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    • When I started to feel seasonal depression disorder, I took my Nikon and went to the local car museum, I like either old luxury cars, muscle cars, or the weird ones 🙂

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    • So much has happened since I last checked in here. I am going back to school on Monday to start on my Automotive education. I haven’t done anything like this in years, but I am so excited to get back to it after so long.

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      • Cool, I know you going to love your automotive class, I wish I would of learned more from my Grandad Reese R.I.P. when I was a kid, he worked at Ford many years, and he always worked on cars and was ble to get new cars or discounts etc, he always wanted me to learn, I would be so much in my music or riding my bmx team murray X20R bike racing my…Read More

        • That is awesome that he worked at the factories. My great-grandpa worked on the Studebaker assembly line in South Bend, IN. My grandpa worked at AM general and worked on cars since he was a kid. I grew up watching him do brake jobs and whatnot. He taught me most of what I know.

      • Also good photo for Lita’s Dungeon on NGR TV Lita Von Doom Network.

    • Well, starting to feel like myself again after getting jammed up for the holidays. I had to perform in Texas, rush back to see my family, and get ready for school. I am switching gears and taking an automotive fundamentals class at school.

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    • I did a thing tonight…Some friends were playing a show 20 minutes away so I went to show some love

    • Just sitting here trying to decide what content to do next…

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    About Me

    Sir Twiggums Drowensiel MCfuckerton The Third

    i am the shit!

    Born of Jamaican hell fire and taco bell, the devil took the nastiest shit he had ever taken, and it was painful! Screaming in sheer agony, the burning the stretching, the cramping, it replaced the pain felt during the fall from heaven. After 45 minutes of fecsl labor the dark lord spread his legs, pressed his hand against the walls and breathed deeply. After a few seconds of relaxing his rectum, ever muscle in his bucket tightened , and he screamed as loud as he could "who does number 2 work for?!" And put everything he had into this last push and finally relieve himself of the demon that resides in his bladder. "Who does number 2 work for!" He cried over and over again, he could feel the log crawling it's way out of his anus "Who does number 2 work for?!" As the last bit inched it's way he let out a vicious roar and just like that he heard the house that he was waiting an hour to hear "kerplunk" his entire body relaxed. Free of pain, free of torture, finally it was over. Leaning back in the tank with his arms dangling next to him. He sat with his eye softly close breathing deeply. He knew that one he'd start moving his butthole would start hurting; the throbbing was bad enough as it is. After a minute of letting the throbbing subside he planted his feet and leaned forward. After wrapping toilet paper around his hand he went to wipe his ass, then felt something grab him. In shock he stood up and turned around. He could feel the circulation of his hand being cut off. He watched with paralyzing fear as the demon rose out if the toilet towering above him. With a menacing voice the demon said "number 2 works for no one" then with the other hand grabbed Satan by the neck staring into his eyes with a furious hate and burned the dark lord to ash


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    Lita Von Doom