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Jessica EdwardsOffline

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    • Profile picture of Jessica Edwards

      Jessica Edwards posted in the group New Groovin Rhythms

      1 month, 3 weeks ago

      Woah it is crazy how groups work! I didn’t realize it was like this… very interesting!!! I thought it was cool to see how the post I made in this group also posted to my personal profile page in the activity stream. I then went to my page and posted some things and then came back to the group and to my surprise those things had posted here as well! I’m sure there’s probably settings that you can put to decide who sees which posts… I will have to check that out more. I’m looking forward to seeing how this whole new group thing works out!

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    Jessica Edwards

    Owner NGRmusic and Naked Girls Radio

    Hello. I am learning about the new NGR profile pages right now. I still have some things to figure out but it seems like there are some pretty cool features so far. I am pretty excited to show off my profile page online but I am trying to be patient and not rush it.. I need to finish learning the features and putting together my profile page really nice! I am also looking forward to seeing what everybody else does with theirs.


    Steam Punk Weekend at Renaissance Faire

    My most recent appearance on Psycho Babble TV at the 2021 Bristol, Wisconsin Renaissance Faire for Steam Punk weekend. I met all kinds of fascinating people. Check it out!


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    September 13, 2022
    Professional ! Welcoming ! Helpful ! Thankful to have been invited and accepted. Literally need help, ask her. Promotion, content, communication prompt and professional.
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    July 10, 2022
    She awesome and beautiful
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    June 16, 2022
    Jessica is a very good friend and I'm privileged to be considered a friend of hers
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