Music Friends! Come Hang Out! – NGRmusic Livestream 2 (Part 1) – Free VOD

This livestream was immediately following my first livestream but thanks to the help of my friend and moderator @joe76 I found out that my chat was only open to subscribers. I do not have any subscribers on TikTok yet so nobody at all was able to join my chat room. I had broadcast an entire 45 minutes to everybody but also nobody! I’m glad for everyone that watched and sent likes anyway!

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Alright, hopefully we got it working now. Last time I was live, just a few minutes ago, I found out from my wonderful mod Joe 76 that I could not that nobody could comment. It was set to subscriber only. So I think I fixed it. I didn't realize that you if you toggle the setting that says you hello subscriber only chance that it makes it only subscriber only. So I I just learned something. So welcome back Joe Let me know if you can. Comment now because yeah, I think I fixed it it last time I went to Hi. Alright, it's working awesome. I was totally I there was a setting. Where it said that I could allow there to be subscription only chats and I did not realize that that was that meant it was actually set that way. So umm, surprise. But I'm glad that you let me know what was going on. Because I was concerned. Yeah, I was. I was trying to figure out, you know, if anyone could hear me, and no one was telling me they could hear me. So I'm like, ohh, well, maybe I'm talking to nobody. So right now. I have where. Volume thing on this even like I'm I'm. I gave away, not gave away but my my computer somebody else is using. I said yes you can use my computer not thinking ohh I need it for my music and my Bluetooth speaker. And I didn't think I could do the live on my phone and also broadcast the radio. So I'm using someone else's iPad and I haven't used an iPad in a long time and there is a keyboard attached to it and I'm like lost. I used to use my I mean I never I had an iPad but I didn't use it a ton. I was but I used my apple laptop all the time and I am have iPhone but I'm like. So I don't know where the volume is. And some of the songs are really quiet, like it's all the way up on the website and it's all the way up on the. I'm like, where's the volume thing on the computer? And there's not one on the on the keypad that I can see. So I'm kind of lost. Right. Is it down there somewhere? This is way more difficult than it should be. This is kind of silly. But uh. There's a lot on here. Ohh I'm kind of lost. Dang. Say I'm trying to make sure everything's a good volume later, I'm going to have my own laptop back. I'm not going to make the mistake to give it. Ohh yeah Well yeah, that iPad was short lived because somebody broke it and then. It was the screen was cracked and then I just kind of gave it to the kids. After that I was like whatever. I didn't really didn't use it that much. I got it because it was like a super cheap deal. When I got my iPhone, they're like, ohh, add 100 bucks, we'll give you this iPad mini and I really didn't use it. So it was alright. I thought I was going to use it and then I really did. So I I wonder how it would be to use. For this chat because like the words might be bigger. But I haven't done it yet. So, but yeah, I don't know, I don't know how to make the music any louder. I don't know if you guys how, if it's loud enough, can you even hear it? Can you hear like what song is that? Put that chicken. You see sounds. I found sounds. There we go. Why is that? No, that was not supposed to be. What happened? That was a ring tone sound that did not help. Well Dang it. Ah. This is not. This is ridiculous. Like I'm so out of practice on this. Like it's like having a brand new phone. Umm. Yeah, I'm not doing this again. I'm definitely. I'm definitely gonna go ahead and have the computer next time. Hi Rob, how are you doing? Ohh. So normally I will have good music and better lighting, and we're going to have fun just hanging out and making friends. Listening to good music. Nothing works. I realized today that I haven't. Uh. Pocket. I haven't like brought any clothes with me when I moved. All my clothes are still packed away and I have like nothing to wear. I went to go today to get on here and I was like, what am I gonna wear? So I have to work on that. So yeah, if you guys are watching and you wanna share my life, it helps to get the word out and helps us to meet more people. So I love to network with everybody. I would love to hear from you guys and if you want to tell me where you are from, I would love to. Ohh I'd love to get to know everybody here so. Yeah, it. I Yeah, I don't know. I'm. Just wanna get get to know people and I wanna go. I'll check out your videos. If if you leave a comment or you know say hey, add me comment on my stuff and I'll come check out your videos and comment back on them. I'm planning on doing live streams. You know, kind of. Fairly often so, but probably more at night time. I just want. Done today because it was a. It was more. Like I just, I was, I was, I've been tired and I finally had energy today and I'm like, let's go do it while I have the energy. So that's where I am. Tell me again. Well, thank you. You have work tomorrow, I have work tomorrow, I do work tomorrow. Umm. Do you work? You work tomorrow, Kevin. Yeah, I'll be at work bright and early. Hopefully it's busier tomorrow than it was today. Today was a slow day. Like like painfully slow it was. And not like the kind of slower it's. It was more like. No ones going anywhere, nobody's leaving. I'm I'm waitressing right now at a breakfast place. It's a different breakfast place. I like it because you're done early in the day. But. Yeah, wow, that's a long day. Yeah, I don't. I only work a few hours a day. And you can either make really great money or like no money. And I mean you make something, but not a lot. And so today was a not a lot day and it was just kind of like I had. I had a section of tables that was. Uh, let's see 5 tables but like nobody was ever at the bigger tables. So my three small table. They're busy, but busy means they sat there. Each group of two people sat there for like two hours each, so it was like dragging all that's good. Are you doing anything fun today while you're off work? Yeah, yeah. I mean, it's and that's what I kind of wanted to do. And when I started, I didn't know what I wanted yet as far as days or like I didn't realize their work days were so short there actually. So I told him I only wanted to work like three or four days a week. And they've been doing that, but now I want to be like, yeah, I'll do like five or six days a week. OK. Well, that's good. I try to try to get some things done on my days off, it just depends depends on the day off. Yeah, yeah, I gotta. I have a list of things I need to get done around here and I don't know, we'll get to them when we get to all my guess. But I have this freaking Bush that I was supposed to plant. I bought it weeks ago and it's still. Like Matt planted and it was, I got it, I saw it at the store and I bought it because it was like, oh, it's only 6 bucks and that's kind of cool. So I bought it and then I'm reading it and it says that it was supposed to be planted in the spring. And so I'm like, well, it's like mid-july now. Like does it matter if I. If I plant it now, is it gonna die because I didn't plant it at the right time of year like? I don't know but if I leave it till next year it's probably going to die. I don't know. I don't know that much about gardening. I'm still learning. Hello boss lady. And let's see, we had somebody else just joined. I think I'm I missed who it is, but hello, how are you guys doing? If you go I the chance should be working now. Before I had some goofy setting I didn't realize but if you guys wanted to let me know where you're from I would love to know. I'm living in Chicago right now. Umm. I have been for a while, but I've moved recently. I'm in a different part of the city, so more before I wasn't really in the city, actually at the last place. Like I'm in the city, New Mexico. That's cool. I I have not been there. That's one state I haven't been to yet. Um. So yeah. Umm. What? How long have you lived in New Mexico? I don't know much about New Mexico, actually, I know what it's shaped like. But I don't know, I think anything else. Yeah, it's, it's actually for Illinois. It's been a really hot summer. But you know, we've we've been in the 90s a lot and I. The place I worked at before I was out like in farmland, and it's all farmers. And they would tell, they told me like a long time ago how hot it was going to be this summer. And there they always know, but. Yeah, I went, I I've spent I when everyone here is complaining how hot it is, I'm freezing in the air conditioning inside. I hate it. And I keep going outside to like soak up the heat actually and. Everyone thinks I'm crazy, but I'm like, you know what? I went to the desert for fun and like, stayed outside in 115° weather. Like, I'm good. Like this is nothing. So. Hi, Courtney, how are you? Yeah, so. I like the hive, I really do. And in Illinois we do not get enough of it. It is cold way too much here. I'd really someday want to move farther S I've lived in Florida before and I really like that, but I'd really like to move South because it's. It's just, I don't know, the cold weather socks. It's not fun, it's not for me. So. Ohh, I'd love to know where everybody else is from. We've got I'm, I'm in Chicago. We've got New Mexico. Joe, I know you're in the UK somewhere. I don't remember where exactly, but. Shout out to UK all the way on the other side of the pond. I'd love to know where everybody else is from. You're welcome to hop in the chat and say hello. I'm just hanging out listening to some music. And we'll have to mess with the the music. How's the volume on the music? Not that I can really do much about it right now, but out of curiosity versus my the sound of my voice ohh is my you know what? I'm not even plugged into the microphone. Is my phone microphone working OK right now? It decides sometimes they work and sometimes not. I had the the earbuds microphone hooked in before but it's not at the moment. Which actually I should be charging the phone if I'm not plugged into something. OK, good. I'm going to try and see if I can plug in the charger without, hopefully it doesn't murder my microphone. OK, can you still hear me? Is it still OK or did I mess it up? OK, good. So yeah. Uh oh. Where the song go, it's over. I put on. I made like a kind of a special playlist to play while I was on here. Not that it's super special, but it was like it's all just songs rather than radio shows. So. Yeah. Have you? Let's see, hold on, you can pin a comment. Now tap a comment to pin. Moderator can do this too. I saw you pin something earlier. Umm. So yeah, I've watched some lives where you know, the mods will put like people's questions or or comments up there because usually the the rooms get going pretty fast. Umm. So yeah, that and then they always talk about removing like spam accounts or. Like people aren't supposed to write numbers. Like apparently they're supposed to just like write out the word or you can use the emoji numbers, but you can't actually use number numbers. And then you're not supposed to tag somebody without saying something because that's bad too. So those are the some of the things I've learned I've been watching a lot of. Informational stuff, So. But yeah, so for those of you that don't know me, I I promote music. All the songs that I play on my show are. Musicians that I think they're musicians that I know or that I have had them contact me to share their music. So I hope you enjoy that. Umm, no numbers. I think it has to do something with. Like people, what I heard is it has to do with the the the AI or whatever things that you're doing uninformed. Inauthentic engagement because you're just trying to like get followers and stuff like that like you're not supposed to. You're not supposed to do numbers and you're not supposed to go at and somebody's name at somebody's name like a spammer. You know, like if you're on Facebook or something and they at you to get you and like 900 other people to get you tagged to that post so they can spam you. It's kind of like that. So like if you ask somebody to talk to them. You have to like, say other stuff. You can't just be like at this person, at this. Almost fam. So that's another thing that the mods watch out for. Umm. So the things I've seen they they remove people that are like seem like they're fake accounts, like they block them because you don't want fake accounts to follow you and then people that they call it dry tagging where you put the. The AT and their name, but you don't put any like you don't talk to them. You just put their name. That's DRY tagging, so that's bad. Numbers are bad, like the actual digits. But you could write, you know, like 5F IVE, that's fine. Umm and then what else? Yeah. And then they comment or they put up people's comments and stuff. So that's. Some of the stuff I am sure there's more, but that's what I've seen so far. Hello Allison, how are you doing today? So I mean, there's a couple of lives that I've been watching and one of them is really great because it teaches you all that kind of stuff. They also talked about having like a. Whether or not like you have connection to an agency and like that they help you out learning how to do different stuff on TikTok. And then they also can help you like if you get in trouble on TikTok and get banned accidentally for something dumb. You know, I know there's also a setting. I've got people that. Are trying to join my live right now and I know there's a setting somewhere in here where you can like make them not do that not that I never want to join with anybody I will sometime but I'm not like not in that mode at the moment so like. To where I can invite people to join the live, but I don't know if I can find that while I am. I there's there's settings I need to find still so. Umm. And then yeah. I'm supposed to try and get people to give me hearts and send me roses and stuff like that. I figure that will happen eventually and more people will stop in. I've watched a bunch of things where it's the more people. Like, well, the more people that like the video, like, the more people it gets pushed out and exposed to. And the same with the the more comments there are, the more gifts that are being sent. All that stuff gets more like brings more people. To the chat room and a lot of the videos I've watched, everyone wants to make friends, so they're all trying to. Be like the top viewers of the chat room. So they go up where? Like up by at the top right where your little picture is and there's the number one like the top viewers. They're currently in the room, will show up on that list and then people can friend people from that list. I've been watching a lot of videos where people do that and I think it's cool, but some of the people are really. Uh. Begging for for. Tips and stuff I feel like, and that's kind of I don't, that's not my vibe, but

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