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    • Profile picture of MASTALOCK

      MASTALOCK posted in the group New Groovin Rhythms

      1 month, 1 week ago

      @litavondoom I shared in this group my link of the Breakin’ movie (the original Breakin’ 1 movie) Since you can not find if anywhere and the streamin’ platforms only seem to have Breakin’ 2 Electric Boogaloo (which was not as good as the original Breakin’ 1 and watered down compared to Breakin’ 1) . I went into my old Daily Motion account and shared the links, to upload the full movie on Daily Motion, I had to break it down from scene 1 to scene 8, at the time when uploading, would not let me upload the whole movie all at once, so I had to edit and upload by scenes. The whole movie is here that I shared my link , to watch whole movie , you have to watch link from scene 1 to scene 8, I hope you enjoy the movie Breakin’.

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