there's all kinds of weird. I mean, it just feels weird in there. It's a weird place. And there's all these stories. I mean, some of our photos that we took for a photo shoot had orgs and then and things. So it's really weird. Yeah. And then there's a story of a house, a farmhouse that will appear. Sometimes it's not there, there's not a house in there. Sometimes people will see the house in there. Ohh, my friend said that. No, that's a weird story. That's part of the legend of bachelors grow and I'm hoping. I don't think it's in any of our stories, but I I'm, I've told them this and I want them to write it into the comic books. Uh-huh. And who worked with me on the show? Sir Kevin, who's one of the punk monks, one of the guys in the hooded robes that helped me, you know, push the illusions on and off the stage. And he, his father, look, damn it, told me about. The that he saw the farmhouse and as he started to walk towards it, it just vanished. Uh-huh. So I've. Talk to somebody that saw. Wow, Yeah. Very weird. That's crazy. I know I've seen some things, but that's just. I've never heard of that. That's so wild. You can kind of feel it. There's just a weird atmosphere out there. Ohh, no. What is that lady's name? There's a lady that was on Psycho Babble TV, Yeah. And she's like a she's, she's all into the haunted stuff. And I have to, I think I'm trying to think of her name, but she had been on there several times and she had a book, I think it was called Continuum. And yeah, you know who I'm talking about. I do, I can't remember her name off top my head either. I have to look her up, but she was in Mary Marshall. That's who it is. Marshall. I know Mary. Yeah. Yeah. So she was in the studio. You were in Psycho Babble with us one day and, you know, talking about all the haunted stuff. And I think she was telling us a story about like in some kind of something followed her home and she was telling us all about that and then she left. In one of those huge studio lights exploded wow the loudest noise and like glass just rained everywhere and it smoked all up in there and it was just like that was really strange that's creepy and anything like that happened before it just happened to be like right after she came there and told us about all their. Previous stuff. I guess it didn't like her talking about him. I guess not. So that was that was a little crazy. I mean, but yeah, she's she's a really sweet lady. She was really nice to talk to. And she is very nice to have on the show. Yeah, I haven't, I haven't heard anything from her in quite a while. But, you know, I'm not always. You can find her. She's on social. Yeah. Yeah, yeah. That's cool. Yeah. But yeah, we did an episode with her. Gosh, I don't know. That was, it's been awhile. I mean, it's been a while since any of us have have done psycho Babble, but you know, But yeah, she's, I know she's been on there. I'm pretty sure she's been on there a few times. I've only, I think I've only met her one time. Yeah. And that was the time that the light exploded. Yes. Wow. Yes. And we have never heard that story before. That's very cool. Yeah, you have. We have pictures with her, like holding her book and, you know, stuff like that. It was cool. Can you see me? Alright mate. Alright, there we go. Good. Alright. I pushed the wrong button last time and it made me go off screen and we had to reconnect. So this time I hit the other button and it worked. OK. Good, good. All right, well you guys. Here because not only is he awesome and full of completely amazing stories, but he does some really cool spooky magic and he was going to do some fun stuff for us tonight. So you're welcome whenever you are ready to show us what you got. Sure, sure, if you want to. Yes. Alright, can you hear me OK, I can. Yes, yes, I can hear you OK. Alright, good. I can hear you. Trying to get. It's hard for me to see. There we go. Can you see the top of my table? Yeah. Yes, I can. Perfect. Alright, can you see all of this? Yes, all right. Perfect. What we're gonna do. Because I have on the board 3 physicians on the board. Now what's on here on the other side are these. Welcome. Table. Yes, P cards. And some of you might be familiar with ESP cards. You, you know, you shuffle them up and mix them up in a couple of random piles and a couple random ways. And then I'm going to see if I can get mine to match with yours. It's kind of if, if you've never seen them, there's actually a scene in the original, the first Ghostbusters. Movie from the 80s where Bill Murray is doing this with with some psych students? Yes, I think I remember that, yes. Now we've got these. There are circles, stars, squares. OK, now I'm going to take them out. Right here. And so these will be. Mind and I'm gonna mix them up, OK, OK. Just like so I'm gonna put mine right down there. I'm gonna take out the other side. Right here. So. Yours. I'm gonna mix them all up. OK, OK. No, I'm gonna take yours then and put your file right down here by Mr. Scully. And alright, so just kind of look at me. Take a deep breath. A deep breath. In the audience, you can do this too. Take a deep breath. I'm moving. All right now by clear your mind. And I'm just trying to taste the Bible. Where you're at tonight, OK. Be with me. Yes. Alright, so I am going to put my 3 cards on my side here first. OK, OK. Kind of my prediction of where I. Think. You most likely will. Put your card. So OK, alright, so this one I'm gonna put I like this down here community. Hmm. Ohh. OK, so that's my first one. I got two more. Hi. Yeah. Hi I like this one here. Don't put that one on the top. And that leaves me with this one. Here OK. Alright. No, you see if I like those. Alright, I kind of like those. You kind of like those. Yeah. That's good. Good. Alright, good. So I've got yours. I'm not going to show you which is, you know what? Which is what? I'm going to sneak out this one. OK. And now you tell me, do you want position one, position 2 or position 3? I'm gonna go with position one on that one, number one. Alright. I like that you're a top. Very good to know. Alright. Yes, I'm gonna do those jokes even here on TikTok. Alright, 2 more left. I'm gonna take this one design. I like it. Do you want position two or three 3/3? Alright. Right down to the bottom, alright. And now obviously, there's only one position left on the board. And I've only got 1 card left. But for you, because I like you so damn much, I'll make you a deal. OK, You want you that bump another card into the second slot and this card can go wherever that came from. I will do that. Otherwise, you can have slot #2 What do you want? Umm. I'll go with #2. You're just going to slip it right in number two. Yeah, right in the between the other two cards. Very *****. Alright, I like that. I like that. Why would I not? Come on, look at me, I'm wearing. Alright, ohh. OK, so here's here's the deal with this thing. It is a metaphysical experiment, a psychic experiment. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. And. Well, you know. If you only get one right, it sucks. If you only get 2 right, it's not bad. It it, it shows that you were closed. But that's not really everything, you know? It's only if you match all three. Does it really look like, wow, that that's a connection. We were psychically linked for a minute there. You know what you know? It doesn't always work, but this time it did. Yeah. We psychically connected through the magic of TikTok. And maybe that work. With the help you were all involved in this experiment. By the way, for all of you watching this weird live stream tonight. We were drawing on your psychic energy and well, and by the way, it's delicious. So. But anyway, there you go. We did it. I tasted the brain and it was delicious. Jessica. Alright. Wasn't that fun? Ohh yes Ohh yes Ohh yes I don't see Ohh yes. Do you want to do another one now or you wanna talk for a little bit and then do another one later? I would. I mean, you, what do you got? Do you just have one more? What do you have for us? Well, there's actually a couple more things I could probably do, but I didn't know if you wanted to do it all together or if you want to string them out. All right, what do you guys want to do? You want to? Let's vote. Do you guys want to see more or you want to see more later? Do you wanna hear us yap at each other like crazy, heads on the screen? Well, pick your poison, people. Pick your poison. Alright. Hey, Kyle, how's it going? Welcome. All right, Kyle says more. More. Alrighty. What's next? What do you have in the store? Going alright, very good. We're doing more. Alright, we're here. I've got, let's do something a little different this time. Because I have, I have another card effect. It's very different. It's it's more. Kind of traditional cards, kind of, except for the story. Let me out of the way. So can you see me? OK? What? I've. I've got rope. OK? I can't. I can't help it. Magicians are into kink. I don't know. So I've got a short rope. And a middle sized 1. And then a longer OK. And this is more to kind of examine and explain the idea of what an illusion is, which is something that appears to be something that is really not. Got me. Can you see the full ropes? Yes. OK, perfect. So short, middle, long, light them up altogether there. I'm going to I'm going to bend them. I'm going to bend up the short rope just like that. And then the middle size 1. Just like that. And then the long one just like that, OK. So the ends are all even now, but the middles are now correct, right? OK, so. Alright. So concentrate again. If you eat, breath and let it go and give me the devil horns. Everybody in the audience, you give me devil horns too. Everybody give me double horns. Devil horns move the energy around. Perfect. And then you see when you do that. You get them all the same size. And the short one there is the middle sized 1 and there is a long one. Weird, isn't it? Yeah, it's freaking weird. Now he's one of them again. And make the ends even again. And the middles or even, and you just kind of bend it a little bit and just kind of ring it out a bit and you give me devil horns again. Concentrate devil horns. Energy perfect. And then of course there is. The short rope. The needle size rope. And the long one again. Very nice. Yay, because I love rear. Do you love weird? If you love weird, put devil horns in the chat. Can you put devil horns in the chat? I think you can. Or something put some put some hearts for Jessica. Our schools, yes. Awesome. Thank you. Alright, it's old, but it is a favorite. Yeah, yeah. Have you seen that one before? Some of you may have. I I don't think I've seen that, no. Ohh, even better, even better. Alright, so another one. Sure. Shall we Do we wanna go to the audience again? Ohh. I think they're all. We got. Devil horns, everybody. It was asking for more. We got everyone once more. I love it. In the midnight hour. She screamed more and more and more. Good, good, perfect. I like me some Billy Idol. All right, so I have. Yeah. Now these are these are regular playing cards, except they're big. They're just large so you guys can see them easier, OK. And they're clipped up here with a silver clip. So we're gonna put them right down here. And I'm going to be holding it for you. Can you can see him down here, right? Mostly. Yeah, mostly here. I'll hold them up for you. OK. Alright. So we're gonna you're gonna be. A vampire hunter. How's that? Jessica the vampire hunter. OK, good. OK. You should get your own cable show right out of that. Your own streaming show. Vampire hunter. Alright, you can kill me. I'll be a vampire. I'll be Nosferatu. It'll be perfect. Alright, sounds good. Let's do it. Yeah, right. Come on, we could do this. We could make this happen. Cemetery. It'll be great. Alright, so there's four cards here. Uh, hearts, clubs, diamonds, spades, the four Queens, the four royal ladies. And one of them is the queen of the dam. She's a vampire. Alright, and we're gonna have you hunt her down right now as Jessica the Vampire Hunter. Wow, streaming on. Alright, so one could only hope, right? Yes, out of the four cards, there's two black, 2 red. Let's pretend they are all in a fancy ballroom much like this one, with the full moon out and everything and. They're all in like LA. Velvet gowns looking very vampire like you and flashing their fangs. So they're staying together in in in pairs and two red, 2 black and two of them wearing the same color dress are leaving the fancy ballroom. What color dresses are they wearing? Which 2 are leaving? Um. Black Ah, your instincts serve you well because they're going out into the night and Jessica the vampire hunter is going to follow them. You know, because one of them. Is the queen of the dam. The other one is a warm drink. And we want to find the Queen of the dam. OK, OK, so out of the two in the black dresses. What do you think? That the vampire, The queen of the dam. Do you think she is a heart or not? Heart state or clubs? Spades. Spades. You're sure about that? Yes. A vampire hunter runs on instinct and again, that is perfect. So I am going to take the clip off. And we're going to ban those open and look at there was a look at that, look at that, look at that. Which one is in there? Was helping her coffin. Because states it's nice and you know, because the other ones are Royals, they're blue ones. But you knew I was so sure that you would find the queen of the dam with the spades that she's the only one with the blood red back. In fact, I was so sure you would find her, I didn't even bring the other 3 Queens to the party. Look at that. That's crazy. That one was good. Thank you, thank you, thank you. That was great. Everyone at home may applaud or, you know, throw roses, their hat that are sung. That was awesome. Thank you, Thank you, thank you. That was good. That was my favorite. Well, that's too much, so I saved it for last because I know you would be a great vampire hunter. Well, thank you. You are very welcome. Thank you. Ohh, my gosh. So yeah, you guys, there's tons of really cool stuff like that on Aaron's TikTok. You guys definitely need to check him out. There is. Yeah, yeah, that's that's great. I can't wait. You know what? And I get the live stream records, so I'll be able to show that off later. Pluck this out of here and cut it. Into a into a TikTok. Yes, you could just talk yes, have some coming for everybody. That was very, very cool. Thank you so much. No, thank you and thank all you guys for watching and hanging out with us tonight. We both really appreciate it. This is my very first live, so yes, we've never been tic Tac live before. I'm super excited. To have you and. And and get to be here first. Wow. Thank you. Yeah. You kind of. Yeah. Yeah. I don't know if I can tell you what I want to say right now. Yeah. Family friendly. Something about my tick tock cherry. But I can't say that now, can't right now. My mind went there too. But we're behaving. We're being good right now. Are we? Are we really? Are we alright? That's no fun, by the way. What? Ohh, man, we can take some questions. If anybody has a question about anything in the audience, I'd be happy to answer questions. OK, yeah, if anybody has anything, let us know. We're just going to be just hanging out kind of chatting and. You know. Hanging out on a Wednesday night. So I just thought of another question and you know, obviously magicians aren't supposed to ever share their secrets, but is there ever a trick that you have had that has been like? Really difficult to learn.

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Lita Von Doom
11 days ago

That was a pretty cool illusion

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