Gothic Master Illusionist Ron Fitzgerald – NGRmusic Livestream (Part 5) – Free VOD

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Is it something and I'm I'm happy because we're, we're very, we've known each other since like junior high. And he's a professional writer. He's got a novel out and everything. And the novel, what is the novel? The novel The Berserkers is the novel. Oh, OK. And it's kind of like, it's a little like The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, like weirder in a literary sense. And, and, and beyond that it's got it centers around a band. So again, it makes me think of you. The Berserkers is the name of the band in the book. OK, you guys might like that, but victory? The Berserkers and he's the one who's writing this audio drama and we're working on that. We're just starting to record a lot of it right now. Yeah, that's cool. Well, now that you're mentioning that, you know, I'm thinking about well this this live stream records and a lot of times I'll take take different. Things that make them into audio. I've done that actually for Psycho Babble before, where I put the the the show. I've had permission from Mike Preston to use the show and I would turn it into an audio format and then play it on the radio. And actually Psycho Babble is fantastic on the radio. It's so good. I would think so because of all that great weird. Yes, Oh yes. And so while we were, you know, just now you were just talking about doing the audio stuff. I'm like, you know what, I need to go take this conversation and put it on the radio later. That would be. Absolutely, Yeah, I mean, I'm kind of doing that now with the website, with my website, because now it's becoming more of a broadcast platform. And so I am taking a lot of people's like TV shows and stuff like that that are uploading and I am making them into an audio form as well, so. Nice. Yeah. But see, I this would probably be make a really good radio thing too, so I think so. Yeah. Thank you. Yeah, I woke up me on that. So yeah, you know, scrape the audio and let's get it up there. All right. Sounds good. Yeah. I was trying to do up or you know work on some some putting up some live stream like the full length live stream today, but I need to get I need to get stuff compressed because the file sizes are very large. But I'm working on it so I will have that eventually coming where people will be able to watch my. Entire live stream if they missed it, I'm planning on doing that. I I, I don't know exactly like how and where and when I'm going to do that. I'm not planning on doing long form here on TikTok just because people aren't here for that on TikTok. It'll be more clips. But I, I do plan on having long form available as well. And then we'll do, we'll do the audio form for some of them. So yeah, if you wanted to put up an hour or even the full 2 hours of your live stream, you can put that up on the other platform. Yeah, right. Exactly. So that's, that's kind of what I'm thinking, but. Perfect. Well, yeah, well, we'll have some fun doing different stuff with this. So I'm. I'm glad you made it on with me tonight. I am too. Thank you for asking me to be on here with you on my first tick tock. Why this is kind of inspires me to want to do it. Myself now yeah definitely I I would watch it thank you I might have you I'll have you on mine too so that would be awesome yeah and I'm I'm very excited that my phone hasn't died yet I know a little bit ago I got my 20% warning so it's it doesn't doesn't have that much longer but. How much, how much, what time is it? How much, how much time is left in the Oh, I, I can go as long as my phone keeps going. I usually go until, until it dies. So until it goes, Yeah, yes, it's 1210 right now, so we've been on just about two hours. Wow, it doesn't quite feel like that long. No, it's been a lot of fun. It's time flying and I spent 20 years just trying to fix my damn tripod. Well, at least we had plenty of time tonight and you know, we weren't in a super hurry, so it worked out, you know, and I mean all that, like I said, I was here freaking out at my speaker before, before I got on live. So it's always something technology's got to got to stress us out once in a while. Well, I was trying to break in. I've got a brand new mic I'm wearing The funny thing. Uh-huh. Where is it? It's right there, so I got. New mic. Oh, are you there? There you are. Yeah. That was, that's my my 10% warning. It freezes when it gives me my low battery. Yeah. Yeah, but when I plugged in the receiver, it it nuked your audio and I'm like, oh, I can't do this. I can't use the mic. Yeah, it causes until I acknowledge the notification. Yes, that's weird. I didn't know. I thought I lost you for a minute there. I'm like, no, no, it was. It was. Yeah, that was on me, but yeah. So your your microphone though, that's what you got one like a lapel microphone. Yes, it's right. It sounds really good. Yeah, it sounds really good. Yeah, and if I leave the house, it shocks me. It's crazy. What? Just kidding. Just kidding. I even believe it from you. I'm an illusionist. You can't believe anything I say. Come on. I was just watching the 2017 psycho Babble, like where they do the special like recap of all the clips of all the year or, you know, the best of the year kind of stuff. And I was like, yeah, they are. And I was watching it and there was one where I, you know, I'm in my nurse costume and I completely like lean over and, you know, like. Basically, like you get the full moon and somebody's like, what's that about? I said, I think I was trying to get my microphone out from under me filming at the time. But yeah, because I was like, I think I was sitting on my my microphone cordial right here. You have a lovely bum, so nobody's going to complain. Back, come on. That's kind of why they had me on the show. I mean, that was most of my my main appearances were were **** shots. That's how they started me off in the first my very first episode. It was the Halloween episode with Hackenstein where they had me under the. Oh yeah. And did you start in in the naughty nurse uniform and all that? I did. Yes, I did. Yes I did. It was not my original appearance on Psycho Babble. The first time I was ever there was they I met them because I was. I had a table for my radio show at Chicago Sex Con and Psycho Babble got a table next to me and. Come to me and asked if he could put some stuff under my table and they were doing filming and stuff. They had a guy that has well, have you do you know Chong? He has been not been around for a while, but OK, there's this guy Chong, and he's known as like the stripper whisperer and he was talking to all these girls. And so, you know, I ended up talking to him, doing an interview with him that day. And then eventually down the line, they invited me to the studio. And I was still just, you know, like my normal self. I wasn't a character yet at that point. And then later they said, you know, we need a new nurse for Doctor Birnbaum. Would you be interested? I'm like, heck yeah. Yeah. So you know, he's had a couple of nurses over the years, but I think I'm the longest, I think I'm the might be the longest running nurse. I'm not sure. I'm not sure on that. I'd have to go look through the episodes and find he had Nurse Becca for a while and I'm not sure she was, she was on there for a while, but I don't know. I don't remember. Or anybody else by name. So, yeah, I've, I've been, I was on there for quite a while. Yeah, that's a lot. Remember that because you're on every time. I was on. So, yeah. And then I was. And then I got invited to do the Jimmy Perino show. And with the Jimmy Perino show, I was all different. Characters, but I was Nurse Philomena on their several times as well. So they've had me do all kinds of stuff. I I had, I've been a psychiatrist. I've been, you know, I've been like a rock musician. And or like, I don't know, some really ditzy chick with a really high pitched crazy voice. Like I've been a news reporter, all kinds of different stuff. So, you know. But you know what I haven't really seen any of I've really I've only seen two of the Jimmy Perino show episodes ever. Like I never even got to see them. I need to find him. Yes, I need to find him and and try to get a hold of some some of those because I don't even. He did those quips. Yeah, yeah, I had them online originally, the 1st 2 episodes. And then, but I don't know what I did, they were on a DVD and they were like full size for TV. So I had to really like compress the heck out of them to get them to even work on my computer so I could edit them 'cause they're like massive file sizes, but. You know, it was, yeah, it was directly from the TV studio. And the problem is Jimmy Perino is not tech savvy like Mike Preston is. So he never has posted any of it online. Like he doesn't know how to do all of that. And I always wanted to be like, give it to me, I'll do it. Like, let me get this stuff out there. Digitally and then get to clips up there and stuff. Yeah, but I haven't talked to him in quite a while. I know he's been playing with some of his bands and things like that, but I need to track him down. Hunt them down. You're now official vampire hunter. You can hunt him down and make him give you clips. Yes. And then Mike Preston. I know he hasn't. Well, he's he's just had some more procedures done and I haven't. Is he OK? Is he better now? Yeah, he's recovering. He just, he had like an updated, you know, he had to do surgery from his previous issues. Right, right. So, you know, it's been maintenance I think is kind of what the surgery is for, but. But he had. I had given him a flash drive a long time ago because he used to have all his full episodes of Psycho Babble on Vimeo and at one when he was in the hospital the first time when he had his big ordeal. Yeah, something happened to the Vimeo channel and it like vanished. And I had thought I was, I thought it was down because he was in the hospital and it was like, you know, but no, he doesn't know what happened to it. So there's no full episodes except for the Halloween and the. Holiday specials like on on YouTube, there's no, there's no full episodes anywhere anymore. No, you know, he was supposed to. He said he put a bunch of stuff on the flash drive. I hadn't gotten to go get it. And then I had surgery. So I was like, oh, when I get better, we'll get. Together. And then it just still, it's been, it's been a while. So yeah, I need to find some time to go see him. And yeah, because I would, he actually got me the clip of me doing the floating table from the one with the Ouija board from that one time Ozon. That one was cool. I thank you. Yeah, and you can see that that's on my tick tock on here if you guys want to see a version of that. Yeah, but he got me that and that's on my other channel on on two BS UBS and. What else I was trying to get him. He was going to get me the razor blade one that we did with you on there. I love the way he produces a lot of smoke and the graveyard. It looked nice. I don't want to put that out there, but he never got a rock 'cause he was having issues, so he never got around to get me. So those are on his channel and I know how to bootleg some stuff, so. Give me that give me that segment and I can get it for you. Yeah, for sure. You're welcome. Please do if you can please gank that for me. And that's what that's what I I've been doing that for him actually is I will like because I know he doesn't have you know, he's got things going on so. I will go grab stuff a lot of times and then repost it other places for him and stuff like that. So you're awesome. Yeah. Yeah. So I've been gradually working on doing that, especially like musician interviews and stuff like that recently. But yeah, I can, I can try and get those for you. I should be able to do that. Perfect. Thank you. Yeah, you're welcome. Yeah, I was going to say earlier because you mentioned those particular clips when I was going to mention to to earlier, because I we were talking about your page and everything. I love the one with. I think that yes. And that was the first. I think that might have been, I think that was the first year I met you as the year you did that. I think so, yeah. And yeah, that was that's, it's so fun. It's such a fun act. I really enjoy it. I mean, I mean, not just the illusion itself, but the whole personality that goes into it and everything it's it is humorous. Oh yeah, definitely, definitely a lot of humor that fit perfectly on Psycho Babble. Yeah, and that it's like that clip. Well, not that exact clip, but I did a version of that on on Insta and that got like 1.3 million views. I've done that on television many times, people like that, that effect. So yeah, I think I just watched a clip where you were you were doing it on WGN the other day. That's up on my page as well. Yeah, yeah, yeah. You guys can watch that here on on TikTok. One of the one of the television appearances with it. So I just want to let you guys know I have a phone situation where my battery is going to die in just a few minutes. So if the screen goes blank, I'm done for the night. I just while I still am here, I want to say thank you so much to Ron Fitzgerald for joining us this evening and thank you. So much for hanging out with us and chatting along and and watching, sending the likes and sharing everything out. And make sure and go follow Ron Fitzgerald. He's awesome. He's got so much fun stuff to look at and he's always coming out with great new content. And and then if you guys want to find me when you are or when when wanna know when I go live next, go ahead and follow me. And if I see you guys follow me during the live, I will come follow you back as soon as my phone is back up and running and. You know, I'll come check out your videos and that kind of thing. If you check mine out and comments, I'll comment yours back. And I'm always all about meeting everybody, getting to know what they're into and what you what kind of stuff you like creating. So I'm I'm really glad to have all you guys here tonight. Thank you so much. Thank you again for having me on, Jessica. It's always a great time hanging out with you. Yeah. Yes. Awesome. We'll have to do it again soon. Definitely. We will. Yes. Yeah. Yeah. This was great fun. Yeah. And then yeah, work on chopping this up and get some cool video clips for us. I'll send some your way and thank you guys. Daniel says thank you, Ron, and Master Lock says fun show. Thank you. Thank you, Daniel. Thanks. Yeah, Daniel mentioned earlier, too. He said the only magic trick he could do is the the ring through the rope. Oh, yeah. There you go. That's a good one. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So I don't know how to do that one, but I'll have to. I don't know. Maybe you could show me sometime. I might have to do that, yes, yeah. Coming over, magic lessons every Tuesday. Come on. Yeah. See, I mean, you could probably do really well doing stuff like that if you wanted to. But then, yeah, if I wanted to. I don't have any time, you know? Right, right. And I mean, writing a book and the man just writing the book, it's like it's been everything for a while. I was, I was gonna say, you know, obviously you don't want to give away all your secrets, but you could do like some like beginner beginner magic tutorials kind of inspire people, but that's again, if you had time. So, but I, I don't know, I think something like that might be cool, but. I did early in my career. I died, taught magic for a while. I did some private lessons and then, yeah, some private lessons. And then there were even some organizations that hired me to go out and and teach the kids magic in a couple of places. Oh, that's so cool. Yeah, yeah. So I can't do that. But then, you know, I just had such a focus on doing my weird dark sticky thing, so. Yeah, yeah. You don't want to be too dark and and creepy with the kids. Well, that's the thing. Yeah. I mean, yeah. So yeah, but that's, that's cool. Be like, you want me to chop off whose head? And I'm like, right, let's get you in trouble. Now you could do. Have you ever done like, you know, I've actually done. When you had the big deck of cards, I used to actually do kids birthday parties and I had a big deck of cards like that and I did some perfect. But have you ever, have you ever done like adult parties or like something like that? Yeah, I started my career doing kids parties like you were talking about, you know, my very first profess. Show that I actually got paid for I was 12 years old and I got like 15 bucks to do somebody's birthday party. So that's how I that's how I started. And then and then later. Yeah, I've done many because of my style. Now I have been hired, you know, to do some private shows and things like that. Very cool. All right, well, if I ever have a party, I know who I'm going to call. Yes, I'm in. Awesome, awesome. Well, very cool. So yeah, I'm down. This is the point of the show where I just like, randomly ramble until my phone dies. So do you. You don't sign off, you just let it go until the phone goes. Sometimes I do if I run out of things. Say, and I really just don't know what to say any more than I'll I'll go up, but usually I just let it die and you know, hang out with everybody till the very last minute. So I, we literally probably have like 2 minutes or less. Are there any last questions anybody out there anybody hanging out with us right now? If you does anybody have a question for? Either one of us. Yeah. You guys let me know and we'll see what I know. Who else still out? I know we got we got several viewers in the room. I'm not sure who all is here right now. I know we've got Master Lock and Daniel still. I know Cowboy Wade was here. I don't know if he's still here. And we had Sherry's crochet and cats just came in. Welcome. I hope you're doing great. Yeah. Crochet. Thanks for joining us. Do you do you crochet for the cats or you just like crochet and cats? I could see like some cute little crochet. I mean, not that cats would probably like not like to wear clothes so much like they you probably can't get away with it as much with cats as you can. Here's what I want to know. I'm considering the success of Deadpool and Wolverine. Are you knitting Deadpool and Wolverine costumes for the cats? Now that's what I'm Crozet Wolverine Kitty. Come on. It has to happen. Yeah, my mom is really big into crochet and. Is she Yeah, any, anything you see. And you're like, oh, gosh, check this out. And then she can, she'll she, you know, might take her some figuring out, but she can figure out how to make anything pretty interesting. She can she can make some things. I saw somebody crocheting like, what was it? Spooky stuff, spider webs and bats. Oh, yeah. That's cool. That's fun. Yes. Yeah. I love that. I yes, I, I, but yeah, we get all kinds of random crochet Christmas gifts and things like that. So now the one, we were the one that was kind of funny, we were cracking up about. She actually made them for the kids. She said she was talking about nose mittens. Have you ever heard of? Nose mitten? No. What the hell is that? So she crochets this thing and it goes on your nose and then it has a crochet strap so it keeps your nose warm in the winter and you can actually make them. It onto your face, yeah, size around, but like for the kids, she could do it where like it could be like an animal nose or something or like an animal mouth and nose and like they're like you should could do an elephant trunk or like a cat nose or like a pig nose or like whatever you want. That's fun. Yeah. The possibilities are kind of endless. She's done all kinds of things. She sees all these things online, and then she used to actually sell a bunch of stuff on eBay and she would make them like, for a while it was a thing to have like a mermaid tail blanket. So it's like a sleeping bag, but it's a mermaid tail. Right. She would make stuff like that. Or you know, my kids ever want something. There was this thing called strawberry cow that my kids were really into. It's like this pink and white cow and and. Zach Heat show, right? I'm not I'm not sure. It might be or it's or there's there was a meme. There was a song about it. I don't know where it originally came from. My kids could tell you. Oh, Daniel says. What was your favorite movie to shoot? The favorite one to shoot? Oh man. I, I kind of, man, it's hard. I mean, Dark Realm because I got to do my show in front of a live audience and then the movie stuff to, to give it a horror film narrative and the movie and my show altogether. So Dark Realms a favorite. Yeah, because I made it. I. My movie I I Co wrote and Co produced it with Vincent Balencio and Vinnie's pedigree goes all the way back to Sorority House Massacre with with Roger Corman in the 80s and I met him on that Blood Gnome movie I talked about earlier. So like that and I liked shooting Magus. Machado And then that very first movie I did that went to Sundance, The Item. Those are kind of my three favorites. Did we lose Jessica altogether there? I think we did. I'm waiting to see if she comes back. But anyway, Daniel, I can't see the chat myself. Because it's her stream. But thank you for that question and I hope that answers your question. So they're not one favorite. There's a couple of them for different reasons, but they were, they were some fun, fun projects. So. Thank you. Remember to follow Jessica, follow me Ron Fitzgerald, master of the dark realm. And thank you for being with us tonight. I am going to sign off here because I'm pretty sure her phone is. Shuffled off this mortal coil for right now. So Jessica, well, so you see if she's still watching, but of course she's not watching because her phone is out. So I'm signing out of here and I don't even know how the hell to do that, so bear with me for a minute. And I'm going to see if I just the heck out of here.

Took my nephews to see Cumberland Falls this morning

BigD2021 (@bigd2021)

I have been doing a whole lot of work on the TV pages over the past two nights. I’ve gotten a lot done but there is still a bunch more that I want to do.

Jessica Edwards (@jessica080806)
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