Music Friends! Come hang out! – NGRmusic Livestream 6 (Part 2) – Free VOD

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Well, I can play what you guys like. Let me see. You know what, I need to share this live a little bit 'cause I really haven't. Umm, I haven't shared it out. If you guys could help me share it out that'd be awesome. Ah, let's see. I'm just sending it to a few people really quick. And let's see. I'm just sending it to a few people really quick. And. See, I'm just sending it to a few people really quick. And let's share it over on, share it over on. Yeah, I, I thought that the, I thought that I just got kicked out of my life for a second there. Welcome back. Hey Hells Demon, how are you? I'm glad you got my message. I was just thinking, I'm like, I did not know I was going to do the live. I sent you a message a little bit ago. I did not know I was going to go live until just a little bit ago. So I have been. I did not plan for it today. But I will be live tomorrow night 10:00 central to. So and for the rest of the week too. I've got it. I got to do 9 more nights after this so I will be hanging out here a lot. But yeah, yeah, so I, I just thought, oh man, I should probably share this. And actually I was about to share it on X and then I realized I needed to take a screenshot so that I oops. So I have a picture. Hopefully I don't mess up the chat again. Oh, I can't do it. That without messing up my man. You can't reach the buttons. Oh, wait, there we go. It's a terrible screenshot, but I got 1, so yeah. But yeah, if anybody is out here. Hey. Hi, A Healy. How are you doing? I hope you're having a great night tonight. Yeah. If you guys can give me some likes and shares, that would be awesome. I'm sure. You doing? I hope you're having a great night tonight. Yeah. Guys can give me some likes and shares. That would be awesome. I'm so yeah. Where are you guys from? I would love to hear where you're from. I'm also interested to know what kind of music you like. All of my all of my videos are going to be music related, so I'd love to know what everybody's into so I know what I should be playing. Or is it? Oh, it's a healer? I think I said that wrong earlier. I see I can't read this. I was talking about just a little bit ago that I need to get like a magnifying glass to go over my screen so I can read it because it's. It's I didn't want to have the camera right up in my face, but even with it close like it's still kind of small words so on my phone. And I don't know if I can do it off my laptop. I I did not see a way to actually do that, so I don't Maybe I'm at maybe I just haven't figured it out, but I don't know if the phone makes more sense because of the shape of the video and. And I really, I don't know, but I think, and I thought about an iPad, but I don't really want to go out and buy an iPad right now. I had one before like an iPad mini and I barely ever used it. It was really just kind of like ended up being. A toy for the kids and that they busted up so. Umm, let's see. Thank you. Yeah, Kentucky and 80s power balancer hair bands. Awesome. All right. Good to know. And oh, I just saw somebody else. I think it was Michael. Welcome. How you doing tonight? Glad to have you stopping by. And thank you, Daniel, for letting me know about the music and where you're from. I appreciate it. I would love to know where everybody else is from too. I am in the Chicago area. I'm actually like right on the edge of the city, but like. The city is just like right there. So I was, I actually before was living out in the middle of nowhere, kind of like in farmland. For a while. I did that for a couple of years. That was different. And now I'm like went the complete opposite direction. I'm not like. Super close to downtown, but I don't think I would like living there. It's too crazy. It's too much going on, too much traffic. And I mean, a lot of people down there use public transportation and stuff, but I like having my car and. Not having to do public transportation all the time. So I don't know, I'm not used to it, I guess. But I mean, I think a lot of, well, aside from lack of parking, there's, you know, there's a lot, It's just so much congestion down there that you probably wouldn't even want to drive most of the time. Umm, but yeah, so I'm I'm out by Chicago. Hi, Zia, how are you? Welcome. So let's see. Like I said earlier, I didn't really plan on live streaming tonight. Usually I think I'm going to do is kind of come on and hang out and say hi to everybody for a while and then maybe I'll try out some different contest or you know, maybe I might do some battles and stuff, see how that goes. I'm still trying to get the vibe for the battle thing. I've seen some really cool ones, I've seen some really awkward ones and. Seen some really cool ones. I'm glad I'm kind of watching them because I want to kind of like know what to expect. They can be really fun so. Let's see. Hi, Jacqueline, how are you? Thanks for stopping in, I hope you're having a great night. And the one and only. Hello. How are you doing? It's great to have you stopping in. And yeah, the one, The one, yeah, one and only. Jinx. So yeah, oh, oh, well, this see, I was trying to pick up beat songs and I was like, oh, this sounds good. But then I realized just now I'm listening to it, I'm like, oh, this is kind of a it's a. It's a good it's a song about like, being happy and and grateful for things. And stuff. It's a really good positive song. It just, I was like more upbeat tonight and now I'm just kind of vibing. So yeah, what kind of music do you guys like? Hi, Myrna. How are you? I hope you're having a great night tonight. Welcome. Welcome. And let's see, we've got Christy. Welcome, Christy. Nice to have you. I look forward to meeting everybody and making new friends and checking out your guys''s videos. I want to see what everybody else is up to, find out what you guys are interested in and see who I can make some friends with. I'm really looking. Forward to meeting people and I've only done a few live streams so far, but I think we're going to have a good time together so. Umm, I just, I don't know, I'm I'm. Like normally I'm going to have a certain like. Plan as to what I'm going to do. This was kind of like last minute spur of the moment kind of just jump in and see what everybody's up to so. Umm, hi, our fields, how you doing tonight? Welcome. Glad to have you. So yeah. Let's see here I know that there is stuff that I'm supposed to be posting on the screen and things and I don't know how and I'm still learning stuff, but let's see I know that you can you guys can I have a team that you can join me you can go up to the top left and there's. Little hearts, you can send me and be come be a part of my team. Umm, I've got, I'm going to have lots of cool stuff. My, my team and lots of I'm going to do some like live streams just us and then I'm going to do some special like videos and things. So I'm looking forward to getting that going. That's brand new for me too, but I, I would love to have you guys join me there and. Let's see good vibes one-on-one. Hi, how are you doing tonight? I hope you're doing great. Good vibes are awesome to have. I enjoy that, bring it on. So yeah, um. Let's see. I don't know, but yeah, I'll usually have a plan. I kind of didn't have a plan tonight. I'm just kind of going with the flow. And hello, beyond. Is it local cannibal? Uh oh. How local are you? Where are you from? We might need to know about that. Hi, Jennifer Lee. Hi, Johnny. How are you doing? Oh, I hope you guys are having an awesome night tonight. I'm usually going to be alive on at night time about 10 o'clock 10:00 to. Midnight Central time I'm in Chicago. I'd love to know where everybody else here is from and tell me where you're from and what kind of music you like. I would love to hear from you and and kind of get an idea. All of my content is music related, so it would be nice to. Have the type of music you enjoy. You're going to hear a lot of stuff from me from musicians you've never heard about before, but maybe you'll find something new that you love. So, you know, I know certain people definitely like certain kinds of music, so that's good to know. Hi, Lisa, how are you doing? Hi, Leo, how are you? Welcome. So yeah, the musicians I play, I pretty much, I know them, or I've at least had direct contact with them. They have contacted me. To share their music with the world so. Hi. Hi, Missy. I saw one. I couldn't read it fast enough. It was, it looked like kind of like Michaela Goddess King. Hello, Nancy. How are you doing? Welcome. Got second twisted. Welcome. Welcome. Yeah. So I've got lots of fun music I'll be sharing with you guys. And we'll do some cool stuff with it. Umm, I look forward to kind of like I was looking at like people doing battles and stuff. And there's a lot of fun stuff we can do with the music, with the battles. So. Gotta oh Elvira thing going on. Oh yeah, maybe a little bit. Well, I, I hope. I, I actually, if you, if you see there's some of my videos where I have like black long hair and I kind of am more like had to look more gothic. It's definitely on those ones for sure. Yeah, I. I, I'm, I'm I. And then I saw the end part just now. Thank you. I hope that's a good thing. Umm, yeah, yeah. So I, she's beautiful. So yeah, if you guys see me in my, I do have to do some. I get asked to do some goth stuff once in a while. I did the, I just did ATV show actually, with my friend Ron Fitzgerald, who's like the Master Illusion. I was telling you guys about earlier and I've actually been on live streams with him before and been on his TV show and been in all kinds of stuff with him and he always wants us to got it up for real good. And then I was just in a music video with the band Pazzo recently. The song is called Riverbed. And I was very goth up in that one too. I usually I and actually for me it's not that difficult because I did go through the kind of a phase like that in high school, which has been quite a long time ago. But you know, where everybody was doing like the weird, like the not weird, but like the whole like trench coat. The trench coat thing or like the you know, and the really it was gothic then now it's that got emo and all these other things I was always kind of doing like sexy goth. I was always wearing like cute little black dresses and stuff and like cute boots and things, but like. I, I don't know, it's, I kind of like that vibe. It works for me. I, I do good with the pale skin 'cause I'm naturally kind of Fair skinned anyways. And then I always like the red lipstick and the dark eyeliner and, you know, and usually when I do that though, I'll like, draw stuff on my face and like all kinds of different things. Add the accessories. I've gotten to wear some pretty cool outfits. I did one for the Monster Mash music video. You can see the behind the scenes a little bit of it. I had like over an hour and a half of behind the scenes footage. That was just a tiny tiny click. Check your bio. I definitely will. I definitely. I'm going to, after this is over, I'm going to go by and check out everyone that's in here and check out your videos and all that good stuff. And so, yeah, I'm looking forward to that. Hi, Brooklyn. Nicole, how are you doing tonight? Glad to have you. So yeah, everlasting forever welcome. I'd love to know where you guys are from and what kind of music you're into. I definitely want to know that so I know what kind of music to play for you guys in the future. Little bit of everything, so I play lots of stuff. It's all it's all going to be. This one got a little loud too. Um, I'll try not to like, blast you out with the music so you can still hear me talking. Hi Ryan G, how are you doing? I, yeah, I have all kinds of music, like all genres of music. So I play everything. But you know, I like to give you guys what you want to hear too. So hi. Let's see. I don't want to read them wrong. Kathy looks like Batiste maybe? I don't know, but I need to. I was saying I need to get a magnifying glass to go over my screen so I can read better. I have I have kids and my daughter today's like, mom, you should go to the eye doctor. I'm like, what? 'Cause she's real. Like I'm starting, it's starting to get harder for me to see smaller things. I don't remember what it was recently. Something that that I could not read for the life of me. And I was like, what the world does that say? Hi Aaron, how are you doing today? Welcome, welcome. Hi, Jessica, how are you? Welcome. Glad to have you stopping in. Where's everybody from? Out more about you guys and learning about you, what you're into. I'm excited to check out everybody's videos. Oh really? Yeah. You know what? I think a lot of guys had a crush on Elvira like they probably still do. Even when she got, you know, she got older and she still looked just amazing. Like I hope I can look that great like, you know, I remember it. I don't know is I don't I, I had no idea on age, but I want to say somebody had said the last time I looked at a picture of her like. Was she like 70 or something? I don't know. Used to DJ and Rockford in a couple times. Ohh cool that's awesome. I've I've man I haven't been out to Rockford for a little bit. I was just living out that way though not too long ago. Probably about 20 minutes, 2025 minutes from there. Oh, and then when you lived in Florida. I've lived in Florida. That's awesome. Oh, and you worked as radio, too. That's so cool. Yeah, I lived in Florida for a while. I love it there. I would love to go back someday. I really, I'm a fan of the weather. And like I'm I'm a fan. Summer all year round in Chicago. We don't get that. It's like 3. Three months if you're lucky, maybe 4, but that hasn't been in a few years. I'm loving this hot weather this year. It's amazing. I need more of it in my life. Everybody thinks I'm crazy, but I spent a week in the desert, like surviving for fun, so I didn't like the hot. Let's see. Used to OK, And then she started on Oh yeah, Oh yeah, yeah, I know she was on like the I don't know, like I don't, I don't remember she was on the up all night thing or if it was what it was, but I remember her being on some. Specific TV channels. The people are too weird. They're not that. There is a lot of weirdness in Florida. Yes, absolutely. No, I have not been there so far. Not yet. Umm, I will. I don't know where. Where is it at? I've heard of it, but I don't know where it is. The desert was fun though. Oh, that was, it was a really fun time actually. I've only done it once and I would definitely do it again, but I would be next time I go to the desert I would. Will be more conscious of like taking better care of myself. I do not hydrate as well as I should and I definitely did not drink as much water and I'm very lucky that I didn't like have something bad happen. I had a friend of mine. A very well known photographer that just passed away actually. Where he had gone to this event last summer and got in a heat stroke and had to be airlifted out. And then this summer he went to a different event and once you've heat strokes your body can't regulate temperature correctly anymore and he ended up passing away and I don't know what his actual. 'Cause was, but I wouldn't be surprised if it was something related to that. So, you know, I would. I was kind of pretty irresponsible, honestly, while I was out there as far as hydration goes and I brought tons of water with me. I just wasn't drinking it. So if I go again, when I go again, I will. Be much more careful with stuff like that for sure. Umm Oh yeah. OK, cool. Yeah I yeah, I haven't done lamplighters so far. But yeah, I'll, I don't know, I'll have to go check it out. Maybe I'll have to look it up. So when's when's are you OK? So you said when you lived in Florida. Where are you at now? You probably, I already probably you probably already told me I'm so bad at like, I have to look back at my chat. Yeah, drinking 3 quarts of water. OK, yeah, 'cause that's what they were trying. You know, I was, I watched all this stuff, all these YouTube videos and stuff to prepare for the desert, like for at least a month, month and a half ahead of time. So I was prepared for a lot of things. You have to be extremely prepared to. That I was tent camping in the middle of the desert. And yeah, I think they said something like a gallon of water a day, which is kind of insane to me. But, you know, it's, yeah, you really got to be careful out there. And there were people. There was, there was at least. One, one person that didn't make it out of there that that summer, but there was there was a lot of people out there. So it was it was unfortunate, but you know, it's it was really. I don't know so many people go out there that it happens sometimes, unfortunately. Hi Jenny, how are you doing? Welcome. Umm, yeah, electric. Well, and you know what too? It was funny because. As far as electrolytes, I had just started hearing about Liquid 4 right before it, but I had spent so much money on the trip and I really was interested in in getting it and I probably, you know, that's probably a good idea, but I didn't. Hi Megan, how are you doing? Did some TV on UHF station in Texas in the late 80s. News anchor and video. Oh OK alright awesome awesome. Yeah, so. Yeah, I've, I've, I've done, I've done some TV, I've done a few different shows. I haven't even gotten to see all of them. A lot of them were like cable TV shows and. A lot of them I have seen, but there's a lot of them I have not. I actually had one and I I might have. I think I have at least might have a picture of it in one of my like video slide shows on here of the time I went and I had to go play guitar on TV and I hadn't played guitar in probably a year and I had had acrylic nails on and like the night before I cut them all off and started practicing. And like the next day, I had to do so many takes. My fingers felt like they were gonna bleed. They hurt so bad. And but I made it through and I never got to see like the final show to see how it turned out. I hope it turned out good. I don't know. I, I hope someday I can get a copy of that. It was several years ago now. But that show I really didn't get to see many of the episodes. And I played that one was cool because I played all different characters. Know how it turned out so. Yeah, right. Yeah, Well, I just, I just started. Hi, Bill, How are you doing? Welcome. Glad to have you. Yeah, I, I've just started going live on here, so I'm pretty new to it myself. Oh, that's a genius. Say, that one's hard. After that one I'll have to look at for a minute. Like I you know what's so funny too? I'll see username and you know what I think I have just. Touch of dyslexia. I'm not bad. It's more with numbers for me that I switch around. But sometimes I'll look at screen names and my brain won't read it one way and I'll think it's that for like the longest time. And then one day I read it again and I was like, oh, I haven't seen that wrong the whole time. So. Yeah, you may, but it would. I mean, you could go live on here though. That would be cool. Like, why not? I mean, I give you something fun to do, right? Hi Amber, how are you doing tonight? Welcome. Umm, when I'm tired, words look weird. Yeah, yeah or yeah, I've been there before where like, there will be a certain word and you say it to yourself and then you say it again and. It starts to sound wrong. I noticed that one time years ago, I was saying the word door to myself and I started, it just started sounding bizarre, like door, door. Like what? What is that like? Who came up with these words? And yeah. Like it's, it's kind of bizarre, but I like the English language is weird. You have a face to radio now. Uh, no, I don't, you know, you can do, I mean, you know what I mean. If you're, I know some people like, don't like to be on camera. I have a friend that. For years they I talked to them online and they didn't want to be on camera. And finally I've seen them now, but it took a really long time for them to be comfortable enough to show themselves. And so you know what's kind of, I mean, you could do something even crazy where you put like a filter on and you could be like whatever you. Want you don't even have to be you like and now I think that would be entertaining. You know, you could be like, I don't know, like a clown or something. I'm just using that as an example. But you could be anything and I think people would be fascinated to watch, especially like if they were some people I think I saw. See them live. But there was somebody that had Tic Tacs where they they always wore a mask and then one day it was going to be the face reveal and they were like really building up to it. But I never saw what they actually looked like. I never followed what they were up to so. Like the hit? Yeah, no, I don't believe that. You couldn't. You couldn't have done all that before. And not you. You got to have personality. Hi, Jen. Jen, how are you doing? Welcome. But yeah, like, I don't know, building the 5K to get the Ohio, Yeah, I just hit 5K like a week ago. That's awesome. How how far are you on now? Like how far are you along now? News is cool, you could do that too. I don't know, I I have a girlfriend that's really good at the news stuff and I, I've never really done it. She does like cool news and like historical facts and different type of stuff like that. So. OK. Oh, you're all right. Cool. Well, awesome. That's not that far to go. So yeah. You guys and you guys are welcome to. Make friends in here and follow each other and that kind of stuff. So it's always good to be active in the room so everybody sees you. So help everybody out and help them reach their goals. I would, you know, eventually like to make 10K but I just hit 5 and I'm good with that right now so. Thank you everybody by the way that has followed along with me. I really appreciate it and thanks so much for the likes So far. It looks like I'm up to 1.1 K. Now on the likes. I know there's a thing where I'm supposed to like share out stuff but I don't know how like. There is. Let's see. You know what? I have an issue too with this phone. I have the speaker, like the speaker doesn't work quite right. So I have a microphone plugged in and it's saying I'm low on battery for my phone, so I'll hang out as long as my phone keeps going. I just, it just got low battery which means it's probably at about 20%. So I have a little while left, but this probably kind of drains it kind of fast. I need a new phone so that's on the agenda. I hard to delete 100 and. You've got bots, huh? That's ohh, that's rough. Dang, yeah, I gotta, I gotta go. I haven't gone through mine in a while. I know I need to go scope out for. Fake accounts too. I learned that recently that if you have too many fake accounts, they won't let you have a shop. So definitely got to get rid of the fake followers. So I kind of I've been kind of like watching out like I got, I got. I've had a whole lot of Elon Musk's following me lately. Have you guys gotten that? I'm just like, um, no, I went and find. Finally followed the real Elon Musk. And some of them are tricky. They put the little check mark in the picture so it looks like they're legit and they're totally not. And it was really weird. One of them sent me a message that was kind of. Like, you know, saying about how I just like this and this and even though I'm influential and they're trying to act like they're actually him and I was like, get out of here. He would not even say that like. So I was this event, the thing in the desert, Elon Musk was there, but I did not get to see him while I was there. I was actually supposed to be near to where he was and things got switched around by mistake and we didn't know. And there is a lot of cool people I could have met out there, but I did not. I did meet a lot of cool people, but not like, not like Elon Musk kind of people. But maybe one day. So yeah. OK, just figured out how to find and delete them. Awesome. Yeah, I'm still figuring it out. I haven't, I haven't really got. Still, umm. Oh, why can't you reach them? 30K followers on Facebook but I can't reach them to bring them over? Why not? Are you? Are you like in Facebook jail or what? Oh yeah, you know what? I don't hardly use Facebook. Facebook anymore either I kind of stopped, I don't know, a couple years I still use it like a little bit, but not very much. It's kind of once everyone started getting all hating on each other all over the place, it was that was kind of it for me so. Live will end. We have to what? It said that it detected inactivity. How? How is it possible? Like you guys are chatting and I'm moving around and talking. That's so weird. It said it. I got a thing saying it. It thought I was inactive. So yeah, anyways, yeah, that's that's a bummer. But I don't yeah, I don't usually use that site anymore either. It's just kind of not my vibe anymore. I feel me. How are you doing? I hope you're having.

I have been doing a whole lot of work on the TV pages over the past two nights. I’ve gotten a lot done but there is still a bunch more that I want to do.

Jessica Edwards (@jessica080806)
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