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Mastalock is great! Add him to your friends list and check out his website! http://groovelineentertainment.com/Friends
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I love watching the video, I cant wait or you to put out your vidz & shows on NGR's other site The GrooveLine Social aka NGR GooveLine Entertainment
Was fun times back on the old NGR site days, felt like about every day was a party or there was going on or a party going on, and it always had that live feeling going.
I remember this show and others with You, Sandra, Toni and Bob he 2017 shows back in he old NGR site days. Did Bob pass away ?, I thought here was a broadcast mentioning ha some years back. What ever happened with Toni Fierce ? I have not...
I love Kyle Young's It's Christmas Time Again, that definitely should be on our NGR Christmas Radio every Christmas. I enjoyed the playlist, I have not heard Frank Joshua in awhile, it was good to hear his song as well. Sleeping with he enemy had a nice melody...
You and Jess would definitely make good co-host for my OF's NGR GrooveLine Music Bed Time Video TV or NGR GrooveLine Slumber Party Music Video TV (Will be formerly NGR GrooveLine Pajama Pary Music Video TV). Trying to decide on which new name I willl choose between Bed Time...